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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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July NPD - Official Figures Released


NPD just published the official US hardware and software figures for July. As you can, DS and Wii destroyed the competition yet again, with the two Nintendo consoles selling over a million units in America last month.




  • Nintendo DS - 608.4K
  • Wii - 555K
  • PlayStation 3 - 224.9K
  • PlayStation Portable - 221.7K
  • Xbox 360 - 204.8K
  • Playstation 2 - 155.5K




1. NCAA Football 09 (EA, 360) - 397.6K

2. Wii Fit (Nintendo, Wii) - 369.6K

3. Guitar Hero: On Tour (Activision, DS) - 309.7K

4. Wii Play (Nintendo, Wii) - 284K

5. NCAA Football 09 (EA, PS3) - 242.5K

6. Soulcalibur IV (Namco, 360) - 218.9K

7. Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo, Wii) - 174.5K

8. Rock Band Special Edition Bundle (EA, Wii) - 165.8K

9. Soulcalibur IV (EA, PS3) - 155.8K

10. Sid Meierʼs Civilization Revolution (Take-Two, 360) - 147.6K





Dollar Sales Jul-07 Jul-08 CHG YTD July 07 YTD July 08 CHG

Games $926.2M $1.19B 28% $7.03B $9.47B 35%

Hardware $381M $446.9M 17% $2.72B $3.33B 22%

Software $419.6M $591.1M 41% $3.31B $4.9B 48%

Accessories $125.6M $149.1M 19% $987.5M $1.24B 26%

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H Nintendo ειναι εκτος συναγωνισμου πλεον, εντυπωσιακο ειναι επισης που το PS3 εμεινε μπροστα απο το 360, παροτι το δευτερο ειχε μειωση τιμης στην αμερικη.

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Guy With Gun: "Only PS3 Can Save My Family"


"Just outside St. Louis, a man robbed an EB Games store a gun point (pictured). The man walked into the shop, picked out a game, and pulled a small handgun on the clerk. Here's the kooky part: He told the clerk that his family was being held hostage and needed a PS3 to set them free. Then, the man told the clerk to call the police after he left the store because his family needed help. Well, that's original. And crazy. "







Φανταστείτε να του έδωσαν κανένα bundle με το Genji, πόσο μ@λ@κ@ς θα ένιωσε όταν γύρισε σπίτι....

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Guy With Gun: "Only PS3 Can Save My Family"


"Just outside St. Louis, a man robbed an EB Games store a gun point (pictured). The man walked into the shop, picked out a game, and pulled a small handgun on the clerk. Here's the kooky part: He told the clerk that his family was being held hostage and needed a PS3 to set them free. Then, the man told the clerk to call the police after he left the store because his family needed help. Well, that's original. And crazy. "







Φανταστείτε να του έδωσαν κανένα bundle με το Genji, πόσο μ@λ@κ@ς θα ένιωσε όταν γύρισε σπίτι....



Real time change weapon λεμε! :-D

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Επιτέλους και κάτι ευχάριστο:

The dark path ahead – Hypervisor hacking

Things are about to get heavy. Hold on. Remember we mentioned a little earlier that the hypervisor technology used on the Xbox 360 and PS3 are yet to have been cracked? Well, there are efforts underway to understand these hypervisors in more depth, as a means to potentially exploit them. Weʼll take you on a road trip through the PS3 hypervisor (or what we know so far) at an API level.


So far, there are a few known things we can do to talk to the hardware that is below our arbitrated layer through what Sony simply tagged as ʽotherOS.bldʼ. In its most simple form, we can run a Cell-compiled Linux kernel atop the PS3. The most popular of these distributions is currently PSUbuntu, a Cell derivative Ubuntu distribution.


A great guide for simple installation can be found on the official site for PSUbuntu.


With this installed, and nothing more than a terminal, we can use memory/register and API tracing functions to ʽseeʼ what is going on behind the curtain. We can use several different means to ʽseeʼ this stuff. Our personal preference is the GDB or GNU Project Debugger.


click to view full size image



Once the GDB module is installed (we wonʼt go into detail here, refer to the sourceware link for instructions) we can start to pull commands out of the PS3. Fire up a terminal window, drop to the root user and weʼll start making some system calls!


We decided to generate some simple I/O operations as follows:


With gdb running alongside, we can ʽcatchʼ the calls being made (yes, real system call hacking and tracing folks!). So far (and this is a non-exhaustive list), we can see:


zPS3:~ zebra$ gdb -k

(gdb) lv1_allocate_memory

(gdb) lv1_allocate_memory

(gdb) lv1_storage_write

(gdb) lv1_storage_get_async_status

(gdb) lv1_storage_check_async_status




Within this, we can tell what processes and what functions are being called from below the hypervisor by a modular debug of each of these lv1 system calls.


So, weʼve made some progress there, even if it isnʼt much. We can see how our actions are affecting the hardware down below. We do know from Sonyʼs own documentation that there are significant limitations placed upon the PS3 for our ʽuserlandʼ usage:


1. Access to RSX (the nVidia GPU) is completely blocked.

2. Access to the Emotion Engine (PS2 emulation environment) is blocked.

3. Access to SPEʼs is limited to six discrete cores. This is done for a multitude of reasons.

4. The hard disk is limited to only a small portion that is abstracted to the ʽOther OSʼ.


Recent homebrew efforts have allowed us to unlock 256MB of the RSX moduleʼs lower speed DDR memory. Thus far, we havenʼt been able to actually use the GPU, however. All the efforts made at documenting each system level 1 call have been placed on a wiki.


The result is us being able to at least guess at what is happening, even if we canʼt yet control the hardware as our own. In the coming months, we hope to find a way through the hypervisor via undocumented system calls. Hopefully these undocumented calls will provide us a way to ʽpushʼ the hypervisor out of the way. Traditionally, hypervisor to hardware level abstraction such as those found in VMWareʼs ESX Server or Sunʼs LDOM are tough as nails and are yet to show signs of obvious exploitation. Breaking out of a virtualised environment might be the last great battle.



my point is:


how much hope is out there for the ps3-fan-community, that we will see some significant progress in 08?

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Και εγώ ξέρω έναν εδώ στα Τρίκαλα που λέει από πέρυσι ότι έχει hackari το ps3.Έχει μαγαζί και λέει με 150 ευρώ στο hackari και δεν ξέρω και κανέναν να το πήγε :lol:

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New Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII Images


The most recent issue of Japanese game magazine Famitsu PS3 has loads of details about upcoming Square Enix titles Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII. As we previously posted, the FFXIII demo will be longer than Advent Children and will be on a regular Blu-ray disc. FFXIII will have a party battle system, and the story is being written so that each character apparently seems like the protagonist (instead of simply a supporting character). The magazine features around 20 new screenshots of Final Fantasy XIII, apparently real time, too. There are real-time screens of Versus XIII. It seems that the clothing and the cars in Versus XIII have been tweaked and look different. AT TGS, we can supposedly look forward to the name of the prince and the heroine being announced.


Πατηστε πανω στις φωτογραφιες για να τις δειτε σε μεγαλο μεγεθος:


Final Fantasy XIII

t213474_august08dks3713ff1301.jpg t213475_august08dks3713ff1303.jpg


Final Fantasy Versus XIII


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