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Μετά από ψάξιμο στα fora διαπίστωσα ότι, τουλάχιστον για την Μ3, καλό είναι να αγοράζει κανείς kingston made in japan. Και αυτές είναι λίγο ακριβούλες.

Δεν το έψαξα να δω αν κάτι τέτοιο είναι υπερβολή, αλλά είπα να μην το διακινδυνεύσω.


Για μουσικη τη homebrew χρησιμοποιείται?

Εγω τωρα τελευταια μονο το moonshell γιατι με το ds organize μου βγαζει σταδιακα σφαλματα και με το ipod δεν μπορω να βαλω τα τραγουδια σε κατηγοριες,μου τα βγαζει ολα χύμα.


Duke Nukem Trilogy for DS




Looks like there are plans for 3 Duke Nukem DS titles starting in 2009.

The episodes will be entitled Critical Mass, Chain Reaction, and Proving Grounds:


Features include:

  • 9 Different World Locations
  • 36 Action-Packed Levels
  • 3D Accelerated Graphics
  • 3D Characters with Detailed Textures
  • Real-Time Particle and Lighting Effects
  • Multi-Mode Play with up to 5 Different Styles of Game Play Action
  • Multi-Player Action
  • Total Ass-Kicking Weapons


E3 2008: DS Accelerometer / New DS Forthcoming?



It's E3 time and the rumors are spreading like wildfire. Sources tell IGN that development studio Activision is preparing to release a new peripheral designed to give Nintendo DS motion/tilt functionality. The small add-on will take a cue from Guitar Hero: On Tour and plug into the Game Boy Advance slot on the DS. One of the first games to make use of this new peripheral will be the next version of Tony Hawk.


Insiders also assert that Nintendo itself may alternatively be planning to release new DS cartridges with built in accelerometers, a possibility that could eventually negate the importance of Activision's peripheral.


In semi-related news, IGN has separately heard from trusted insiders that Nintendo could be planning to debut a slimmed down version of its handheld complemented by a dramatically reduced (sub-$100) price tag. Whether or not this made-over DS will include built-in accelerometer functionality is not known. There is a chance that the Big N will show off the updated DS at E3 2008 this week.


A redesigned DS might ship sans a GBA slot, which could explain why Nintendo might be separately developing accelerometer-based cartridges despite Activision's own efforts.


As always, until IGN can validate the information through multiple sources, readers should consider the hearsay posted in this article as rumor. We will update with new details as they become available.


Καλησπέρα και απο μένα !

Έχω ένα dslite και λέω να αρχίζω να ασχολούμαι μαζί του.. Απο της προηγούμενες σελίδες δεν έβγαλα και ακρή το τι πρέπει να αγοράσεις γιατί είναι τόσα πολλά... !

Απο Ελλάδα έχω βρεί αυτό το site http://www.ebw.gr/store/Default.aspx?tabid=140&CatID=74 έχει κάποιος άλλος να προτείνει κάποιο ?

Και απο όλα αυτά τα προιόντα ποία είναι η καλύτερη λύση ?


Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων ! :)


εχω την καρτα για ds που δεχεται καρτες sd και δοκιμασα να βαλω μια 4gb HC αλλα δεν την αναγνωριζει.γνωριζει κανεις μεχρι ποσα gb δεχεται?η εχει να κανει με το γεγονος του οτι ειναι HC?



εχω την καρτα για ds που δεχεται καρτες sd και δοκιμασα να βαλω μια 4gb HC αλλα δεν την αναγνωριζει.γνωριζει κανεις μεχρι ποσα gb δεχεται?η εχει να κανει με το γεγονος του οτι ειναι HC?



Ποια από όλες έχεις??? Η R4/M3DS Simply δέχονται μέχρι 2GB (δηλαδή όχι HC). Η G6/M3DS Real παίρνουν μεγαλύτερες (δηλαδή πέρνουν HC) (δεν θυμάμαι μέχρι πόσο αλλά μάλον μέχρι 8GB)


GTA: Chinatown Wars at PAX?


Another year of E3 has passed but thatʼs not all for gaming shows in 2008, we still have quite a few more to come - letʼs hope they awe us like they are intended to. Next month will not only see the Leipzig Games Convention, but also the Penny Arcade Expo [PAX] and then a few months later, the Tokyo Game Show. This means that there will most likely be some new Rockstar Games announcements and information released, as well as new footage and screens of their upcoming games.


In an interview with Nintendoʼs Cammie Dunaway [who announced GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS at Nintendo's E3 press conference], she revealed that Nintendo are pushing on Rockstar for some new stuff on Chinatown Wars for the PAX (Penny Arcade Expo - August 29-31).




Metal Slug 7 - Boxart, Screens




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