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Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP)


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Ti 8a ginei pali psp vs ds 8a to kanoume kai ayto to topic?

Mhn me anagkasete na to kleidwsw


oxi! mi to kaneis lock!

ayto prospathoun kapioi resi Mod..

svise se parakalo ta epithetika post..

eine krima na klissei to post.

  • Απαντ. 34
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  • Τελ. απάντηση

kala re paidia.. mpika ego mesa se DS topic na po otidipote????

sto mono pou mpika itan to (PSP i DS voithiste re paidia..)


eseis oi DSades ti douleia exete na tin mpenete pantou?


privateer analave ergo se parakalo..


Gia na epanel8oume sto topic





The Good: Some of the best graphics to hit the PSP so far; well-implemented ghost exchange systems; lots of modes; plenty of great characters; delivers the same great tekken gameplay you've come to expect from the series.

The Bad: It can be tricky to hit the D pad's diagonals just right.


Gametrailers review:




Tekken Dark Resurrection Video Preview : download



File Description

If all the screenshots and info we've posted here are still not enough to convince you into grabbing this really awesome game, then maybe this newest video would at the very least appeal to you.


Namco Bandai's Tekken Dark Resurrection is considered one of the best portable handheld fighter. With more than 30 characters to choose from, new stages to test your fighting skills in, and climate and time effects included in the game, you're bound to enjoy this. And did I mention it has ad-Hoc wireless play for multiplayer action? Another game to spend your cash on.


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