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ScienceMark2 Benchmark - Κόντρες...


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Η απάντηση για την ψύξη βρίσκεται εδώ:


"Pentium Extreme Edition 965 is the first CPU out there based on the new C1 Presler core stepping"




'Αρα η Intel έχει πολύ αέρα μπροστά της και μας τα δίνει με το σταγονόμετρο...

...σαν τον φίλο GeorgeChios... :-)

  • Απαντ. 121
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

και όποιος διαβάσει μέχρι τέλους:


However, I donʼt think you discovered anything new and surprising about the new Pentium Extreme Edition 965 we have just reviewed, which is positioned at the top of the price list. The Presler core used in this processor simply got overclocked by another 266MHz, so that the new Pentium Extreme Edition 965 CPU features 3.73GHz nominal clock speed. This frequency alongside with the enabled Hyper-Threading Technology support helped the Intelʼs dual-core newcomer to improve its performance in many tests. At least now Pentium Extreme Edition 965 wins in a much greater number of benchmarks. However, all these are the tasks dealing with image and video processing as well as final rendering, and are nothing like games. So, even though Pentium Extreme Edition 965 is positioned as an extreme gaming solution, it is very unlikely to win a lot of market here. Especially, since its performance-per-watt ratio is considerably worse than what the AMD Athlon 64 FX-60 has to offer. And this parameter has been turned into a primary CPU quality indicator lately.


So, Pentium Extreme Edition 965 will hardly affect the situation in the todayʼs processor market. Everyone is already waiting impatiently on the new Intel CPUs aka Conroe that are due to the market in late summer. As a result, the launch of Pentium Extreme Edition 965 will hardly create any significant stir in the gaming enthusiast community. [http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/pentium-ee-965_12.html]


Τελικά και αυτή η "κόντρα" έχει πολύ δρόμο μπροστά της...


...ποιός είναι ο άλλος χιώτης;


...εγώ πάντως είμαι ΠΟΝΤΙΟΣ :-)


Είναι ΦΩΣ ΦΑΝΑΡΙ ότι ο επεγεργαστής αυτός στα δύο πρώτα τέστ "κλέβει". Και λέω "κλέβει" διότι οι άλλες επιδόσεις του είναι κανονικές. Αυτό με οδήγησε -λανθασμένα- στην θέση RISC. Πάντως ενώ τα δύο πρώτα τεστ "την πάτησαν", τα υπόλοιπα "βάστηξαν χαρακτήρα". Αρα μόνο το Overrall Score ΔΕΝ ΑΡΚΕΙ...


Αν και μπορεί να φανεί γελοίο μπροστά στο αποτέλεσμα, (ο θεός να το κάνει) του XE του GeorgeChios......ιδού το αποτέλεσμα ενός Pentium D 930 @ 3Ghz:-D



GeorgeChios sorry που αμφισβητώ τα νούμερα σου, αλλά σύμφωνα με τα παρακάτω [X-bit labs] το σκόρ σου είναι x10...



"Another scientific test, Primordia, that calculates the quantum atom structures also reveals the advantages of the 64-bit architectures over 32-bit ones. However in this case, the performance advantage is not as high as in the previous case. The maximum performance boost belongs to Pentium Extreme Edition 965 processor working 57% faster in 64-bit mode. Athlon 64 FX-62 and Core 2 Extreme X6800 receive almost identical performance boost from switching to 64-bit mode: 14%."




"ScienceMark 2.0 makes the best out of AMD K8 microarchitecture advantages thanks to the active FPU usage. We have already pointed this out in our previous reviews. As a result, AMD processors look quite competitive in this test and are falling just a little bit behind Core 2 Duo models from the same price range. As for the performance of NetBurst based processors, they are beyond all criticism in ScienceMark 2.0, which you can clearly see from the diagram."



"The competitor solutions based on K8 architecture are definitely faster than the rivals in scientific computational tasks. According to ScienceMark 2.0, the performance of Athlon 64 FX-60 leaves Intelʼs competitors far behind."


Μου αρέσει που στην αρχή τον πιστέψατε :D


P.S. Η 64bit version του ScienceMark 2 ( http://www.sciencemark.org ) είναι για τα Win XP/2003 x64.


P.S. Θα αργήσουμε να δούμε από Single/Dual Core CPUs ScienceMark 2 Overall Score στα επίπεδα του...κυρίου από την Χίο :D


Αν δεν ξέχασα κάποιον ο πήχυς είναι στο 1499.55 (φωτό) από το




και με το μηχάνημα




και συνεχίζουμε...


(Ψάχνω για Apple G5 με ςiν για να το τρέξω...

Είναι όμως δυνατόν να έχεις τέτοιο μηχάνημα και να τρέχεις ςiν? )


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