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Εχασα το "φακελακι" στο outlook.


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Πάτησα "Hide envelope" ο ΓΡΟΘΟΣ!!!!!!! .... Και τωρα δεν ξερω να επαναφερω το φακελακι που βγαζει το outlook οταν ερχεται καινουριο mail. Υπαρχει κανεις να ξερει πως να το επαναφερω?


Tools->Options - Καρτέλα Preferences - κλικ στο κουμπί E-mail options - κλικ στο κουμπί Advanced E-mail options - τικ στην επιλογή Show an envelope icon in the notification area


Molis to brhka .... Thank you ... POU TO XANE KRYPSEI reeeee


Notify me when new messages arrive

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On the Tools menu, click Options.

Click E-mail Options, and then click Advanced E-mail Options.

Do one or more of the following:

Display a desktop alert when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Display a New Mail Desktop Alert (default Inbox only) check box.


To specify the duration or transparency of the alert, click Desktop Alert Settings, and then select the options you want.




To see a sample alert with the options you have selected, click Preview.

Play a sound when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Play a sound check box.


Change the mouse cursor when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Briefly change the mouse cursor check box.


Note Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 will not play a sound, change the mouse cursor, or display a New Mail Desktop Alert when you are running a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 slide show on this computer.

Notify me when new messages arrive

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Hide All

On the Tools menu, click Options.

Click E-mail Options, and then click Advanced E-mail Options.

Do one or more of the following:

Display a desktop alert when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Display a New Mail Desktop Alert (default Inbox only) check box.


To specify the duration or transparency of the alert, click Desktop Alert Settings, and then select the options you want.




To see a sample alert with the options you have selected, click Preview.

Play a sound when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Play a sound check box.


Change the mouse cursor when messages arrive


Under When new items arrive in my Inbox, select the Briefly change the mouse cursor check box.


Note Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 will not play a sound, change the mouse cursor, or display a New Mail Desktop Alert when you are running a Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 slide show on this computer.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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