panosru Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2006 koita genikotera den mou aresei h function ayth (Asxeta oti o tropos pou pas na kaneis usercounters den einai aytos) alla an thes mia beltiosh ths function sou mporeis na xrhshmopoihseis thn parakato > <?php function readwritetofile () //Orismos function { //Onoma arxeiou $myFile = "test.txt"; // An to arxeio den yparxei to dimiourgei to diabazei kai to grafei allios mono to diabazei kai to grafei $mode = (!file_exists($myFile))?'x+b':'w+b'; /** * kalytera na apofeygoume to die giati den * einai oti kalytero na koboume thn selida. */ //Anagnosh arxeiou $filecontents = @file_get_contents($myFile); //Anoigma arxeiou gia diabasma kai eggrafh (x+ || (w+ $fp = fopen($myFile, $mode); //Apofygh tou filezise <= 0 $filesize = ((filesize($myFile)) <= 0)?1:filesize($myFile); //Ayksish tou $filecontents kata ena ++$filecontents; //Eggrafh tou $filecontents sto arxeio fwrite($fp, $filecontents); //Klhsimo tou arxeiou / stream fclose($fp); //Eggrafh tou $var sthn html echo $filecontents; } //Kalesma funtcion readwritetofile(); ?> EDIT: sthn function ayth pou sou edosa exo mesa to echo genikotera apofeygo na exo mesa to echo synithos kano return oti thelo na emfaniso kai meta echo thn function.
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