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Magikos IE6 !!!


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Anarwtiemai posa akoma tha doun ta matia mou me thn microsoft. Meta apo mia dekaetia enasxolhshs me ta pc kai mia 3etia epaggelamtikhs enasxolhshs thewrw oti mporw na kanw arketa kala thn egatastash enos leitourgikou. Exw valei loipon ta XP sto pc mou, kai ola kala ektos apo ena pragma. Merika site opws px to in.gr, otan ta anoigw katebainoun kanonikotata mexri telous, kai amesws molis gemisei h bara fortvshs sthn status bar tou explorer to parathyro tou IE eksafanizetai ws dia mageias!!! Kleinei teleiws! Auto ginetai se orismena bebaia site, kai gia na eimai eilikrinhs den exw asxolithei arketa opote isws eimai adikos me thn microsoft. Java plugin yparxei sto pc (basika yparxei oloklhrh h java) an mporei bebaia na pei kaneis oti exei sxesi kati tetoio. An loipon yparxei kapoios magos anamesa mas, as mou eksigisei auto to magiko...

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Kata 99% einai problhma me to java plugin. Elpizw na mhn eheis java 1.4 giati den ta paei kala me ta winXP kai ton IE6! Dokimase mia palioterh ekdosh h sthn heiroterh periptwsh katevase apo to site ths microsoft!

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />


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