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X06: Assassin's Creed Update

The latest on Ubi's next, um, killer game, including controls and potential multiplayer.


10,000 plus.


That's how many character animations are loaded into Assassin's Creed, 700 of them alone contextual. To put things into perspective, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, developed by the same crack team at Ubisoft Montreal, features 500 character animations. And Prince remains to this day one of the finest animated games on the market. Get the picture?


Of course, controlling all these moves is something of a chore on a controller that doesn't read minds. Jade Raymond, producer on Assassin's, took a few minutes to break down a complex yet seemingly intuitive control scheme that will have you offing targets faster than you can say John Wilkes Booth.


As Altair, a medieval hitman with a mysterious past (Raymond confirmed that he's not a time traveler), you have free reign to explore vast cities and countryside. You will investigate your targets by exploring, eavesdropping and even picking pockets for clues on his whereabouts. When you have three clues-- and there are many more you can choose to find through thorough investigation -- you can then move to the assassination stage, using "social stealth" to blend in with crowds, searching for handholds to scale castle walls, using killer's intuition to hone in on the target and, finally, sinking a blade in his gullet.


In order to control Altair, Ubisoft attached four "puppet strings." One to his head (the Y button) his weapon hand (X), off hand (B) and his lower body (A). The right trigger has been jokingly dubbed "emotional control" by Raymond and her team. In short, it is a strength modifier. While walking, hold it down to run. While swashbuckling, hold it down for a lumbering power strike.


Using Y, you will do things like eavesdrop and use intuition. A, then, would be used to jump. An interesting control feature is climbing, done in a way we've never seen before. We didn't get a chance to touch the controller, but you will actually feel for handholds, like rock climbing. With it, Altair can climb anywhere in the world where there is a decent grip, and we're hoping he has a chance to move up the tallest of towers while sneaking past the castle guard.


There wasn't much more news out of Ubisoft's camp, except that the team is trying to put together a package of downloadable content that Raymond could only say is "something ambitious." She hinted slightly at extended gameplay and possibly even some kind of multiplayer -- the team did create a prototype multiplayer and co-op mode. But, as of now, there is still nothing to announce.


While the PlayStation 3 and 360 versions of Assassin's Creed are virtually identical, Raymond did say that on the 360 the team is putting a special emphasis on achievements. The hardware also allows for improved threading, which will improve even further the crowd AI.


Even at this early stage, Assassin's Creed is a safe-bet for one of the most innovative and beautiful games of 2007.


Gran Turismo Premium Pics

A first look at Ferrari in GT.


If you love to make screenshots into wallpapers for your computer, have we got a treat to you. Polyphony has unleashed new full resolution images of Gran Turismo HD. These shots give us a closer look at the game's premium mode of play, which will offer a first taste of true next generation Gran Turismo visuals.


There are a number of points to note about these shots. First, they show off the new Ferrari license in action. Ferrari is a new, and highly anticipated, entry to the GT world. Polyphony actually states that Ferrari was the most requested maker car maker amongst GT fans.


Second, not only do we get a look at the exterior Ferrari models, we also get a first look inside the car. The shots include first cockpit views from premium mode. Polyphony has clearly poured resources into getting the interiors correct.


Finally, the size of the screenshots itself is telling. It appears that GT premium, and therefore GT5, will run in 1080p. While the classic mode ran in 1080p, there was some concern that the switch to full spec PS3 visuals would require a drop to 720p resolution.


In addition to the screenshots, Polyphony's GT page offers one tiny new detail on premium mode. As previously detailed, the mode will include 30 cars and 2 courses on the disk. To this, you'll be able to download an additional 30 cars, along with 1 new course. The site states that Polyphony plans on making a London course available for download.


GT HD is still set for Japanese release in December, so our first look at the next generation of racing shouldn't be too far off.


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Aν ειχες ριξει μια ματια στις προηγουμενες σελιδες θα εβλεπες πως αυτο μαλλον θα ισχυει μονο για Ιαπωνια και οχι για Αμερικη και Ευρωπη. Προφανως δεν ειναι τοσο PS fans οι Ιαπωνες και ειναι πιο ευαισθητοι στην τιμη, οποτε επρεπε να κανει κατι η Sony για αυτους, σε αντιθεση με εδω που πολλοι ειπαν ειναι λογικη (!) τιμη για αυτα που κανει, οποτε δε γινεται λογος για μειωση τιμης...


kalo tha itan na diabazoume tis selides tou topic k ta posts pou exoun ginei.ola auta einai mono gia iapwnia ektos tou hdmi pou tha einai global se ola ta 500e ps3.o kuturagi eipe oti i meiwseis tis timis einai mono gia iapwnia.koitakte pio pisw tis selides na deite


PS3 on Display

One Tokyo retailer gets a demo unit.


Sony has taken another major step on its path towards releasing the PlayStation 3, with the Akiba Keizan Shimbun newspaper reporting today that at least one major Tokyo retailer has taken delivery of the first PlayStation 3 demo kiosk. At this rate, the system may actually make it out on schedule!


Accoridng to the paper, the multi-story Yodobashi Camera outlet in Tokyo's Akihabara district now has an actual PlayStation 3 unit on display. A monitor above the system shows trailers for games like Afrika, Genji, Heavenly Sword and The Eye of Judgment.


The system is strictly hands-off at this point, but the newspaper reports that customers were stopping to take a look before heading to the register to purchase Pokemon Diamond & Pearl for the DS.


For a picture of the first retail PlayStation 3 unit, check out the Akiba Keizai Shimbun website.

an thelei tin koursouremeni ekdosi 500 eura,an theleis tin komple 600eura....milame tsampa to dinoune:p


e oxi k koutsouremenh. den exei wlan, cart reader 40gb more k kati akoma. esi ta xriazese ola ayta? ego oxi. to blu ray pou to bazis? mia xara timoula mou fenonte ta 500 emena


to mikro aksizei pia.to 600ari to thewrw peritto.allwste k disko diko sou mporeis na baleis,k ta card reader etc na ta baleis meta an ta xreiazesai toso.problepw to "mikro" ps3 na pigainei kalitera apo to megalo


Tomb Raider on PS3




Lara Croft will make her way to PlayStation 3 eventually, but you shouldn't expect to wrap your thumbs around her until July 2007 at the earliest.


Tucked away in Eidos' financial results for the year ended June 2006 was a note that it's planning "new versions of Tomb Raider (including a PS3 version)" for release in as part of its 2008 financial year line-up.


That's because the company's hedging its next-gen bets, and hasn't planned any PS3 releases between now and June 2007.


"This is consistent with our policy to launch titles on a new platform when the platform reaches a commercially viable installed base," it said.


Eidos has been a fairly strong supporter of the rival Xbox 360, with Hitman: Blood Money, Tomb Raider: Legend and Just Cause most recently.




Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has strongly refuted the idea that competitors Xbox 360 and Wii will outsell PS3.


When asked by MCV whether the rival consoles will outstrip Sonyʼs next-gen machine, he replied simply: “We do not care.”


But he conceded that Sony is still struggling with the production of PS3ʼs Blu-Ray drive: “Right now, it is an issue, because we canʼt manufacture enough blue laser diodes for our PlayStation 3s. But we will resolve that.”


Speaking at a PS3 showcase in the PlayStation lounge of Sonyʼs Tokyo HQ, Kutaragi declined to name specific PS3 launch titles, but Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison was slightly less cagey: “Resistance: Fall of Man and Genji are definite PS3 launch titles.”


When asked how close Sony is to finalising the PS3 launch line-up, Harrison said: “Weʼre at a fluid time when games are in final QA but not out of final QA. But weʼre close.”


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