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PSU Exclusive: Home Beta 0.98 video walkthrough

PSU has obtained 12 minutes of all-new footage on Sonyʼs PlayStation Home Beta v0.98 beta for your viewing pleasure. Massive thanks go to fellow PSU reader, “Sky D.”


In the video, the player walks us through new features such as Listen@Home and shows off familiar areas including the Theater and Mall/Shopping Center. Also, if you watch carefully, you'll notice Sony has a God of War III clip playing on one of the giant TV screens in the main outdoor area.


Other features shown in the video include:


- Two different apartments

- Studio customization screen

- Character customization

- Game Center

- Avatar commands

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Home and PS3 Firmware 2.50 arriving in late October?


Sony's gorgeous but frequently delayed 3D networking sim PlayStation Home may finally launch next month, according to PS3Fanboy.


The source is none other than a post from Home Manager "TedTheDog" on the beta forum. Ted announced that a certain freezing bug would be fixed in the PlayStation 3 2.50 firmware update, which he claimed would arrive next month.


"2.5 is what we're waiting for and 'October' is what I've heard, later October is my guess," he commented. Apparently, the new firmware will arrive in tandem with Home itself.


We've contacted Sony for comment.

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FFXIII Interview: Development Progress Update


Thanks to our forum member Shuyu, we have some scans from the latest issue of Official Playstation Magazine Australia which contains an interview with compilation developers Yoshinori Kitase and Shinji Hashimoto.


In the interview they reassure Playstation 3 owners that their version of Final Fantasy XIII hasn't been delayed at all and that the Xbox 360 version won't even be started until the PS3 release is burned to Blu-ray. As well as that, Kitase has given an update on the progress of development stating that the Scenario for Final Fantasy XIII is complete and the Artistic Side is 80% complete. To read the full interview, view the scans below.






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GC Asia 2008: Crytek Hearts PlayStation 4

The next generation of consoles will be the "catalyst for a renaissance" in gaming graphics.

During yesterday's GC Asia keynote speech on the future of gaming graphics, the president and CEO of Crytek, Cevat Yerli emphasised several times how important the next generation of consoles (i.e. PS4 and Xbox 360 II: Electric Boogaloo) will be to a renaissance in gaming graphics that he predicts will arrive in 2011-2012. Not only will the company link its technology development with the console cycles, but it sees the PlayStation 4 as the most important machine of the coming generation, with Yerli stating that "frankly, we are linking ourself to what the PS4 will take up as [its hardware] position; that is the console makeup that will drive all our research, so we cannot wait to know what the [machine] will be about. That's probably the most important missing information we have right now in our company."


So, what's this graphics renaissance he's talking about? Yerli believes that – given that the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be around for a few more years – it will be today's technological framework that drives graphics for the next three years, but come 2011-2012 – and new consoles - there will be a huge shift. Sure, processing power and hardware sophistication will increase as they always do, but it's the ability to move beyond today's rasterisation rendering approach that Yerli believes will spark a renaissance. The games of the future will mix and match between different graphics technologies, whether that be ray tracing, ray casting, point-based rendering, voxel-based approaches or something else. In five years Yerli predicts that real-time gaming graphics will match CGI offline rendering.


Interestingly, Yerli also emphasised the importance of style and a unique visual approach, as opposed to brute force rendering, in the future of videogames. He also said that developers would be better off making their games "believable, but not photorealistic"; that they should bet on physics, simulation and AI.


He also took a moment to comment on the negative reaction of gamers who found that they simply couldn't run Crysis with its settings maxed out, telling the audience that running at those settings at launch was never the team's intent – those settings were meant to future proof the game so that it would continue to look cutting edge as new hardware emerged. Contrary to popular belief, the team actually built the game to run on PCs from 2004 onwards.

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New Golden Axe game gets date


SEGA plans to unleash PS3 and 360 action role-playing game Golden Axe: Beast Rider on 17th October.


Despite having initially been scheduled for September, we still know relatively little about this 2008 interpretation of a series that began in the arcades, back in 1989.


So far what we know comes from trailers; the lady warrior with barely any clothes appears to be the main character, and uses various types of beasts as mounts to get around and crush people with.


Golden Axe: Beast Rider will also carry an 18 rating for its assortment of blood and gore and dismemberments.


Head over to our Golden Axe: Beast Rider gamepage for the videos and screenshots released so far.

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Burnout Paradise - full game OUT THIS THURSDAY on the PlayStation Store


We announced a few weeks back that you'd soon be able to buy Burnout Paradise on the PlayStation Store.


We're now able to confirm that this will be released on this coming Thursday (25th September).


Buying the game gets you all the original Burnout Paradise disk content. If you missed it, that's all 5 neighbourhoods in the Paradise City open world filled with hundreds of Road Rage, Stunt Run, Marked Man and Burning Route events. Every street in the city features a Road Rules record time and Showtime score to beat. Take it online, and you'll witness the seamless arrival of up to 7 friends. Collaborate with them to beat 350 Freeburn Challenges – simple challenges taking you all over Paradise City.


Starting the game will then immediately trigger the download of all our updates, including the recent Cagney Pack and Burnout Bikes. A pack delivering PS3 Trophy Support will be released imminently and included for free.


To give you some idea of what you get, here's a whirlwind tour of all the awesome new content we've brought to Burnout Paradise since the game released.


* Online Stunt Run (game mode)

* Online Road Rage (game mode)

* Online Marked Man (game mode)

* 35 new car-based Freeburn Challenges

* 35 new car-based Freeburn Challenges featuring leaderboards and against-the-clock gameplay

* 35 new motorcycle-based Freeburn Challenges

* 35 new motorcycle-based Freeburn Challenges featuring against-the-clock gameplay

* 38 against-the-clock race events featuring day and night gameplay – Burning Route and Midnight Ride

* All new game player licenses and motorcycle-specific progression

* Nakamura Rai-jin Turbo RWD (car)

* Hunter Olympus (truck)

* Nakamura VF1100 Street Bike (motorcycle)

* Nakamura Firehawk (motorcycle)

* Fan-created Hippie Wagon (paint-job)

* Fan-created Hunter Oval Steel Racer (paint-job)

* Tiger GT (paint-job)

* Rossolini Tempesta Dream (paint-job)

* Completely overhauled ranked and unranked race system

* Day and night 24hr lighting cycle and associated gameplay

* Dynamic weather system

* PlayStation 3 Trophy support

* PlayStation 3 Custom Soundtrack support

* PlayStation 3 1080i support

* PlayStation 3 improved standard definition display

* A mountain of improvements and top-requested fixes from our community

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Capcom comfirm Tokyo game show lineup

- Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Xbox 360)

- Bionic Commando (PS3, Xbox 360)

- Street Fighter IV (PS3, Xbox 360)

- Monster Hunter 3 tri- (Wii)

- Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom (Wii)

- Dead Rising (Wii)

- Fate Unlimited Codes (PS2)

- Mega Man Star Force 3 (NDS)

- Gyakuten Kenji (NDS)

- Devil Kings : Battle Heroes (PSP)

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PS3 Soon Going Home, And It's A Bona Fide System Seller



As for the launch, there's a lot of speculation that Home will be here next month, and if there's an official word on the matter, we'll be sure to let you know. But we don't believe the excitement has gone anywhere; it's there, it's just waiting.

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Heavy Rain: Objects can only be weapons “if the context makes it logical”




Quantic Dream boss David Cage has said that objects in thriller Heavy Rain may only be used in context, so donʼt expect to be walking around inside houses stabbing screwdrivers into coffee pots.


“You could take the bottle, you can take the screwdriver, you can take the chainsaw, you can use different things and use them as a weapon if the context makes it logical,” said the gameʼs dev boss, speaking at Games Convention.


“For example, when the guy comes back in, itʼs a weapon. But if youʼre just in middle the street, no. The philosophy behind it is not like GTA and itʼs an open world and I can do whatever, even if itʼs silly. You can do whatever makes sense in the context. Thatʼs really our policy.”


Which essentially means youʼre only going to be able to do what youʼre told, in effect. The gameʼs UI is fully contextual, appearing when youʼre able to interact with objects.


Next-gen Broken Sword? The PS exclusiveʼs out next year.

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Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway Review


Collectively, this is the impression you inherit after playing a title like Brothers in Arms: Hellʼs Highway. Itʼs both shocking and beautiful at the same time, much in the way that a program like Band of Brothers is. Sure, some of the backstory couldʼve used a little more clarification, and the squad member AI fails to impress at times, but the intuitive new features thoroughly outweigh any negatives you may uncover while playing. Despite the tired subject matter, Hellʼs Highway is the pinnacle of an impressive ongoing franchise, and is a collective tale of friendship and misfortune that does everyone involved proper justice.


We give Brothers in Arms: Hellʼs Highway a 9/10
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Fallout 3 The Weapons: Video Montage




This may be the only video that could replace the simple yet entrancing appeal of a model in a bikini firing a machine gun, Fallout 3 and its weapons in a glorious montage.


The video features a few interviews with the development staff, gore splattered corridors and a little of the cheesy nuclear families from the original that we know and love.

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