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Research Findings Put PS3 Way Ahead

New research has shown massive consumer belief in the PlayStation 3, and waning interest in Xbox 360.


According to the study by Los Angeles based Interpret, 8.9 million U.S consumers ʽare preparedʼ to pay full price ($500 or $600) for the PlayStation 3 this fall, compared to 5.7 million consumers who are willing to buy Wii at $250 and just 800,000 people who are willing to pay full price for Xbox 360 ($300 to $400).


This research, released first to Next Generation, was derived from a sample of 2,000 interviews Interpret conducted online, weighted to 2004 Census data of 13 to 54 year-olds in the U.S. Researchers ran a parallel random digit dial telephone study as a back-up to weigh the data to what the US population looks like to ensure that the online data was not over-representing females, which often occurs with online surveys.


The numbers skew high in general (it will be 2008 before PS3 has an installed base of over 12 million in the US) but whatʼs interesting is the ratios, and the clear brand presence owned by Sony. Xbox 360 has enjoyed tremendous success in the past year, unopposed by competitors, but the real test will come when it is up against PS3, and is attempting to break into mainstream demographics. If these numbers are true, it has a tough time ahead.


Interpret CEO Michael Dowling said “Actual sales will be dictated by supply constraints, but if Sony had enough supply in the marketplace to fulfill demand, Microsoft would have a very difficult time at its current price point. What Microsoft is hoping for is the early lead helping to drive stronger installed base for them. Itʼs certainly helped them over the short term.”


Hardcore and Mainstream


Dowling believes Wii will be the spoiler. He said the current generation battle offered consumers a choice of three consoles, but next generation has narrowed that choice to two high-end machines (PS3 and Xbox 360) and one low-priced mass market machine (Wii).


“Nintendoʼs marketed Wii as a pick-up-and-play type of device and it seems to be resonating with consumers,” said Dowling. “It wasnʼt just older hardcore gamer or younger player, Wii had a pretty wide distribution across age and gender.”


Dowling said that the next generation battle is shaping up much differently than the current generation race. He said that if you look at the U.S. market share in terms of PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube, Microsoft has a 2 to 3 percentage-point lead over Nintendo.


“Weʼre seeing the opposite here with demand for the Wii,” said Dowling, who acknowledged that part of this demand is the lower price point of the console. “People are saying they want to wait and see what PS3 is going to be before they buy an Xbox 360 or Wii.”


Despite the fact that Xbox 360 has been on store shelves for almost a year, Dowling said Microsoftʼs console is still attracting very hardcore gamers.


The research also found that despite all of the bells and whistles of PS3 and Xbox 360 with next generation DVD capabilities, online gaming and downloadable content, the key driver for consumers purchasing a new console was the games, especially exclusive games.


The media study is called, “Interpreting the New Media Landscape.” Dowling said the research shows that the new media revolution is real and only getting bigger. The 100-page report shows how television, movie and video game content can double, triple, even quadruple its reach through the embrace of new platforms and business models.

Sony and Xfire confirm online PS3 partnership


Cross-platform features for future console and PC titles


Xfire is developing a middleware solution that will allow developers to incorporate cross-platform communications between users playing on PC and the PlayStation 3 console.


Sony's PS3 launch title Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom will be the first title to incorporate online functionality via the Xfire gaming service, allowing users to communicate whether using console or home computer.


The announcement confirms rumours that surfaced last month, and highlights Sony's willingness to incorporate third-party solutions in its answer to Microsoft's Xbox Live.


"Many of our PC game players already use Xfire to find and play with their friends online," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment.


"By integrating Xfire features into our games we are able to strengthen our online community, making it even easier for our players to remain connected, whether they're on a PC or a PlayStation 3," he added.


"The opportunity to work with the PlayStation 3 is tremendous," said Mike Cassidy, CEO of Xfire.


"Many Xfire gamers and game publishers have been asking us about a version of Xfire for console play for some time now. Working with SOE on one of their highly anticipated PlayStation 3 launch titles is a very exciting beginning for Xfire's new console game product."




No component cables in PS3


HDMI port, Blu Ray Drive,Cell processor -- the PS3 will ship with everything needed for high definition playback. Everything except for high definition cables, that is.


The latest issue of Famitsu contains a first report on the cables that will be included with the Japanese version of the PS3. Purchasers of either the 60 Gig or 20 Gig models will get a power cord, USB cable, ethernet cable and standard composite AV cable.


That's right! No component, HDMI or D cables are included in the box! While Sony hasn't announced the wiring that will be bundled with the US version of the system, in Japan at least, those who want high definition cables will have to make a separate purchase.


On the plus side, the PS3's AV Multi Out interface accepts the same cables that you used with your PS2, so if you already have S-Video, D or Component cables, you should be able to reuse them.




PAL PlayStation 3 launch -> May 2007?


According to this news the "March 2007" date was just so generic when Sony announced the PAL delay, Ken Kutaragi himself is worried that the hardware manufacturing process isn't fast enough to supply the 3 big markets in March and admitted that "PlayStation 3 could be very well and possibly launch in May 2007 in Europe, but as of today we (Sony) still haven't changed our schedule"




PS3 Release Dates Update, Launch Games, Many Delayed


We have what is likely the final release date update for the Playstation 3 before launch. It looks like there will be just six exclusive PS3 games available at launch. Ridge Racer 7, Genji, Untold Legends, Gundam, Resistance: FOM, and Full Auto 2. After that, there is not much until January 1, although Unreal Tournament will likely be delayed. Check the list for yourself on the release dates page, or click the link for the actual list image. Below is a summary of the major changes.


NBA Live Pushed 1 Month

Bladestorm Pushed 3 Months

Fatal inertia Pushed 3 Months

Lair Pushed 3.5 Months

Warhawk Pushed 7 Months

Heavenly Sword Pushed 1 Month

Virtua Fighter 5 Moved Up 2 Months

Mobile Suit Gundam Dated

FEAR Dated

Monster Madness Dated


Three Brothers Attempt to Pre-Order 3 PS3s, Get One Instead


Three brothers who pre-ordered Playstation 3s from their local Gamestop have now been limited to one pre-order based on a "1 per household" stipulation in Gamestop's pre-order rules. Apparently all three are adults, and live in different locations. Gamestop sent them the notice via e-mail (how kind) and apparently the brothers have been trying their best to get the problem taken care of. The linked website should keep us all posted to their saga. In the meantime, from one gamer to another, I hope these guys get what they paid and waited for.



Oblivion PS3 Content Not Exclusive

Bethesda anticipates all platforms to share same content.


Even though Bethesda Softworks will be incorporating additional content in the form of the Knights of the Nine quests into the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Xbox 360 and PC users fretting over the missed opportunities can stop perusing eBay's ridiculous pre-order auction prices, as it seems the content will migrate over to both platforms eventually, as well. In an interview with IGN, as spotted by a NeoGAF message board member, Oblivion executive producer Todd Howard the studio aims "to have all our content available across all platforms, so that is our goal."

What that doesn't do is provide a timetable for when the initially PS3-exclusive content will make its way to everyone else, but one way or the other, it will.


1080p Mahjong

Koei makes mahjong a must on the PS3.

October 11, 2006 - So you've got your 1080p Ridge Racer, and now you're anxiously awaiting 1080p Gran Turismo HD, Virtua Tennis and Lair? Well if you really want something to keep your super high definition television happy during the wait for more 1080p titles, how about mahjong?


Koei has started print marketing for Mahjong Taikai IV, its first PS3 title. In addition to the game's variety of characters, full voice, nation-wide online play and varied difficulty levels, the print ads highlight the title's support of 1080p. That's right, full HD mahjong!


Mahjong Taikai IV won't hit the Japanese PS3 until 11/22, so unless Konami's Mahjong Fight Club, which is launching with the system, is 1080p compatible, we'll have to wait just a bit to see the next generation of mahjong gaming.


Turok PS3 Shots


turok-20061011031754646_thumb.jpg turok-20061011031753350_thumb.jpg

1080p Mahjong

Koei makes mahjong a must on the PS3.

October 11, 2006 - So you've got your 1080p Ridge Racer, and now you're anxiously awaiting 1080p Gran Turismo HD, Virtua Tennis and Lair? Well if you really want something to keep your super high definition television happy during the wait for more 1080p titles, how about mahjong?


Koei has started print marketing for Mahjong Taikai IV, its first PS3 title. In addition to the game's variety of characters, full voice, nation-wide online play and varied difficulty levels, the print ads highlight the title's support of 1080p. That's right, full HD mahjong!


Mahjong Taikai IV won't hit the Japanese PS3 until 11/22, so unless Konami's Mahjong Fight Club, which is launching with the system, is 1080p compatible, we'll have to wait just a bit to see the next generation of mahjong gaming.


1080p mahjong, e? Psssss! :???: Eir8e i wra na poulisw to 360 :twisted:

1080p mahjong, e? Psssss! :???: Prepei na parw plasma!!!!!! :twisted:
koita apo mikros to eixa oneiro na pai3w ayto to synarpastiko kai plousio se periballon paixnidi se 1080p :P

(plaka plaka omws einai apo ta agaphmena mou games otan barieme sto pc :P)


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