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AMD to drop ATi brand


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AMD to drop ATi brand




Chip guru AMD has announced that it's going to drop the ATi brand name following its takeover of the Canadian graphics underdog. Gareth Cater from AMD told Custom PC that 'the new company will be called AMD,' meaning that we could shortly be seeing AMD-branded Radeon graphics chips. We asked Richard Baker from AMD if this meant that the memorable Radeon name would also be biting the dust, but he replied that 'we haven't made any final decisions yet, but I'd personally be very surprised if we dropped any of those product names. The ATi company name is definitely going, though.'


Baker stressed that, contrary to what's been reported in the press elsewhere, the acquisition will be a takeover rather than a merger, which means that AMD is going to be wearing the trousers in its relationship. Baker said that 'the company is being bought, so it's fairly standard that the name should go, as it's becoming a part of AMD.'


Chris Hook from ATi shrugged off the move, saying that 'I don't have a personal emotional attachment to it [the brand], one way or another. I think the important thing is that we're going to make good products. ATi may be gone, but certainly lots of discussion is going to come over the next few days about the rest of our brands and their strengths.' Could the next Radeon chip be AMD branded? Watch this space.




Source@Custom PC


Ναι οτιδηποτε ειχε την μαρκα της Αti στο ονομα του θα μετονομαστει σε AMD, πχ ΑMD Radeon...


Προφανως η ΑΜD κανει αυτη την κινηση για να εχει μια συνοχη στα γκαμα των προιοντων της κατω απο το ονομα της...


krima dn 8a mporoume na 3exwrizoume ta CPU apo tis GPU!! :lol:


File vago789 to ndiaferon itan oti agorastike i ati apo tin amd!!.....emena ayti i agora polu me provlimatizei gt mirizomai diafores tsatsies-disfimiseis-asimvatotites me amd-nVidia!! Allwste kt pou akougete sixna einai oti "An 8es pc gia gaming pare amd!"... Kai twra pou tin amd tin simferei na poulaei i ati ti 8a gineiiii?? :|

H sinexeia epi ths o8onhs sas!!! :)


Φιλε anthony_crete να εισαι σιγουρος οτι η AMD δε θελει να χαλασει τις σχεσεις της με την Nvidia, τουλαχτιστον οχι ακομα... Μην ξεχναμε πως το NForce παραμενει η καλυτερη πλατφορμα για τους επεξεργαστες της AMD.


Επισης δεν την συμφερει να ταυτιστει η Nvidia με τους Intel επεξεργαστες μονο, επειδη θα χασει η πλατφορα της σημαντικο μεριδιο απο τους πιστους της Νvidia.


Προσωπικα το θεωρω πολυ ενδιαφερον να παρακολουθησουμε την εξελιξη αυτης της εξαγορας. Πιστευω πως κερδισμενοι θα βγουμε εμεις οι καταναλωτες, με περισσοτερη δυναμη σε καλυτερη τιμη ;-)


Εγώ πιστεύω ότι αυτό που θέλει να επιδιώξει η AMD με όλη την τεχνογνωσία της ATI διαθέσιμη, είναι η ενσωμάτωση του GPU στο CPU (Σε βάθος χρόνου βέβαια). Θα δείτε επεξεργαστές στα επόμενα χρόνια που θα boostάρουν τα games όσο δεν πάει.

Μάλιστα δε νομίζω ότι αργεί και το Intel - nVidia.


Με μία πρώτη, γρήγορη ματιά, καλή φαντάζει η συγκεκριμένη κίνηση, αλλά δείχνει πόσο "χαλεποί" είναι οι καιροί ακόμα και για τους κολοσσούς, πόσο μάλλον για τις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρίσεις... Το μέλλον θα δείξει, ας μην βιαζόμαστε...


Θα μας τρελανουν μαλλον εκει στην AMD! Σημερα, απο οτι φαινεται, διαψευδονται οσα ειπωθηκαν εχθες και ειναι πολυ πιθανο να μην αλλαξει η επωνυμια της ΑΤΙ στα προιοντα της, ικανοποποιωντας πολλους υποστηρικτες της:



AMD stays hand over ATi brand axe


Custom PC discovered yesterday that a number of AMD and ATi staff had understood the ATi brand was to be dropped. However, AMD has backtracked on that position, saying no such decision has been made and that it maintains a strong commitment to the ATi brand.


AMD's olive branch to ATi fan boys came straight from the company's Sunnyvale headquarters. Spokesperson Eric DeRitis told Custom PC: 'AMD has no plans to drop the ATi brand name or ATi's product brands. The ATi name will live on at AMD as our leading consumer brand, and so will the Radeon brand and other ATi product brands. AMD's executive management knows very well the power and value of branding, and ATi's branding is some of the most valued in the global technology industry. As such, we plan to keep it. Period.'



Gareth Cater of AMD told us today that although 'the new company will be called AMD ... the future branding of individual products and platforms will be determined at a later point in time.'



What's clear from all this is that ATi will have no part in the overall name of the company after the takeover, but it's possible that AMD will continue to use the ATi brand, as well as the Radeon brand, for specific product lines. What's also clear is that mixed messages are not only being given to the press, but also to the employees of both ATi and AMD.





Source@Custom PC


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