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Sony Lists Third-Party PS3 Games at $59.99

No word on pricing for first-party releases.


PlayStation 3 games will apparently be released at the now-standard next generation (if we're not talking Wii, at least) price of $59.99, a $10 price hike from last generation, according to listings on Sony's own SonyStyle online store.


Microsoft released first-party games at $49.99 during Xbox 360's launch period, a practice they've since moved away from, starting with this fall's Gears of War. The SonyStyle website doesn't list any first-party PS3 releases, but we can't imagine Sony cutting prices where they aren't absolutely necessary.

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Kingdom Hearts: Not Necessarily on PS3

Square Enix doesn't want to support simply one platform.


Last night, Square Enix riled gamers up with a bizarre quote from a Wall Street Journal article on the looming competition between Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii this fall. As the publication examined each of the platform's expected strengths, they turned a focus to the RPG powerhouse, who didn't exactly respond with the resounding exclusivity support we saw last generation.


"We don't want PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them," says Michihiro Sasaki, senior VP of Square Enix. "But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much."


Er, what? Most came away from this quote convinced Square Enix was readying massive support for Wii, which, while possible, probably isn't the underlying message here. Rather, Square Enix likely realizes PS3 doesn't have ensured dominance this generation, and rather than pool all their support behind Sony right from the start, they're going to let the market play itself out for a while -- case in point, Square Enix so heavily supporting Nintendo DS over PSP.


Earlier in the story, however, the journalists make mention of where various Square Enix franchises are landing, specifically noting the high-end Final Fantasy sequels will find themselves on PlayStation 3, but more importantly, they have yet to decide who will receive the next Kingdom Hearts.


We can't imagine Xbox 360 being on the publisher's radar, so Wii appears the only logical option, unless they take the route expected from Kingdom Hearts at the start: multiplatform.


At this point, it's simply too early to know what Square Enix's plans are. 1UP's fired off a request for follow-up comment on the Kingdom Hearts mention, and we'll update if we hear more.


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To 7800 gtx το αρχικο ετρεχε με πυρηνα 420 και το overclock edition στα 550 ...αρα το RSX κυμαινεται μεσα εκει εαν ισχυει το 500....γιατι ακομη καθαρα δεν ξερουμε μπορει να ειναι και το μεγιστο 550.....Την μνημη μην την κοιτας γιατι στα pc ειναι αλλιως....

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PS3 info




Originally Posted by Dr_No

Put it in the other thread. . .sorry for the delay:


Edit: more translations added.





Sorry, I should have translated on my original post, but I'm at work and didn't have time then (I was posting from a meeting). Here's quick run-down, some of the stuff we already knew but is further confirmed. The article itself is actually a summary of interviews, information taken from WatchImpress' TGS coverage. I'm not a technical person as far as graphics are concerned so excuse me for translation errors.


As the image shows, the OS will be run off the flash memory that is on the PS3 instead off the optical media like the PS2. There is also another seperate install of OS on the HDD (Linux), the Cell OS will be locked from the Linux OS to prevent piracy. But Sony is promoting homebrew on the PS3 (unlike the PSP), the article states that they want the PS3 to be a computing platform like Windows/Mac and Linux. Also confirmed that cell Hypervisor will be included on the flash memory of the PS3, which I guess is kinda like Microsoft's Virtual Server and EMC's VMware.




Also the article goes into some hurdles PS3 developers had to go through. First it goes into "SDK 0.93", article says SDK 1.00 was suppose to be released by TGS, by the latest release was 0.93. Also states developers were using 7800GTX, says the shader performance is very good but the memory interface of the RSX is 128-bit with 8 ROP, they are stating they are having memory bandwidth problems are have some bottle necks. Says developers are having exact opposite problems with the PS3 compared with the 360, where they aren't having no memory bandwidth problems due to the 10BM eDRAM but have shaper performance issues compared to the PS3. Saying they are lacking in Shader ALU performance and having stalls due to not having enough "threading resources".



Also predicted that there will be a dramatic reduction of high-end PS3 sales due the 20GBs added feature of HDMI. Looking at the user who is looking to buy the PS3 for a Blu-ray experience as well, the 20GB model has become much more attractive with the addition of HDMI.


Looking at the situation of increased PS3 game prices, as originally reported on WatchImpress, later spreading to all corners of the internet (sometimes very negatively), regarding high PS3 game prices. Increased prices for games from the previous generation is inevidable. Third party developers have stated licening fees for the PS3 may be more expensive then PS2. However, discussed is that Sony cannot take licencing fees from applications made for Linux, however there are still questions about how the entire dynamics of the licencing sytem will work.



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Sonic Dated in Japan

Plus, a first look at Japanese PS3 pricing.


Sega of Japan announced today release details for the Japanese PS3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog. The blue blur's first next generation outing will hit the Japanese PS3 on December 21. Pricing is set at 6800 yen, the same as a standard current generation release.


In addition to the Sonic date and price, Sega of Japan also announced a price for Sega Golf Club. The arcade to PS3 port, which is set to launch alongside the system on 11/11, will sell for 6,800 yen as well, helping to alleviate concerns that PS3 games would in general be priced above current generation titles.


Today's Sonic announcement concerns only the PS3 version of the game. The Xbox 360 version is currently without a Japanese release date.

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David Jaffe's Project HL Dead, Working on PS3

God of War director has given up on making you cry.


David Jaffe is no longer working on the PSP game that was supposed to make you burst into tears. "That game is- for the moment- on the shelf," said the typically outspoken developer in his blog. "The core reason is that it was very ambitious and so was/is WarHawk. The same developer is making both games ... so Scott (head of Incog) and I said: fuck it. We'll do HL later...maybe."


Instead of heading back to Kratos, however, Jaffe has dived head first into a PlayStation 3 game, with apparent similarities to Twisted Metal and Bomberman. The game hasn't been officially announced yet, though Jaffe estimates a release date sometime between November and January -- a surprise launch game, perhaps? His comments don't seem to put it out of the question.


Work started on the PS3 project about six to seven months ago, and as the game approaches the Alpha stage of development, Jaffe's brief discussion of the game is full of excitement.


"I CAN tell you that man, SHORTER, LESS EXPENSIVE GAMES....wow! What a BLAST to be working on these things! I feel like the old cartoonists who used to make Bugs and Daffy must have felt; how Rankin-Bass must have felt, pumping out show after show after show...just knocking them out, and some are- worst case- just average, while some are amazing... but it adds up to a hell of a batting average over time and lots of fun games. I have not dug the work this much in ages!"


While it's a little disappointing to hear Jaffe ditched his ambitious for HL, it seems we should hear about his latest game sometime soon. It definitely sounds like Jaffe has returned to hits action roots, and that can't be a bad thing.



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