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Eχω διαβάσει πολυ καλές κριτικές αλλά τι ακριβώς είναι το turn based strategy?


Σημαίνει ότι παίζεις μιά εσύ και μιά ο αντίπαλος. Κάτι σαν εξελιγμένο σκάκι, που αντί για τα κλασσικά πιόνια έχεις άρματα, στρατιώτες, αεροπλάνα, πλοία κλ κλ.


Το advance wars είναι από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια του DS και ένα από τα καλύτερα strategy παιχνίδια όλων των κονσολών (μαζί και PC).


Αν ειχατε 20 ευρώ για πέταμα' date=' και δύο επιλογές: Advance wars-dual strike και Ridge racer ds, ποιο θα αγοράζατε και γιατι?


Αν είχα 20 ευρώ για πέταμα θα αγόραζα το Ridge racer ds.

Αν είχα 20 ευρώ και ήθελα να πιάσουν τόπο,

θα αγόραζα το Advance wars-dual strike ...


Αν είχα 20 ευρώ για πέταμα θα αγόραζα το Ridge racer ds.

Αν είχα 20 ευρώ και ήθελα να πιάσουν τόπο,

θα αγόραζα το Advance wars-dual strike ...



Τελικά έπιασαν τόπο τα λεφτά :-D Πήρα το Advance wars, το οποίο είναι όντως πολύ εθιστικό. Βγάζουν ανα διαστήματα παιχνιδάκια με 20 ευρώ. Δυστυχώς το Mario Kart δεν το πρόλαβα.

Τελικά έπιασαν τόπο τα λεφτά :-D Πήρα το Advance wars, το οποίο είναι όντως πολύ εθιστικό. Βγάζουν ανα διαστήματα παιχνιδάκια με 20 ευρώ. Δυστυχώς το Mario Kart δεν το πρόλαβα.


pou to vrikes 20 euro?


Στα multirama το εχει. Παρτε κανα τηλέφωνο στα καταστήματα για να βρειτε σε πιο έχει stock. Εχει και το Ridge racer 20 ευρώ. Τοσο το έχει και το Πλαίσιο (εννοώ το Ridge racer). Το Πλαίσιο είχε το mario kart 20 αλλά όταν το έμαθα είχε τελειώσει.


Chousouju Mecha MG


This could be the best DS game you've never heard about.


Given the kanji-filled Japanese title, you've probably never heard of Chousouju Mecha MG. But you will. The Nintendo-published, Sandlot-developed mech battle game is yet another way to put that overused DS to good use.


Mecha MG gives you a chance to take control of a variety of mechs in battle. Been there, done that, you say? Not quite like this. The twist here is in how you control the mechs. Each mech has a different cockpit layout reflecting its unique capabilities. Some mechs transform, some strafe left and right, some fire missiles, some attack by waving swords back and forth. All these actions are achieved by switches, dials and levers shown on the touch screen and manipulated directly by the stylus. The only area that uses standard controls is actual forward, back, left, right movement of your mech.


Putting all the controls on the touch screen has the potential for failure, but Mecha MG implements its control scheme well. Controling the mecha is so much fun that this is one of the first times I've actually found myself wanting to replay older missions over and over again.


On top of the unique control scheme is presentation that makes you truly feel you're piloting a mech. The mechs animate like the giant sum of metal parts that they are. While the viewpoint is from behind your mech, the screen shakes with every blow and movement, giving the sensation of being inside.


The main mode of single player play in Mecha MG is a story mode that leads you through a growing map, with new missions appearing as you advance. The game is surprisingly story heavy, with lengthy dialogue sequences featuring cute anime-style characters. Some of the dialogue is required reading if you're to figure out where to go for the next mission, so importers beware!


Accessible from the map are shops for purchasing new mechs and parts with the money that you earn during missions. Over 100 mechs are available in the game, each upgradeable with accessories which modify attack and defensive parameters. The game encourages you to build up a garage of mechs which can be transformed into based on the upcoming mission. Some missions are difficult, or even impossible, unless you're in the right vehicle.


Thanks to its unique control layout, slick presentation, and wide variety of unique mecha, Chousouju Mecha MG is another must-play DS game. We expect it to make it over to America under a different name, so to get a taste of the future of the US DS, download our new movies.


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Mega Man ZX Review


Maverick hunters evolve on the Nintendo DS. Is it for the better?


Closing Comments

So with a countless number of Mega Man games on the market (seriously, weʼre reaching around 100… look them up), does the Mega Man ZX franchise have what it takes to become the next evolution in the series? Definitely. Much like Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, ZX takes the familiar gameplay and visual prowess of its predecessors and bumps it up one notch higher, though we do have to say with only the slightest amount of criticism, that ZX isnʼt quite the homecoming we were expecting. The visuals are amazing, and the gameplay is still just as tight and responsive as it has been over the years, but a few beats were missed when moving onto the DS. A better use of the bottom screen is simply essential to the sequel (and you better believe we want one), and a bit more overall production value is definitely needed to really set this game apart from the Zero titles before it. At the same time, weʼd be crazy not to recommend Mega Man ZX to fans of any age and skill level, as it is truly the next step in the Mega Man franchise. The gameplay has never been better, the attitude is there, and the addition of new playable X units simply rocks. If youʼre a fan of the franchise, or are wondering if ZX is a good time to jump into the world of Mega Man, donʼt hesitate to pick this one up. Like the first Mega Man Zero on GBA, however, Mega Man ZX gets the job done on all accounts, but leaves room for improvement for versions to follow.


IGN score: 8.2 (readers score: 9.7)

Nintendo power score: 8.5

GotNext score: 9

Play Magazine: 9

Gamebrink: 9

Ngamer UK: 7.4????




Θα γράψω σίγουρα:-D Εκ πρώτης όψεως φαίνεται καλό. Εχει διαφορα παιχνίδια με χαρτιά,ταβλι, σκακι,μπιλιαρδο,bowling και είναι mulit player. Δεν γνωρίζω όμως κάτι παραπάνω.


MechAssault: Phantom War Review


An Xbox-exclusive franchise is exclusive no more


"As long as you're willing to bring expectations down some for this Xbox-to-Nintendo DS conversion, you're going to have a blast with MechAssault: Phantom War. Still, the quirks are hard to ignore, like its somewhat glitchy visuals, sloppy menu systems, and analog control that could have been so much better had the touch screen been utilized a bit more tightly. Even if the game had a good development schedule, MechAssault does feel just a little rushed in places. But ultimately, the end product is a cool and kickass battle, both in single and multiplayer."


IGN score: 7/10


mechassault-phantom-war-20060818030943001.jpg mechassault-phantom-war-20060818030946673.jpg


News: Simple Wi-Fi Start Found On DS


Does the DS have a mystery hidden feature to connect to the Wii?


A strange new menu function has been found on the DS' Wi-Fi setting setup menus - for something called "Simple Start Wi-Fi". Mentioned in none of the existing instructions booklets and practically impossible to stumble upon by accident, Nintendo have apparently stated that playing with it could be dangerous to your system, and it certainly doesn't do anything... yet.


Is this a feature to be used in the future along with the Wii? Or a relic of some old system architecture that Nintendo forgot to take out? Check out the video below to see how its done and make up your own mind!!!

News: Simple Wi-Fi Start Found On DS


Does the DS have a mystery hidden feature to connect to the Wii?


A strange new menu function has been found on the DS' Wi-Fi setting setup menus - for something called "Simple Start Wi-Fi". Mentioned in none of the existing instructions booklets and practically impossible to stumble upon by accident, Nintendo have apparently stated that playing with it could be dangerous to your system, and it certainly doesn't do anything... yet.


Is this a feature to be used in the future along with the Wii? Or a relic of some old system architecture that Nintendo forgot to take out? Check out the video below to see how its done and make up your own mind!!!


Θα συνδέεται σύμφωνα με το wikipedia



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