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eActivism Tools


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Και με την ευκαιρία της μεθαυριανής επετείου (ψωμί - παιδεία - ελευθερία) ας δούμε και αυτό το videακι (βγαίνοντας ίσως λίγο από το θέμα αλλά είναι για καλό σκοπό):


The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System


[ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1647626314188526128&q=Linux ]


Richard Stallman delivers a lecture at the Australian National University in Canberra October 2004.


Topics covered include free software ... all » development, privacy, copyright, the history of GNU, Linux, and the GNU/Linux operating system. A lively presentation in which RMS wears a hat as worn by IT deities.


This recording covers the second half of his two-hour presentation.


Courtesy The National Institute of Engineering and Information Sciences (NIEIS) and The Australian Computer Society (ACS).


[ http://www.fsf.org ]

[ http://www.gnu.org/philosophy ]


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