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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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PS3 power-up pics and movie




Yes, it's true. It's not made out of wood, it's not behind bullet-proof glass at the Tokyo Game Show - it's a real live PS3 and we're really playing it. The two Sony reps that were kind enough to bring us the machine brought it in a bag, popped it out and placed it on our table. We connected it to our TV and we were away. Forget any dev-kit speculation and empty cases. PS3 is real and it works brilliantly.



Consider this a follow up to Friday's blog - where we posted a pic of the PS3 and a crowd of sweaty men fighting to have a go on it. Well, given that this post has proved insanely popular across the internet here are more pictures of men being excited around a real live working PS3.



Some more details of the brute in action:

1) It's quiet like a sleeping baby. A barely audible hum. With the TV on you simply can't hear it at all.

2) It's heavy like a planet. No, really. It's impossible to pick up with one hand.

3) It's shiny like a mirror. In fact, it's impossible to take a photograph of it without the flash spanging every picture into a starburst mess. And therefore it's massively prone to fingerprintage too, with the tiny amount of dust in the office magically attaching itself to its surface in seconds.

4) The PS3 joypad is very light and the tilt system is very responsive. We like.

5) The start up is amazingly fast. And game load times were faster than expected. In fact, PS3 does both at about the same speed of PSP. ie, Long load times due to the massive Blu-ray disc? Nope. Simply not an issue.

6) Andy's fingers kept sliding off the shoulder buttons. But that's because his fingers are slippery.



Want to see more? Here you go.












The important bit: A video of PS3 in action. We turn the machine on and load up MotorStorm,


Things to note:

1) The speed the machine sucks the disc in. Wow!

2) The PS3 start up sound - it's like an orchestra tuning up. Cool.

3) The similarity between the PS3 interface and the PSP interface.

4) Watch out for the first recorded lifting of the PS3's flaps.

5) Listen out for the fact that Sony don't officially have a name for the 'PS' button in the middle yet.

6) And check out those flashing blue and green lights. Groovy.

Want to download the video and keep it forever?


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GameStop Not Taking Wii, PS3 Pre-Orders?

Want to guarantee your console? The line starts here.


Thinking about getting one of those spiffy new Wii or PS3 consoles this holiday? You'd best start lining up now. GameStop -- America's largest 'videogame only' retailer -- says they're not taking pre-orders on console hardware.


That little tidbit came up at the annual GameStop sales conference, held last Saturday in Dallas.


"The great thing is there is a lot of demand." said Steve Morgan, president of Gamestop. "But launch is one day. And really the key to this business is what flows after the launch. We did learn a lesson last year. I think the lesson is caution and optimism at the same time."


Predicted shortages of the PS3 come as no surprise in these here parts -- the comparatively low numbers of console units hitting North America practically guarantees it. Of note, however, is that GameStop also seems to be banking on a Wii sellout. With 1 million units inbound, that's a lot of holiday optimism.


GameStop's decision not to guarentee your hardware pre-order is by no means carved in stone -- but from this point it seems a pretty sure thing from a strictly-business point of view. Last year, GameStop caught some heat after it mistakenly took in more Xbox 360 preorders than it had the capacity to fulfill. Looks like they've learned something from the experience.


The message is clear: The best way to assure you've got a console under the tree is probably still the old-fashioned one. Get out, line up.


Either that, or start saving your nickels for Ebay.



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Retailers expect PS3 to get the Wii kicked out of it




given the thumbs down to the PS3 and are expecting the Sony console to be soundly beaten up by Nintendo's Wii.


A survey of retailers conducted by the Japanese media outfit Enterbrain shows that 88 percent think that the Wii will sell better over the Christmas break, only 11 percent believe the PS3 will be tops. Since this is a Japanese survey they didnʼt even bother asking if they thought the Xbox 360 would go anywhere.


Out of all hardware sales, 60.7 percent Nintendo DS would be the best seller, followed by the the Nintendo Wii at 32.8 percent. The PS3 would be outclassed by the PS2 at 3.3 percent. The PS3 and the Xbox360 will have 1.6 percent each, which shows how bad it is going to get for Sony in Japan.



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PS3 Peripherals Announced

No need to worry about your old save game data.


October 3, 2006 - Sony Computer Entertainment Interactive announced today the first official set of PlayStation 3 peripherals for Japan. The company has three PS3 accessories planned for Japanese release in the near future: a remote control, a wireless controller and a memory card reader.



We already gave details on the so-called "Six Axis" controller in this earlier article. Separate controllers, model number CECHZC1J, will be available on 11/11 for 5,000 yen.


The remote's official name is BD Remote Controller, apparently to indicate the device's convenience for Blu-Ray disk playback. Model number CECHZR1J, the remote control will cost 3,600 yen, but it won't be available until 12/7. The device will use Bluetooth to interact with the PS3.


Finally, the memory card reader, which will help you maintain your PS2 save game collection. Officially called the Memory Card Adapter, this device, model CECHZM1J, will retail for 1,500 yen when it sees release on 11/11. It connects to the PS3 via USB and accepts memory cards for both the PS2 and PlayStation. Once you've connected the device, you'll be able to transfer your save games to the PS3 hard disk, so you'll presumably only have to use this once.


US and European pricing for these devices have yet to be announced.


See below for first pictures of all the accessories.

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Sixaxis Playstation 3 Controller = 5,000 Yen including tax est

Available on Nov. 11




PS1/PS2 Memory Card Adaptor = 1,500 Yen including tax est

Available on Nov. 11




Playstation 3 Remote Control = 3,600 Yen including tax est

available December 7



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Retailers expect PS3 to get the Wii kicked out of it




given the thumbs down to the PS3 and are expecting the Sony console to be soundly beaten up by Nintendo's Wii.


A survey of retailers conducted by the Japanese media outfit Enterbrain shows that 88 percent think that the Wii will sell better over the Christmas break, only 11 percent believe the PS3 will be tops. Since this is a Japanese survey they didnʼt even bother asking if they thought the Xbox 360 would go anywhere.


Out of all hardware sales, 60.7 percent Nintendo DS would be the best seller, followed by the the Nintendo Wii at 32.8 percent. The PS3 would be outclassed by the PS2 at 3.3 percent. The PS3 and the Xbox360 will have 1.6 percent each, which shows how bad it is going to get for Sony in Japan.




ma einai apolita logiko na poulisei kalitera to wii apo to ps3. otan to ps3 tha bgalei mono 100.000 konsoles k i nintendo diathesei stin agora pollaplasies, apolita logika den tha einai i nintendo na poulisei perissotero?

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