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Metonomaste to spastiko "local disk/topikos diskos&quot


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Anoikste thn registry phgainte sto hkey_local machine\software\microsoft\windows\current version\explorer ftiakste ena neo kleidi pou the legetai "DriveIcons" kai meta se ayto to kleidi mesa ftiakste kai allo ena kleidi pou tha legetai "x" opou x einai to drive (p.x. c) kai mesa se ayto to "x" allo ena kleidi pou tha legetai "DefaultLabel" ekei mesa twra kanete edit to "default" entry pou blepete sta deksia sas kai bazete ekei to onoma pou thelete na exei (px Plextor Cd Rw) kanete ena reboot kai to blepete ston explorer


<small>[ 27-06-2002, 17:45: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: Xpanded ]</small>


thats cool

alla ta xp ta baftizoun apo mona tous sa cd-rom cd-rw dvd-rom ktl

to mono pou den bazoun onoma einai to zip drive (kati pou tha allaxei syntoma)


se ola omos ektos apo to floppy den exeis para na allaxeis to onoma tou diskou

kai sta cd tha fenete mono otan den exeis disko mesa


Mandos exeis mperdepsai mallon to label me ayto pou sou lew egw,to label einai kati pou an to baleis tha fenetai kai se dos kai se allo os enw ayto pou lew egw einai h eswterikh onomasia ton xp kai tha fenetai mono sta xp kai pouthena allou mporei re paidi mou esy na mhn thes na blepeis to spastiko cdrw drive kai na thes na baleis as poume Teac Cd Rw ayto mono mesa apo thn registry mporeis na to kaneis opos sou lew


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