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Sony Boss Talks PlayStation Network Expansion


The PS3's start? Fairly close to disastrous. Things are slowly improving, though, and Sony chieftain Howard Stringer wants to ensure they keep improving. To that effect he's told News.com that the PlayStation Network will soon be expanded, after which Sony will finally begin distributing videos and other multimedia content straight to your PS3. Good news! Because if Microsoft can do it, you'd like to think Sony (who, you know...own both movie and music studios) can do it too. The article mentions a press conference Sony will be holding in two month's time, guess we'll find out more (or maybe even see it launched) then.

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LittleBigPlanet producer hints at upcoming public beta, fall release

I think it's safe to say we're all tired of waiting for Sony to release LittleBigPlanet for the PlayStation 3. It was first revealed at last year's Game Developers Conference to squeals of delight from the gaming community and press, and we're just a little over a month away from this year's GDC. We were "promised" a demo in late 2007, but that fell through. So what gives?


At CES, Sony's Jeff Rubenstein stopped by and spoke with LittleBigPlanet's producer Kyle Shubel, who walked him through some of the game's "Create" functions. But that's not the important part, because who the heck cares -- when can we start playing the damned game? Shubel drops some not so subtle hints.


"You'll see more at GDC," he says. "You'll see more heading into the Summer. We're probably going to be doing a public beta, get a few people involved, and try to expand that out as the year goes on, leading up to the fall."


So there you go -- fall. Let's hope he's talking about fall of 2008, eh?

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CES 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4 frame rate in flux on PS3


Sony Corp. demonstrated Konami Corp.'s Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for the Playstation 3 on Mon. at the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV.


The latest build of the next Metal Gear entry held a frame rate at 30 frames per second and 60 frames depending on the amount of action displayed on-screen.


The show floor demonstration showcased the outdoor warzone featured last Aug. at the E for All Expo in Los Angeles.


When the on-screen visuals held less action and focused on nearby buildings the action locked at 60 frames per second. However, when bullet fire, grenades, smoke, and debris filtered the screen, the action fell to 30 frames per second.


The frame rate flux was barely noticable, however, at a higher frame rate, textures held much sharper detail.


The non-playable cinematic portions of the title were locked at 60 frames per second. The movie showcased at the show floor featured Old Snake speaking to Otacon through a remote device.


In Oct., Konami delayed the title to Q2 of 2008 to make further improvements to the quality of the game.

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Eternal Sonata: Characters broadened





Microsoft fans got to play Eternal Sonata far before their rival PlayStation fans. They were given the opportunity to enjoy this masterpiece of a title in all of its glory. Anybody who has played it would agree that is was not only phenomenal, but also unforgettable. The story was perfect, the art was brilliant, and the score was absolutely mesmerizing. Now itʼs our turns.



Great things come to those who wait. Eternal Sonata is slated to hit PS3 shelves this year and itʼs going to be a title to remember. What do the Sony faithful get for the long wait? Two extra playable characters that were mere NPCʼs for the 360.


Those who have waited for this title will be given the chance to utilize not only Prince Crescendo, but his lovely bride, Serenade. This is complimented with more story sequences as well.


All of these may have been news that was commonly known, however, we have screenshots of the characters in action.

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CES 2008: Metal Gear Solid 4 Demo

Snake makes an appearance at the Sony booth in Las Vegas.


At the 2008 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Sony had a special visitor at its booth as Konami was on hand to show off a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid 4. This is the same demo that was on display during the 2007 E for All expo in Los Angeles, so there weren't too many revelations made during our demonstration, however, we were able to get some hands on time with the game and many of our worries were put to rest.


One of the features found in Metal Gear Solid 4 is that the game is fully compliant with the new Dual Shock 3 controller, so we were able to feel every shot that we fired and every bullet that hit us in the game, and this could be a solid indication that Sony is back on track with the force feedback functionality that it's current home console is missing.


Another thing that we noticed is that the game looks absolutely stunning. Everything is rendered in fine detail from the war-torn middle-eastern city that the level took place in, right down to the individual hairs on Snake's 'stache. When we asked whether or not the game will be able to run at 60 fps at 1080p, Konami said that things were still being optimized and they can't promise anything, things were on the right track.




Though Kojima Productions and Konami aren't ready to announce a final release date, they did mention to us that we should hear that announcement in late February. As soon as Konami formally announces a date for MGS 4, we'll be sure to let you know, but until then, expect Solid Snake's latest adventure to arrive sometime during Q2, 2008.

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UT3 Mods Update

Deathmatch Map - Fractal Beta2



Mod Type:Deathmatch Map

Name:Fractal Beta2


Website URL:Epic Forums Post

File Size:8.4 mb

Description:Futuristic map staged on the inside of a plasma reactor. Looks awesome and the reactor hum really sets the tone. Great Map.

Darkdrium777 writes, "LRC public polls have found that the majority of Tournament viewers enjoy fights in ʽReal Lifeʼ locations. This converted plasma reactor is one such venue. Fighters should take care, as the plasma energy beams will become accessible through the ʽFractal Portalʼ if any of the yellow LED triggers on the floor are shot."

Thanks Darkdrium777


Vehicle CTF Map - FeelGoodInc


UPDATE: Karmatized fixed the way the name shows up on the PS3 menu.

Thanks Karmatized

Mod Type:Vehicle CTF Map



Website URL:Epic Forums Post

File Size:6mb

Description:Small but quick Vehicle CTF Map. Who can't love windmills.

Karmatizer writes, " Dont mess with the bots, they know the map up and down and will play even when your not FULL BOT SUPPORT The map is based on the music video Feel Good INC The maps complete!!! Also yes the windmill has a realtime animated component shadow. This map is a keeper."

Thanks Karmatizer


Deathmatch Map - Bathroom III Beta2



Mod Type:Deathmatch Map

Name:Bathroom III Beta2


Website URL:Epic Forums Post

File Size:11mb

Description:This is one of the first maps I wanted to play when I first saw it. It is more than I imagined. It really feels like your playing in a huge bathroom. A Great Map that helps illustrate what developers can do with the editor.

MustaphaMond writes, " Credits: MustaphaMond, with a little help from some friends and special thanks to DarkMantis for his work on DM-BathroomSPE

Also: One static mesh (the tub faucet) was downloaded from (http://www.the3dstudio.com/product_d..._product=40283) and was made by RippleDesign.


Notes: This is a remake of a map I've seen in every version of UT. I couldn't find a copy of the original level or the name of the original designer. I ended up using a copy of DM-BathroomSpeUT2K3.ut2 written by DarkMantis as my guide."

Thanks MustaphaMond


Deathmatch Map - Dome of Mud



Mod Type:Deathmatch Map

Name:Dome of Mud


Website URL:Epic Forums Post

Read Me: PS3 Link

File Size:7.34 mb

Description:Great looking map with corridors and a skinny bridge in a round room. Schleicher writes, "Not my first map, but my first Ued3 map, so a word of warning first : This is made very much like an UT map, means pretty light on static meshes and pretty heavy on BSP altho the absence of 2dshape meant i couldnt go bonkers as much. Should run pretty good anyways."

Make sure to check out the Read Me for the awesome story.

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Prototype AU Update

Fast-paced and bloody. Is this the next step in open-world action gaming?





While the game is still early – it's not due until late 2008, it's looking really good. The frame rate was buttery smooth throughout the vast majority of the demo, even with Mercer running full tilt down a crowded city street while a chopper pursued him, rockets exploding around him, cars flying. There's plenty more to be implemented, and we were only shown a small section of the gameworld and a small slice of Mercer's abilities, but still, the pace, the brutal combat and the emphasis on options really bode well for Prototype. Radical is calling this Alex Mercer's 'origin story', with a view to create a series – here's hoping the team can pull it all together.
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No whimpers in the grand finale, promises Cory Barlog

Kratos's final showdown in God of War III will be satisfyingly super-explosive, according to Cory Barlog. Good!


"The story is going to finish off with a very big, very epic bang..." the director of the second game in the series promises in his blog. "I think everyone will be quite pleased."


Although Barlog has now parted ways with Sony, he began work on God of War III's plot and design as soon as God of War II was done and dusted. The third game will wrap up the story arc begun in Kratos' stunning debut on PS2.


"I know for the God of War fans out there it might be a bummer that I am not working on God of War III (or for some it may be a good thing I am not) but rest assured that it is all in good hands," says Barlog.


"The Sony Santa Monica team is one of the best teams I have ever worked with."

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Ubisoft: Haze not delayed until March


Free Radical's big PS3 exclusive debut, Haze, caught our eye when we first saw it at last year's at PAX. Rumblings that the game's early winter release date was pushed back to March, or potentially even later, have abounded since then, but Ubisoft has confirmed to Ars that the title is expected to land before March.


Ubisoft Montreal's Audrey-Ann Milot told Ars in an email that the company had "decided to postpone the release" to "put the final touches to the game," and that the game is still slated to be released in "January-February 2008."


The game's original November release was postponed for the aforementioned reason, and perhaps to avoid a market saturated with numerous other big name titles. Rumors that the game had been delayed again surfaced when retailers such as GameStop changed the pre-release date to March 2008.


With the pedigree of the fantastic Timesplitters franchise behind it, Free Radical seems poised to hit the PS3 in a big way with a strong single player and multiplayer shooter, and publisher Ubisoft has another big title to follow Assassin's Creed. Expect a full review from Ars.

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