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What is the Hyper CD-ROM?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


What is the Hyper CD-ROM?


The Hyper CD-ROM is a tridimensional multilayer optical memory, based on the phenomenon of controlled extinction of the fluorescence.


The Hyper CD-ROM allows the recording of information inside the “shelves” of a glass disk using laser beams. Such a glass disk has a storing capacity of over 10,000 Gigabytes (GB) of memory - an amazing size in comparison with those developed by the highest level computer firms and benchmarks - that allows storing of approximately 10 million books of standard format. It is in fact, an “optic tridimensional multilevel memory” so it can store data in over 10,000 different levels inside a glass disk 10 mm high and 120 mm in diameter. The most attractive aspect is that the support for storage (i.e. fluorescent photosensitive glass) is a very stable in time medium (information can be read during all the life of the glass - estimated to at least 5,000 years).


The features


Capacity: 10TB with extension to 100TB

Average data-transfer rate: 3Mb/s

Dimensions of CD-ROM-Drive: 80x150x300mm

Dimensions of CD-ROM: 10xø120mm

Thermic resistance: up to 550 deg. Celsius

Very high fiability

Stable in time (estimated to at least 5,000 years)


The product can be produced using commercial equipment


Technical details


The support of the optical memory is a fluorescent photosensitive material specially designed for this application.


The writing / reading of the memory is realized with a system formed by a disk drive having the size doubled compared to the usual disk drives of the desktops PC, which incorporates a confocal microscope. The writing procedure is realized by the irradiation of a selected volume of the optical memory. Following the radiation, there appears an electronic transition at atomic level, and the irradiated areas will present a modified fluorescence compared to the non-irradiated areas.

The effect is stable in time at the surrounding temperature and is used for recording one bit of information.

The same confocal microscope is used for reading, optical memory being scanned with three displacement systems: vertical, radial and rotative.


Due to the fact that in 1micron^3 of fluorescent photosensitive material there are approximately 10^8 fluorescent atoms, the improvement of the techniques for three-dimensional limiting of the atoms, will allow the increase of the storage capacity up to one hundred million times. The writing and reading on groups of atoms located in equivalent positions will allow the increase of storage of more than 100 times, which means that on a disk with a 120 mm diameter and 10 mm thick more than 1 PB (1,000,000 GB) can be stored.




The Hyper CD-ROM technology is patented in 21 countries: USA, Canada, Japan, Israel and 17 European states. The Hyper CD-ROM, presented in November 1999 at Brussels EUREKA “48th World Exhibition of Innovation and New Technology”, won “Prix International de lʼOrganisation Mondiale de la Presse Periodique” and a gold medal, and in Romania, the Grand Prize of the “Kent Premium Lights Annual Awards for Innovation” 2000 organised by the Romanian Design Foundation.



The author

Dr. Eugen Pavel

Calea Mosilor nr.274, ap.34, Bucharest, Romania;

Phone/Fax: 40-1-2118478;

e-mail: [email protected]


Graduated Physics, Bucharest University - 1976

Awarded with the Romanian Academy Prize - 1991

Whoʼs Who in the World, Marquis - 1997

Over 40 scientific works published and presented at specialised conferences

62 patents and patent applications



Chip: Are there any contracts with a producer for mass-producing such discs?


E.P.: I have had discussions with several companies, but I'd rather not specify names, because discussions are not final yet.


Chip: Can you provide a sum as a possible price for end-user technology?

E.P.: The HyperCD unit would cost around $ 1000, and a 10,000 Gb disc would reach about $ 300.

There will be a "light" version of the disc, with a width of 1.2 mm which will cost $ 30 and would store about 200 GB of data.


Chip: How long would it take for the HyperCD Unit to be largely available on the stores' shelves?


E.P.: One year, at most!

Chip: We cannot be other than happy of such news. Thank you!







Nato to NAL!!!! :P Distixos omos an vgoune tetoia pragmata oi HHD companies tha exoun megalo provlima opote ta vlepw gia tin epomeni 20etia.


Episeis tha xriazete peripou 7.7 meres na diavasei ta 200GB tis Lite version tou disk. :)


Από ότι κατάλαβα ένα CD θα γράφεται σε πολλές στρώσεις... Φαντάσου ένα CD σαν ένα φύλλο χαρτί τυπωμένο από την μία μεριά... ένα Dual-layer DVD σαν ένα φύλλο μπρος πίσω τυπωμένο και αυτό το "CD" σαν ένα βιβλίο με πολλλλλλές σελίδες!!! Το λέιζερ δεν θα πηγαίνει μόνο δεξιά και αριστερά αλλά θα εστιάζει και σε διαφορετικά "βάθη"/"ύψη" μέσα στην στρώση του CD.


Capacity: 10TB with extension to 100TB

Average data-transfer rate: 3Mb/s


Πλάκα μας κάνουν!!! Και 99999999999ΤΒ να βάλουν με τέτοιο transfer rate είναι άχρηστα!!

εδω ειναι το γνωστό NAL video:



πωπω φίλε είσαι φοβερός….


Και το έψαχνα πριν μερικές μέρες στο αντίστοιχο τοπικ να το ξανακατεβάσω αλλά το λιγκ ήταν ανενεργό…


Υ.Γ: που χάθηκε ο red30 με τα αστεία του;


Ευτυχώς που το είχα προλάβει σε εκεινο το παλιό topic!!!! Απο τα καλύτερα που εχω διαβάσει εδω μέσα!

Edit: ΤΟ ΒΡΗΚΑ, εδω ειναι: http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showthread.php?t=104019




Υ.Γ: που χάθηκε ο red30 με τα αστεία του;

Απ' οτι κατάλαβα, ειχε πολλά πάρε-δώσε με τα πίτουρα, και τον φάγανε κάτι κότες! ;)


Ωχχχχχ. Τι ειναι αυτό?!?! Διαβάζω όλο το topic... Τέλειο!!!

Μην μου πει κανείς το τέλος του topic plz, θα χάσει το ενδιαφέρον του!! Είμαι στην 15 σελίδα.


ΥΓ:Ο red30 είναι όλα τα λεφτα!!


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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