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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Hirai defends PS3 pad




Sony chose not to include force feedback in its PlayStation 3 controller because it was worried how much it would have to charge for the resultant product.


That's according to SCEA boss Kaz Hirai, who told UK games website Kikizo that the decision not to include rumble features in addition to motion-sensing was a strategic, not a technical one.


"The issue is trying to isolate the vibration feature from the motion sensors," he said. "Is it technically feasible? Absolutely. But the balancing act that you need to do, is to be able to present the controller to the consumer at an affordable price."



Despite facing a backlash at E3, Hirai reckons that the extra cost involved in putting both in the same pad would have been "doing the consumer a huge disservice". You can make your own jokes about PlayStation 3 pricing here if you like.


Individual PS3 controllers, named "Sixaxis", will be sold for 5,000 yen in Japan, which is about 22 Hermajestycoins or 33 Euran-out-of-funny-ones-yesterdays.



Το Pro Evo στο PS3 τον Απρίλιο λένε...




etsi etsi.. gia na kseroume ti ginetai. ousiastika to pes6 pou bgainei sto 360, einai to winning eleven 10 pou paizoume edo kai tosous mines sto ps2. to kainourgio pes(aka winning eleven) pou tha exei k to kainourgio engine (pou simainei kinisi paiktwn, allilepidrasi me to perivallon kainourgies kiniseis, kameres, klp) tha to doume apo tou xronou anoiksi pleura sto winning eleven 11(opws ginetai k kathe xrono). tora an auto tha einai ps3 exclusive, krima tha einai gia tous xbox360 users. alla apo tin alli oi xristes europis k amerikis den tha mporoun na to paiksoun epeidi den tha iparxoun(pithanotata) language patches oste na mporoume na to paiksoume.

etsi etsi.. gia na kseroume ti ginetai. ousiastika to pes6 pou bgainei sto 360, einai to winning eleven 10 pou paizoume edo kai tosous mines sto ps2.


.... και μετά ξύπνησες :mrgreen: Διάβασε και καμιά συνέντευξη του seabass


Κάπως έτσι είναι τα πράγματα αλλά δεν νομίζω ότι είναι πολύ δύσκολο να το κάνουν multilingual και στα μενού και στο σπικάζ και να κυκλοφορήσει παντού.


Αν βέβαια οι chipεξελίξεις τρέξουν γρήγορα, μέχρι τον Απρίλιο μπορεί να πατσαριστεί το παιχνίδι και ας είναι japan. Μέχρι τότε, fifa07 / 360 :D


.... και μετά ξύπνησες :mrgreen: Διάβασε και καμιά συνέντευξη του seabass


Ακριβώς έτσι δεν είναι αλλά είναι πολύ κοντά στην πραγματικότητα. Port που βγήκαν κοντα στο λανσάρισμα του 360 είχαν πολύ καλύτερα γραφικά και μεγαλύτερες βελτιώσεις.


Το αν και τι αρέσει στον καθένα είναι άλλο καπέλο εννοείται.

.... και μετά ξύπνησες :mrgreen: Διάβασε και καμιά συνέντευξη του seabass


na fantasto oti den exeis paiksei pote sou winning eleven gia auto petas k tis eksipnades etsi apla.

diladi esi mou les oti to pes6 pou tha paizeis sto 360, den tha exei to idio tropo paixnidiou me to winning eleven 10 pou paizo tosous mines? ti innovation tha exei to pes6 tou xbox360 sto gameplay tou paixnidiou pera apo to online k to xboxlive se sxesi me auto pou paizo toso kairo sto ps2 me to winning eleven? tha allaksei kati sto ingame?


eixa paiksei to arcade podosfairaki pou klotsas tin mpala, sto ksenodoxeio pou imoun stin rodo 5imeri. poli porotiko! an ebgaine tetoio periferiako pote, tha to epairna me tin mia. vasika i moni konsola pou einai ikani na bgalei kati tetoio, einai to wii.

Το Pro Evo στο PS3 τον Απρίλιο λένε...







Kala to ar8ro ayto einai grammeno profanws apo kapoio ps3 fanboy. Ase pou einai gemato ypo8eseis.


H ms eixe pei oti to pes6 kai oxi to we11 8a einai next gen exclusive gia ena xrono. Emas san eyrwpaious ayto einai praktika pou mas endiaferei.


etsi etsi.. gia na kseroume ti ginetai. ousiastika to pes6 pou bgainei sto 360, einai to winning eleven 10 pou paizoume edo kai tosous mines sto ps2. to kainourgio pes(aka winning eleven) pou tha exei k to kainourgio engine (pou simainei kinisi paiktwn, allilepidrasi me to perivallon kainourgies kiniseis, kameres, klp) tha to doume apo tou xronou anoiksi pleura sto winning eleven 11(opws ginetai k kathe xrono). tora an auto tha einai ps3 exclusive, krima tha einai gia tous xbox360 users. alla apo tin alli oi xristes europis k amerikis den tha mporoun na to paiksoun epeidi den tha iparxoun(pithanotata) language patches oste na mporoume na to paiksoume.


Ean san nea mhxanh milas gia diaforetikh apo ayth pou 8a exei to pro6 sto 360 mallon kaneis la8os. Se prosfath synedeyxh eixan pei pws ayth einai h next gen mhxanh tous kai 8a synexisoun tis beltiwseis ka8e xrono.


Q: The visual upgrades for the Xbox 360 that we noticed – the facial features are fantastic, but the rest of it – the stadiums and the fans in the seats seem like more of a high-res Xbox version. Is this a new graphical engine, or is this a high-res Xbox version for the 360?


Seabass: Since it was next-gen we canʼt really make use of the old-gen materials, meaning we did create new things from scratch. In years to come with PS3, maybe Windows Vista, next-gen machines to come, we still think that thereʼs more space to expand the graphical aspects. Because of my graphics staff working hard, what you see in the 360 version is a kind of real renewed models and everything.


Q: So with the PlayStation 3 version we can expect to see the visuals take a larger step?


Seabass: Donʼt get us a wrong, weʼre not going to create another engine for the PS3, weʼre probably going to use the next-gen engine. But the advances we did for PES 3 to PES 4 to PES 5 – Winning Eleven 7, to 8, to 9 – that kind of upgrade weʼll do for the PS3.


na fantasto oti den exeis paiksei pote sou winning eleven gia auto petas k tis eksipnades etsi apla.

diladi esi mou les oti to pes6 pou tha paizeis sto 360, den tha exei to idio tropo paixnidiou me to winning eleven 10 pou paizo tosous mines? ti innovation tha exei to pes6 tou xbox360 sto gameplay tou paixnidiou pera apo to online k to xboxlive se sxesi me auto pou paizo toso kairo sto ps2 me to winning eleven? tha allaksei kati sto ingame?


Exoun milhsei gia kalytero AI opws kai animation pera apo to live to poio gia mena einai to pleon shmantiko.


Entypwseis apo atomo pou epaikse to pes6 sthn Leipsing


Anyone who played PES6 on the PS2 and then on the 360 (I played it in Leipzig) saw it's a completely different game with a greatly changed feel and pace

The collision detection between players is much improved due to a much greater number of animations. The pace is very much different - slower, more thoughtful. I've played the thing for 3 matches (waited in line like crazy) and it's definitely a different beast than PES6. There much more attention given to tactics. In short, in plays (even?) more like real football, much moreso than PES5 and PES6 (demo), and especially moreso than Winning Eleven 10 which was a fast arcade travesty.


ma den milisa gia grafika. auto eleipe na min eftiaxnan ta grafika. ego den milisa pote gia grafika. diladi mou les oti tha doume allages sto gameplay ston tomea tis triplas k allilepidrasis twn paiktwn k twn gel k alla tetoia se tetoio vathmo oste na theoreitai neo PES? san na milame apo pes4 se pes5 epipedo? oxi. mia kalitereusi tou AI tha doume(pou stin ousia se oles tis metavivaseis apo winning eleven se pes vlepoume) kai kainourgia mixani grafikwn(pou auto eleipe xtaixnoun HD grafika k tha kratisoun auta tou paliou).


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