tzinos Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 2 Ιουλίου 2006 skeftomai na paro mia psyktra dioti o athlon 64 3200+ pou exo pezei synexeia stous 50-60 bathmous, xeimona kalokairi kai mou exei spasei ta neura. Kamia fora se full load kseperanei tous 60 kai to systhma kolonei ligo. Basika exo parathrhsei apo to core center oth to vcore pezei synexeia apo to 1.50 mexri 1.60 , otan einai konta sto 1.5 exo kato apo 50 bathmous, otan plhsiazei 1.6 tote plhsiazo kai tous 60 bathous. Opote an kserei kaneis pos na to krathso stathero sto 1.5 tha boithouse na krathso statherh kai thn thermokrasia. Mipos oi synexomenes enalages sto vcore einai endeiksh oth exei problhma to trofodotiko (tagan 480)? Anyway sxetika me thn psyktra, eida oth einai compatible to mobo mou (msi k8n neo platinum) apla sto thema ths egkatastashs se socket 754 kserei kaneis an xreiazetai na bgalo thn mobo apo to systhma gia na peraso bracket, h apla bidonei opos einai? einai eukolo to instalation? den thelo na mplekso me afairesh mobo, dioth exo faei poly xrono na ftiakos anemisthres, kalodia kai sklhrous mesa sto kouti. An yparxei kath allo na proteinetai se s754 me easy instalation kai na rixnei 5-10 bathmous to temp (den exo overclok tipota), peite to Epishs phra eina western digital 250gb h plaka einai oth exo allon ena kai pianei 35-40 bathmous eno o kainourios 58-64!!!! apo oth blepo exoun mia mikrh diafora sthn onomasia, pithanon kainourio version o palios einai WDC WD2500JS-00MHB0 kai o kainourios WDC WD2500JS-55MHB0. Apo ena test tou speedfan leei oth o palios exei average temp 43 C eno o kainourios 51 C (me higer 68 C ), ara douleuei se pshloletra temps, alla 60-62 pou xtypaei me anyshxei polh. Kai exo balei kai ta windows se auton. Exo dyo anemisthres piso apo tous sklhrous alla den fenet na kanoun polla. Auta ta hdd coolers, ths zalman h akasa tha kanoun tipota?? Kai to big problem einai oth oi sklhroi mpenoun katheta sto pc kai den bidonoun apla exei kati piastrakia pou bazeis sta plagia. Ara tha mporo na balo hdd cooler pano tou?
tzinos Δημοσ. 3 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 3 Ιουλίου 2006 peri vcore kai megales thermokrasies, mallon brhka lysh. Etrexa toso kairo to core center ths msi pou einai cool & quiet typoy programa alla den ekane kai tipota spoudaio. ALLA den eixa perasei AMD drivers gia thn cpu kai to C & Q, tous katevasa tora kai meta to restart trexo to core center kai to vcore pezei poly xamhlotera opos kai ta mhz (200mhz x5), auto bebaia anebokatebenei fantazomai analoga me to th dynamh thelei to pc. Epishs exo balei power management se minimum setings. To apotelesma einai na exo tora 37 C apo 55-60 C pou eixa prin!! Ara toso kairo to core center den douleue opos eprepe. Lete na glytosa ta 50 euros gia psyktra?? bebeai prepei na trekso kai kana game h programa na zoriso to pc na do an tha ftasei palh tous 60 C. O sklhros omos paramenei stous 62 C (oi alloi treis einai konta stous 40 C ) opote an mporei kaneis na boithisei me auto, please do
Y1annis73 Δημοσ. 3 Ιουλίου 2006 Δημοσ. 3 Ιουλίου 2006 Tzino δεν ξέρω αν την γλίτωσες, αλλά αν αγοράσεις την συγκεκριμένη ψύκτρα για να την περάσεις σωστά πρέπει να κατεβάσεις την Mobo!
tzinos Δημοσ. 6 Ιουλίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Ιουλίου 2006 telika parathrhsa problhmata me to core center, psilokolousan merika programata. Epishs nomizo oth ta xamhla vcore setings kai oi xamhles thermokrasies prohrthan apo thn epilogh "minimum power consumption" sta power options kai oxi apo ta cool & quiet. Molis to ebala sto kanoniko palh xtypouse 1.50 -1.60 vcore kai thermokrasies apo 45 - 60. Alla toulaxiston trexoun ta programata pou eixan problhma. Anyway apofasisa na paro auth thn psyktra apo pixmania mias kai tha paro kai alla pragmata apo kei. AKASA Ανεμιστήρας CPU AK-873 Exei poly aplo instalation, den xreiazetai bgalsimo to mobo kai exei kai pci fan control. Mallon thorybodes lene ta site se full setings, alla to poly na thn trexo se xamhloteres strofes. Exei kai 32 euro, kalh timh.
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