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[RELEASE] PS3- 2 Player Pong 1.0


Posted By: dragula96


ps3 homebrew 2 Player Pong 1.0


download ps3 2 player pong source here.


ps3 2 Player Pong Ready to Go Pack here.



ready to go pack, for those of you that havent been keeping up with the BD-J exploit.


just extract the and put the AVCHD folder and everything in it on USB pen drive root directory.


then place USB pen drive on ps3, go to video and run the AVCHD folder.


and the game should run.





read me file:

PS3 2 PLAYER PONG 1.0 by Dragula96





silenoz of PS3Hax //for bringing this discovery to the general public


FreePlay //for taking time to develup his Minimal BD-J (Java) Devkit for PS3


Drakon //for wrighting up the gameloop, input functions needed for this project.



the game is not perfect, it needs some tweeks with the variables, collision is very basic.


this is 2 players, can be played with 2 ps3 controllers.


player 1 controls:


up- moves paddle up

down- moves paddle down


player 2 controls:

square- moves paddle up

cross - moves paddle down


ball speeds up every time it hits a paddle to make things interesting.






Will We See Java Emulators for PS3 ?


Posted By: wraggster


The release of the 2 Player Pong Game for PS3 and also the Homebrew Devkit using the Java Runtime for PS3 brings hope that a full on exploit for Homebrew on the PS3 can be found.


In the meantime this use of the Blue Disc Java Runtime means that at least Java Games are doable in Homebrew on the PS3 and on most any firmware/region version of the Console.


The next eventual step will some sort of emulator on the PS3 using Java and looking on Google you can see theres quite a few Java Emulators emulating a lot of systems, theres even a Java PSP Emulator for Windows being worked on, now imagine running PSP Games on your PS3 in time.



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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Η ΕΑ ανακοίνωσε οτι στο πρώτο οικονομικό τρίμηνο του 2009 (μιλάμε για fiscal year, τελειώνει τον ούνιο του 2008) τα πεισσότερα χρήματα στην εταιρία έφεραν τα παιχνίδια για PS3 (139 εκ. $), μετά οι εκδόσεις για PC με μπροστάρη το Mass Effect (86 εκ. $) και το 360 στην τρίτη θέση με 81 εκ. $.


PS3, PC Sales Lead EA Revenue in Q1 2009


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Κοινοποίηση σε άλλες σελίδες

Η ΕΑ ανακοίνωσε οτι στο πρώτο οικονομικό τρίμηνο του 2009 (μιλάμε για fiscal year, τελειώνει τον ούνιο του 2008) τα πεισσότερα χρήματα στην εταιρία έφεραν τα παιχνίδια για PS3 (139 εκ. $), μετά οι εκδόσεις για PC με μπροστάρη το Mass Effect (86 εκ. $) και το 360 στην τρίτη θέση με 81 εκ. $.


PS3, PC Sales Lead EA Revenue in Q1 2009



This is misleading - the PS3 is not dominating the 360 in revenue.


If you scroll down in that statement you will see the more accurate numbers in the "non-GAAP revenues" section, and the PS3 definitely does not lead the PS3.


Xbox 360: 81

PC: 70

PS3: 68

PS2: 40

Wii: 39

PSP: 26

DS: 21


Why the difference? EA bundles together the revenue for microtransactions together with the software - the revenue numbers above are not just from SKUs shipped to stores, but the actual and future expected values of online purchases for those games.


There is a big difference in how EA handles those numbers for the 360 and DS and all other platforms.


For the DS, there is no estimation necessary - there are no DS microtransactions. For the 360, there is a special case - EA feels that, by working with Microsoft, they can accurately gauge the total number of microtransactions that are going to occur for a title at the time it is shipped. This is probably because Microsoft shares with them online sales data for other titles - or perhaps Microsoft is delivering them money upfront and not on a per-sale basis.


For all other platforms, EA does not have confidence in what the microtransaction revenues will be at the time of shipment. So what EA has started doing this year is recognizing over a 6 to 9 month period the expected online revenue for these games. It does this only for the official GAAP revenue numbers. For the non-GAAP numbers - EA continues to estimate the microtransaction value as the game is shipped, because they will not be audited for those numbers.


So why is the GAAP PS3 revenue number this quarter so large? It's not because they are getting more money from PS3 games sold in stores than the 360. It's because estimated microtransaction values of PS3 games sold Christmas last year are still showing up in the official revenue numbers this quarter - but the 360 revenue numbers recognized those values when the games were sold 2 quarters ago.


The OP should probably be updated to include the non-GAAP numbers as well.


Also, microtransactions = serious business

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