strouga2000 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 eno xrisimopio edo kai arketo kero to autoGK kai pezi poli kala twra mou bgazi auto to minima mipos mpori na me bii8isi kapios (the function setmode was called on a stream(?)that hasn't been previouslk intialzed with setsoure.)to exo apegatastisi poles fores alla mou xanakani ta idia.
zavlakas Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Ποτε στο βγαζει αυτο? Ποια εκδοση του AutoGK εχεις?
strouga2000 Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 31 Ιουλίου 2006 kai stin teleftea kai se palioteri mou to kani stin 3th fasi epexergasias
zavlakas Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Στο output folder που εχεις επιλεξει, δημιουργειται ενα αρχειο με το ονομα movie_agk.log... Aνοιξε με το notepad και κανε copy-paste τα περιεχομενα, εδω...
strouga2000 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] AutoGK 2.27 [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] OS: WinXP (5.1.2600).2 [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Job started. [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Input file: D:\palios diskos\OLD\pro dvd record\greeck\MAD T.V - December 20 08 22 45.mpg [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Output file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\MAD T.V - December 20 08 22 45.avi [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Output codec: DivX [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Audio 1: Audio Stream 0 MPEG [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Subtitles: none [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Format: .AVI [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Target quality: 49% [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Custom audio settings: CBR MP3 with bitrate: 176Kbps [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Started encoding. [1/8/2006 10:31:03 μμ] Demuxing and indexing. [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Processing file: D:\palios diskos\OLD\pro dvd record\greeck\MAD T.V - December 20 08 22 45.mpg [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Source resolution: 544x576 [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Found PAL source. [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Source aspect ratio: 4:3 [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Color correction enabled. [1/8/2006 10:31:05 μμ] Analyzing source. [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Source has percentage of interlacing in motion areas: 37,49 [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Source is considered to be interlaced. [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Output will contain 4056 frames [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Encoding audio. [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Running single pass encoding. [1/8/2006 10:31:31 μμ] Writing the following script to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\agk_tmp\MAD T.V - December 20 08 22 45_movie.avs =========================================================== LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\AutoGK\DGMPGDec\DGDecode.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\AutoGK\filters\autocrop.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\AutoGK\filters\ColorMatrix.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\AutoGK\filters\RemoveGrainSSE3.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\PROGRA~1\AutoGK\filters\kerneldeint.dll") movie = mpeg2source("C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\agk_tmp\MAD T.V - December 20 08 22 45.d2v") cropclip = autocrop(movie,mode=0,wmultof=4,hmultof=4,samples=10,aspect=0,threshold=34,samplestartframe=0,leftadd=0,rightadd=0,topadd=0,bottomadd=0) fixed_aspect = 1.41176470588235 c_width = width(cropclip) c_height = round(height(cropclip) / fixed_aspect) input_par = float(c_width)/float(c_height) input_par = (input_par > 1.4) || (input_par < 1.25) ? input_par : (4.0/3.0) out_width = 544 out_height = round(float(out_width) / input_par) hmod = out_height - (floor(out_height / 16 ) * 16) out_height = (hmod > 4) ? (out_height + (16 - hmod)) : (out_height - hmod) new_aspect = (float(out_width) / float(out_height)) / fixed_aspect KernelDeInt(movie,order=1,sharp=true) autocrop(mode=0,wmultof=4,hmultof=4,samples=10,aspect=new_aspect,threshold=34,samplestartframe=0,leftadd=0,rightadd=0,topadd=0,bottomadd=0) LanczosResize(out_width,out_height) RemoveGrain(mode=2) ColorMatrix("Rec.709->Rec.601",opt=0,hints=false) =========================================================== [1/8/2006 10:31:39 μμ] Duration was: 7 seconds [1/8/2006 10:31:39 μμ] Speed was: 521,27 fps. [1/8/2006 10:31:39 μμ] Job finished. Total time: 36 seconds
zavlakas Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 1 Αυγούστου 2006 Διαβασε αυτο... Με λιγα λογια, το προβλημα οφειλεται στο "περιεργο" bitrate που χρησιμοποιεις για τον ηχο... Δοκιμασε με 160 ή 192...
strouga2000 Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 2 Αυγούστου 2006 osa euxaristo kai na sou po einai liga,ektos to oti exo egatastisi to autoGK toulaxiston 20 fores to exo kani kai stous codec kai sto Media Player, euxaristo poli
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