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Starcraft 2

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


Ηδονηηηηηηηηηηηη!!!!!!!! Μου ηρθε το beta key!!!!!!!! Και η λαλακια ειναι οτι μου ηρθε χθες και τωρα το πηρα χαμπαρι....


Και ιδου το διλλημα.....Το βραδυ να παω icc 10αρι, η να στειλω την γυναικα και τα παιδια στα πεθερικα μου και να λιωσω scii????????


Να σημειωθεί ότι προς το παρόν (ακόμα δε μου έχει έρθει κλειδί), σε μισώ.


Από εκεί και πέρα δηλώνω πρόθυμος να απασχολήσω τα παιδιά σου προκειμένου να παίξεις με την ησυχία σου :) !

  • Super Moderators

yeap, έχω σταματήσει το WoW πόσα χρόνια τώρα και το τελευταίο εξάμηνο έχω πήξει στο spam για το account μου :o


StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™ Beta Test Invitation


Congratulations, this is your invitation to the beta test for Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft® II: Wings of Liberty™! You are receiving this email because you attended a special Blizzard Entertainment event, participated in a related contest or promotion, or have otherwise been selected to join the beta-testing process. This email contains your beta key along with instructions on how to get started.


As a beta test participant, you’ll have the opportunity to experience the multiplayer gameplay of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and explore the social-networking, matchmaking, and other new features of Blizzard Entertainment’s revamped Battle.net® online-gaming service. Throughout the StarCraft II beta test, you’ll be able to take part in cooperative and competitive battles as the terrans, protoss, and zerg -- and at the same time, you’ll be helping test the stability of the Battle.net service and fine-tune the game balance prior to launch. The developers look forward to hearing your feedback and seeing you on Battle.net!


Getting Started:


In order to participate in the beta test, you must have an active Battle.net account. If you don’t have a Battle.net account, visit eu.battle.net to create one:


Note that you are required to accept the Battle.net Terms of Use before you can create a Battle.net account and install the StarCraft II beta client.


Below is a beta key that will allow you to upgrade your Battle.net account to participate in the StarCraft II beta test...




Και τα λοιπα.....




αφου δεν μπορουμε να παιξουμε...ενας τροπος να βλεπουμε replays για οσους εχουμε κατεβασει τον client


How to Access the Full Game Menu


Using an MPQ archiver (ShadowFlare's Realm - News), (MPQ) you can access the full game menu by following the steps below:


1. Browse to the directory “C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II Beta”

2. Create a folder called “SWF” and another inside of it called “Authentication”.

3. Open “StarCraft II Beta\Battle.net\Battle.net.MPQ” with the MPQ archiver.

4. Extract “Battle.net\SWF\MainUI.gfx” to the same folder that the MPQ is in.

5. Close the MPQ archiver and rename “MainUI.gfx” to “authentication.gfx”.

6. Put “authentication.gfx” inside the SWF\Authentication folder and run “Starcraft II.exe”.

7. Note: The resulting file should be in “StarCraft II Beta\Battle.net\SWF\Authentication\authentication.gfx”.


DE PREFERAT! (asa am facut eu si mi-a mers)

Or just download the modified Battle.net directory here: Battle.net.rar



Where to put replay files

Download replay files: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/733696/Recent.zip


You can put your *.SC2Replay files in “Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Replays\Multiplayer”.



Importing SC2 Cache Files


Download files here > CacheComplete.rar


On Windows 7/Vista place them into the directory: C:\Users\Your_Username\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net\Cache


On Windows XP place them into C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Blizzard Entertainment\Battle.net\Cache


You can now play the replay files from the main menu

Ηδονηηηηηηηηηηηη!!!!!!!! Μου ηρθε το beta key!!!!!!!! Και η λαλακια ειναι οτι μου ηρθε χθες και τωρα το πηρα χαμπαρι....


Και ιδου το διλλημα.....Το βραδυ να παω icc 10αρι, η να στειλω την γυναικα και τα παιδια στα πεθερικα μου και να λιωσω scii????????



Από εκεί και πέρα δηλώνω πρόθυμος να απασχολήσω τα παιδιά σου προκειμένου να παίξεις με την ησυχία σου :) !


Εγώ πάλι είμαι πρόθυμος να παίξω για σένα την beta όσο απασχολήσε με τα παιδιά σου :P

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