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δεν ειναι ψιλο σπαμ ολες αυτες οι εικονες και βιντεο?


ασχετα που εισαι μοντ :devil:

Χαχαχα :lol:

Οχι ρε συ, ασε που εγω αγοραζω μερικα απο τα παιχνιδια που μας δειχνει εδω ο Μοντ :P

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XVISTAMAN2005 has discovered a method HERE which allows Retail PS3 console owners to install PS3 Debug Firmware on them... however, before considering attempting this PS3 "HDD Swap" be sure to read below.


Upon following the instructions your retail PS3 console will update to a partial Debug/Test console. Partial is stated because upon doing it the PS3 will possess what is pictured below, specifically non-functioning Debug options.


Debug PKG files won't install, port 1000 is open but you can't connect to it, and the PS3 no longer plays Blu-ray movies. Additionally, the Sony S... More »


Δεν το κάνει 100% debug ... hybrid more or less

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Haze Review


4.5 Presentation

A bland story with weak characters and simplistic commentaries on serious topics, Haze is a generic tale at best about war.

4.0 Graphics

Tons of visual issues abound within the game, from texture tears and non-descript environments to pop-in and odd animation problems.

5.0 Sound

Dialogue is hokey and repetitive regardless of what side you're on. Sound effects are good, but that's not enough to make you turn the volume up once you've hit mute.

4.5 Gameplay

A creative concept hampered by gimmicks, a weak story and poor AI, Haze is a disappointment from a developer well versed in shooter mechanics.

4.5 Lasting Appeal

Two player split-screen and four player co-op helps put a minor spin on the campaign, but it won't extend the replayability of the game much. Nor will multiplayer modes and its useless merit system.






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Killzone 2 delayed because of crowded fall release calendar


SCEA has revealed that they delayed the launch of Killzone 2 to Feb 2009 because of a crowded fall release calendar and made it clear that "there is nothing wrong or causing a delay to the development of the title." We (SECA) had to look at the fall calendar with SOCOM, LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, plus some PSN titles and make a decision where each game should come out. Killzone 2 was moved to Feb 2009 to make sure we didnʼt have three shooters in the marketplace competing for retail dollars during the same holiday season. The game will be great and it will be out in Feb 2009 in both Europe and North America.




Just wanted to add a quick reply on the “delay” of Killzone 2 to Feb 2009. To be clear, there is nothing wrong or causing a delay to the development of the title. We (SECA) had to look at the fall calendar with SOCOM, LittleBigPlanet, MotorStorm: Pacific Rift, Resistance 2, plus some PSN titles and make a decision where each game should come out. Killzone 2 was moved to Feb 2009 to make sure we didnʼt have three shooters in the marketplace competing for retail dollars during the same holiday season. The game will be great and it will be out in Feb 2009 in both Europe and North America.


Hope this helps - alot of times we gamers read delay and think something is wrong, in this case, it was a pure management decision.




News Source: blog.us.playstation

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