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panther πάνω που προσπαθώ να convince τον εαυτό μου να μη πάρω το DS' date=' πετάς κάτι screenshots και με βάζεις σε σκέψεις ξανά! :P


Να πω την αλήθεια περιμένω να το δω live το άλλο Σάββατο κάτι που θα κρίνει και την απόφαση μου τελικά! :)[/quote']



Ναί, καλύτερα να παίξεις σε κάποιο DS φίλου σου, ώστε να αποφασίσεις καλύτερα.


Ελπίζω μόνο να παίξεις στο DS Lite, διότι είναι πολύ καλύτερο εμφανισιακά αλλά καί στις οθόνες από το απλό DS.


panther stamata ta scsphra hxosysthma gia to car kai den bgainw gia ds kai den 8elw alles doseis :P


Μεγειά το ηχοσύστημα!


Αλλά εντάξει, λίγο οικονομία να κάνεις, το αγοράζεις το DS. 3-4 Σάββατα να μην βγείς έξω που λέει ο λόγος, τα μάζεψες τα λεφτά.


Αλλά καλοκαίρι τώρα, ποιός κάθεται μέσα???


Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 Review


Closing Comments

Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 is by far the best handheld DBZ game, period. The battle is fast and fierce, the visuals are stunning, and the amount of replay value crammed into the cart will keep any fan going for quite a long time. The addition of multiplayer was needed, though a single cart mode would have been nice, and the inclusion of a 30 person cast, combined with multiple story modes for all the main characters was ambitious and unexpected. Rather than offering a bare bones fighter reminiscent of the fairly strong GBA version, Atari went all out, offering fans an entirely new package that delivers Dragon Ball Z at its finest. While the game still has a few flaws in gameplay and story mode structure, its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses, putting Supersonic Warriors 2 high on the list for entertaining licensed games on the system.


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Old-school twitch action hits the DS in one of the most visually stunning productions on the system.


-There's no denying that Nanostray is easily one of the most visually impressive titles on the Nintendo DS system.


-it's absolutely stunning to see the game generate all the incredibly well-rendered 3D visuals in realtime, at 60 frames per second, flowing across the screen with breathtaking fluidity.


-The game within the sweet candy shell is solid, fun, and challenging, offering an energetic rush of action using nothing but the basics of old-school game design


-Nanostray is admittedly an extremely short game that can be completed in only a couple of hours thanks to unlimited continues, but its quick-appearing (and somewhat unsatisfying) end sequence is a bit misleading. This shooter actually has a lot of replay value after the fact; not only are there varying levels of difficulty to try, there are a whole slew of special challenges to complete


-What this game does, however is give the Nintendo DS library a real kick in the pants with an energetic production, fast-paced action, and some extremely challenging elements that will keep you going for some time. The little design issues keep the game out of a "classic" status, but honestly, it's hard not to have a blast with this original Nintendo DS title.


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Confirmed: DS Lite Is Crackin' Up!


A short while ago, we ran a story on cracks appearing in the DS Lite's hinge. Well now we've had several community forum members step forward to the plate and admit that their DS Lite has been cracking up, check out this thread. There are MULTIPLE REPORTS of this happening and many pictures and acknowledgements here.


Here is just one example of many shown by members of the forums...



Damn, guess what. I just checked. And I got the crack too!!!! And this is a Nintendo Replacement unit cause my previous one had a screen problem. Wow, this sucks. Well, hopefully it doesnt get worse, thats a huge hinge. Oh well, thank god they only cost 130 and not 250 like the PSP!

News Source: MaxConsole Forums


Video: Nintendo DS Booting MacOS



Thelazy1 has uplaoded a video to the web of the DS booting up MacOS system 6 using a port of the Mini vMac emulator.


This video shows the
booting MacOS System 6 using a port of the Mini vMac emulator.


It is running a little slower than normal because it's being run in a DS emulator but currently it runs between 13-25fps on hardware and theres loads of room for improvement.

Confirmed: DS Lite Is Crackin' Up!


A short while ago' date=' we ran a story on cracks appearing in the DS Lite's hinge. Well now we've had several community forum members step forward to the plate and admit that their DS Lite has been cracking up, check out this thread. There are MULTIPLE REPORTS of this happening and many pictures and acknowledgements here.


Here is just one example of many shown by members of the forums...





News Source: MaxConsole Forums



Xmmmm, το πιό πιθανό είναι να υπάρχει κάποια αστοχία υλικού, αλλά κρατάω τις επιφυλάξεις μου, μιάς και όσοι στο maxconsole πόσταραν ότι το Lite τους έσπασε ήταν νέοι users με οχι παραπάνω από 1 πόστ.


Όσοι είχαν περισσότερα από 100-200 πόστ είπαν ότι το Lite τους δεν είχε κανένα πρόβλημα.


Μήν ξεχνάμε ότι το Lite κυκλοφορεί πάνω από 5 μήνες. Αν αυτό το πρόβλημα ήταν μαζικό, σίγουρα θα το γνωρίζαμε.


Όσο και αν googlarisa το ζήτημα, πέρα από το maxconsole, δεν βρήκα πουθενά αλλού αναφορές για παρόμοιο πρόβλημα.


Οπότε θα θεωρήσω την είδηση αυτή "φτιαχτή" από επιτήδιους, μέχρι αποδείξεως του εναντίου.


Το δικό μου το Lite πάντως, το έχω ένα μήνα σχεδόν, το έχω ανοιγοκλείσει άπειρες φορές, ούτε σπάσιμο έχει, ούτε dead pixel, ούτε τίποτα.


Αν συμβεί το οτιδήποτε θα είστε οι πρώτοι που θα το μάθετε.


Panzer Tactics DS (PREVIEW)

Nintendo's double-screen portable is finally ready for its own WWII game.


-For its first DS effort called Panzer Tactics DS, CDV and developer Sproing are dedicating themselves to bringing realistic war simulation to the handheld, and are cutting no corner in the process -- not only does Panzer Tactics refuse to "kidify" its historically accurate designs and encounters (with only a little bit of compromise in simplifying unit structures for a console gamer since there's not a full-sized PC to play on), but the game also delivers a robust feature set that includes full online multiplayer support in addition to its comprehensive single player campaign.


-The double-screen set-up handily keeps you out of having to manage pulldowns or second screens to see all of the details about your unit and terrain. Simply click anywhere on the hex field, and the top screen unfurls an entire page packed with data. On a unit alone, you can see its fuel & ammo levels, its strength, its skill points, what type of terrain it's settled in (whether it's entrenched and fortified or ready to move) and whether that is advantageous to the unit's skills, and little bits of detail about the historically accurate unit type and a large image of the unit itself. Tapping an empty space on the grid shows the type of terrain that it is and gives hints as to what units might be good in that type of block.


-Control of the game is also rather simple. Using the DS (you can also switch to the D-Pad if you feel the need), you simply drag a path for the units. This is a turn-based game rather than a realtime strategy game, so you don't need to be exact with your paths, but there is a correction system that bumps your lines into a more simple path


-Encounters take place on a simply animated battlefield map (much like Advance Wars), with moving units shown on screen as well as a larger image of the unit type that each side of the battle is bringing to fight.


-Panzer Tactics DS sticks to history closely, with leeway taken in simplifying the game just a bit. There are three factions in the game (Germans, Russians, and US/UK Allies), and each has its own story campaign to play through across 12 missions per faction.


-A whopping 150 units (air, sea and land) are available across all the factions, and each is unique to the faction involved. Each will have its own graphic, sound effect, and skills. To simplify the process of picking units, the game uses a historical timeline to introduce new units types and replace old ones -- as the Tiger Tank is "invented", all of your older types of tanks (provided they match the level for a Tiger) will be replaced with the superior tank.


-Gameplay in Panzer Tactics DS will certainly seem familiar to turn-based strategy fans, but CDV is adding some unique features to this game while also relying on tried-and-true features. Your faction will keep a "core unit" that you carry from mission to mission as the base of your army. These units will be powered up as you play, and can be traded in or reinforced as you go. There is also a General system where you can assign a chief officer to a unit to give it special powers or strengths. Balancing unit building and general hiring is a crucial part of the game's challenge in the deeper stages


-A 3-day weather forecast shows you what you can expect for your next battle (although you can't always count on meteorologists), and since weather affects battle strategy, you will want to plan ahead as you pick out your units. Also unique here is a "Commando" unit, a special army type that is invisible to all opponents and factions until it's used. The Commando will be able to devastate most units with its attacks, but after that, it is a spent unit that can only evade, and players will have to determine from there what to do next since capturing and/or destroying a Commando unit yields big rewards for opponents.


-A robust Tutorial system is also built into the game -- not only are there 10 missions of pure training sessions, but there is also a continuous Mentor with you that tells you what might be your best play in each encounter.


-Outside of single player Campaign mode, there is also the hotly-anticipated multiplayer offering. Panzer Tactics DS features multiplayer for up to four players to play either online or locally (all players must have a cartridge to play), and there's even a HotSeat mode where two players can trade one system and game back and forth to play an encounter. CDV is planning a robust online mode, including a player ranking ladder and a special cheater-beater where gamers who have been dropped on still earn the Prestige points that they had earned -- there's even a Save mode in multiplayer (even online, although the developer is still working out how players will negotiate to continue games and how many players it makes sense to allow into a multiplayer game save scenario.)


-10 unique multiplayer maps have been drafted for this mode, and maps for multiplayer and single-player stages are tremendously big -- 4 to 8 screens across -- so encounters can take a good deal of time to battle through.


-this DS game certainly sets its sights high. This being the first online strategy game alone makes it a game to watch for on the horizon. Panzer Tactics DS will be available late in 2006.



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pwpwpw turn strategy gia ds.... pwpwpwpwpwpw....pwpwpwpw.... edw me to advance wars ds (poy exw 197/300 star) "exasa" treles wres... me ayto den tha ksekolaw! pedia kai to setlers tha skisi,opos kai to mario 3 on 3!!!!


the most wandet:

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Due for release on 01/09/2006

our price: EUR 39.99 Delivered pwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw den eine polis 1,5 minas!!!

2.Star Fox Command

Due for release on 01/09/2006

our price: EUR 39.99 Delivered

3.Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin

Due for release on 29/10/2006

our price: EUR 43.49 Delivered 3 mines k kati akoma:(

4.Lunar Knights

Due for release on 17/11/2006

our price: EUR 43.49 Delivered alo ena kalo!

5.NDS Final Fantasy III (US)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Oct 03, 2006)

US$ 44.90 (~35.90 EUR)

6.NDS Mario Basket 3 on 3 (JPN)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Jul 27, 2006)

US$ 49.90 (~39.90 EUR)

7.NDS Winning Eleven (JPN)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Sep 21, 2006)

US$ 49.90 (~39.90 EUR) gia emas toys klasikoys poy den alazoyme!!!

nomizw pos eftasa konta sta 300 euro, ena 360 dld!!!:D:D:D:D:P

the most wandet:

1. The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Due for release on 01/09/2006

our price: EUR 39.99 Delivered pwpwpwpwpwpwpwpwpw den eine polis 1' date='5 minas!!!

2.Star Fox Command

Due for release on 01/09/2006

our price: EUR 39.99 Delivered

3.Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin

Due for release on 29/10/2006

our price: EUR 43.49 Delivered 3 mines k kati akoma:(

4.Lunar Knights

Due for release on 17/11/2006

our price: EUR 43.49 Delivered alo ena kalo!

5.NDS Final Fantasy III (US)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Oct 03, 2006)

US$ 44.90 (~35.90 EUR)

6.NDS Mario Basket 3 on 3 (JPN)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Jul 27, 2006)

US$ 49.90 (~39.90 EUR)

7.NDS Winning Eleven (JPN)

Pre-Order, ships when stock arrives (Sep 21, 2006)

US$ 49.90 (~39.90 EUR) gia emas toys klasikoys poy den alazoyme!!!

[b']nomizw pos eftasa konta sta 300 euro, ena 360 dld![/b]!!:D:D:D:D:P


γκούχ, γκούχ.....flashcards......γκούχ...θείος......γκούχ.....


Gk1, οι τιμές είναι από play??? Εγώ από κεί τα αγοράζω τα παιχνίδια. Μαζί με delivery και βγαίνουν πιό φθηνά απ'ότι τα έχουν εδώ στη Κύπρο.


Πάντως θα κυκλοφορήσουν υπέρτατες παιχνιδάρες για τη κονσολίτσα αυτή!!


Bleach DS


To import, or not to Import?


Bleach DS: The Basics

There's no reason to consider importing a title without knowing the basics first. To kick things off, Bleach DS works as a hybrid between a classic 2D fighter (very familiar to SNK franchises) and a more hectic multiplayer brawler like Smash Bros. or Guilty Gear DS. The definite focus is on the traditional gameplay though, and anyone looking for a more basic button masher should consider Jump Superstars instead. For those looking for a solid fighter inspired by the likes of King of Fighters and (traditional) Guilty Gear, however, Bleach DS will be right up your ally, as it's considered to be the Cadillac of DS fighters to date.


Main control is broken up into both button and touch-screen usage. The main character control is handled on the D-pad, with a light attack on Y, a medium attack (usually using a weapon) on X, and a fierce attack on A. The B button is used to perform warps and quick navigational moves, while the R button blocks. Additional control allows for switching between multiple fighting planes (pressing L will cause the character to leap into the background, for instance), and each player can also dash on either the ground or in the air with a double-tap in any direction.




For super attacks, one of two actions can be used. First off, the bottom screen is used to power-up your character with ally cards, tapping a portrait to boost your fighter's attack or defense on the fly. If the on-screen "change" button is selected, however, the bottom screen becomes a quick and easy way to pull off super-combos by tapping individual move icons. These attacks can also be pulled off with regular D-pad and button combinations to save time, but the on-screen selection ensures that a specific power can be used when needed. Simply tap an icon and your character executes the attack.


Bleach DS: The Modes

One of the main reasons Bleach DS has gotten so much attention thus far has to do with the insane amount of gameplay included in the package. 14 playable fighters are available straight out of the box, with 14 more able to be unlocked along the way. In addition, there are seven different modes of play, including Story, Arcade, Vs., Training, Time Attack, Survival, and Challenge. Each mode has a ton of depth (the vs. mode alone could keep an average gamer busy for a long, long time) and completion of tasks rewards players with tokens which can be used in the shop to unlock more character outfits, support cards (noted above, used for attack up, defense up, etc during battle) and gallery items. Though most of these modes are pretty self-explanatory, vs. mode is what everyone seems to spend the most amount of time in, for obvious reasons of course.


Bleach DS: Vs. Mode

As the main selling point for the game, Bleach DS offers as many vs. modes as it does single player alternatives, giving players the chance to use their DS for a ton of different multiplayer options. Starting with the most important factor, Bleach DS is fully supported with the Nintendo WiFi Connection, allowing players to pair up against random fighters or specific friends in two or four player battles. Only have one friend? No problem, as Bleach DS also allows the addition of computer-controlled fighters to fill any necessary slots. These characters can be tweaked along with human players to allow any character, any costume, an individual handicap (allowing for up to 200% health), team orientation and AI difficulty (Level 1-8 ). Online support has been the primary reason most gamers have imported Bleach DS, as it offers solid combat anywhere with anyone, and it does it well.


For anyone without a WiFi connection, however, there are still some awesome modes to check out. As mentioned, Vs. Mode can be played with up to three computer-controlled players, which works much like Smash Bros. does on Cube. In addition, Bleach DS also supports two forms of local multiplayer, using either one cart for "DS Download Play" or multiple carts for classic wireless multiplayer


Bleach DS: Import Friendly?

Now that you've got a taste for what Bleach DS has to offer, is it even possible for you to play it? After all, we've seen a ton of games that are near impossible to navigate without knowing Japanese, so finding a game that is English-friendly can be a challenge in itself. We're happy to tell you, however, that Sega has got you covered on this one. Not only is Bleach DS comprehensive in its layout, it actually has a good chunk of English worked into the presentation, making it one of the best choices for first-time importers.


Bleach DS: Final Impressions

Taking everything into consideration, is Bleach DS worth the purchase? Absolutely. In fact, aside from the imminent Bleach 2 release in Japan later down the line, we can't think of a single reason why Bleach DS isn't a solid import choice. The gameplay is amazing, the graphical and audio presentations are both very impressive, and the overall feel of the game is incredibly user-friendly for English-speaking gamers. If you're looking for an amazing 2D fighter on DS, there's really no other contender as of yet. Don't let the Japan-only release stop you from enjoying one of the top titles on the system. Bleach DS is a great first import title, it has a huge fan base online to work with (IRC battle rooms, tons of English guides, and message boards a-plenty) and it even has a good chunk of English support within the product itself. Import it. Play it. Love it.


You can find Bleach DS at import sites all across the net (Play-Asia.com hooked us up with our copy), retailing at just under $49.99. We'll have more news on both Bleach DS 2 and Bleach Wii as news develops.




O φίλος Daredevil είχε ποστάρει λίγες μέρες πρίν για μερικές αναφορές ατόμων των οποίων τα DS Lites είχαν σπάσει από μόνα τους στην αριστερή πλευρά, πάνω από το βύσμα τροφοδοσίας.







Αν και ήμουν επιφυλακτικός στην αρχή, αποτελεί πλέον γεγονός ότι υπάρχουν πολλές αναφορές για το εν λόγω περιστατικό.


Το περίεργο είναι ότι το σπάσιμο εμφανίζεται ΜΟΝΟ στα WHITE DS LITES.

Πιθανώς, μιάς και η σύνθεση του πλαστικού αλλάζει αναλόγως χρώματος, τα άλλα χρώματα να είναι πιό ανθεκτικά ή απλώς μιά συγκεκριμένη παρτίδα λευκών DS Lites να βγήκε ελλατωματική.


Η Nintendo επί του παρώντος δεν γνωρίζει το πρόβλημα και γι'αυτό το λόγο δεν μπορεί ακόμα να πάρει θέση.


Πάντως, μέχρι εξακρίβωσης των αιτιών του ζητήματος, καλό είναι οι υποψήφιοι αγοραστές DS Lite να προτιμήσουν το μαύρο χρώμα. Καμία αναφορά δεν έχει γίνει για σπάσιμο σε Lite άλλου χρώματος πέρα του λευκού, με εξαίρεση μόνο μία για DS Lite NAVY BLUE.


Μιά λίστα με άτομα που το Lite τους έσπασε από μόνο του βρίσκεται εδώ.


Θα παρατηρήσετε ότι όλες οι περιπτώσεις αφορούν λευκά DS Lites.


Αν το πρόβλημα παρουσιάστηκε και στο δικό σας Lite, μπορείτε να μας το πείτε εδώ.

Δημιουργήστε ένα λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είστε μέλος για να αφήσετε σχόλιο

Δημιουργία λογαριασμού

Εγγραφείτε με νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητα μας. Είναι πανεύκολο!

Δημιουργία νέου λογαριασμού


Έχετε ήδη λογαριασμό; Συνδεθείτε εδώ.

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