*D@Rk P-yChO* Δημοσ. 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 μερικα ειναι δωρεαν αλλα τα πληρωνεις ok...ty για τις πληροφοριες ...
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Devil May Cry 4 PS3 Vs. Xbox 360 Comparison HD [gt]29150[/gt]
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 US PLAYSTATION Store Update: December 20, 2007 Games * Toy Home ($9.99) * Snakeball ($9.99) (it's not available in store for some reason, you need to download the demo and go to purchase full game) * Trials of Topoq ($4.99) * Memerize: Distort ($1.99) PSone Classics * Warhawk ($5.99) Demos * BlackSite: Area 51 demo (free) * Snakeball demo (free) Add-Ons * Warhawk: Operation Omega Dawn Expansion ($7.99) * Folklore Christmas Pack Add-On (free) * Motorstorm Holiday Skin (free) * Guitar Hero III Holiday Single "We Three Kings" (free) * High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition Add-On 1 (free) * High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition Add-On 2 (free) * Rock Band Add-Ons o "Buddy Holly" by The Pretender ($1.99) o "Brass in Pocket"* by Weezer ($1.99) o "My Iron Lung" by Radiohead ($1.99) Game Videos * Gran Turismo 5 Prologue Sizzle Trailer (free) * Devil May Cry 4 Final Trailer (free) * Warhawk Omega Dawn Trailer (Free) * PS3 "Only On" TV Spot (free) * PS3 "Universe" TV Spot (free) * Tony Hawk's Proving Ground - Mike V's Skater Story (free) * Turok "Dino Mauling" Video (free) * PSP Feature Video (free) * Uncharted: Drake's Fortune "Animation" Video (free) Movie Trailers * Strange Wilderness Trailer (free) Blu-Ray Disc Trailers * Shakira: Oral Fixation Tour Trailer (free) Themes * Warhawk Theme (free) * PAIN: Santa Theme (free) * PAIN: Cookie Theme (free) Wallpapers * High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition wallpapers (2)
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 UT3 on PS3 Gets First User-created mod New DM-Shrine map available for PS3 players. As Epic explained on its forums delays dotting the i's and crossing the t's held up the tools needed for modders to make their content PS3 compatible. While it usually takes a little while for the mod scene to really cranking anyway, that sparked some disappointment that PS3 gamers wouldn't be able to start adding user-created mods to their game right out of the box. The public release of those tools remains in limbo (don't worry; it shouldn't be too long our sources say). In the meantime, Epic themselves have stepped in and using their developer version of the tool have packaged up a surprise Holiday treat for PS3 UT3 gamers. The first ever user-created, not to mention FREE, map for Unreal Tournament 3 on PS3 is DM-Shrine by Thomas Browett, who goes by the name Setheran on the official UT3 forums. We've got it hosted for you right now on our FileFront site: Download DM-Shrine for PS3 here. And here's Epic's Mark Rein with all the details from his forum post on their official site: Epic Games is proud to take the first bold step in a new era! Today we're releasing the very first user-created content for Unreal Tournament 3 on PlayStation 3. We're starting with a user-created map called DM-Shrine created by Thomas Browett, who goes by the name Setheran on the official UT3 forums. Thomas is a 23 year old graphic designer from Nottingham, England. He's been playing Unreal since the very first Unreal Tournament and he says he's enjoyed every game in the series. He made a few maps for the original Unreal Tournament but hadn't done anything since this one. He finds the third generation Unreal Editor to be very friendly and feature rich. DM-Shrine is is a great little map that's perfect those close-quarters, 2-6 player, matches that keep your adrenaline pumping from beginning to end. A lot of our DM maps in UT3 are designed for larger player counts so this provides a great contrast and a chance to play in a more intimate setting. I've always loved these types of maps and I hope you folks do as well! Here is how to install UT3 mods on your PlayStation 3. 1. Unzip the file to the root directory of any memory card that is readable by your PlayStation 3. It is already in the proper directory structure but, just in case, the path and filename need to be: ps3\savedata\blus30086-modimport\userdata.jam 2. Boot up Unreal Tournament 3 on your PS3 3. Go to the "Community" menu 4. Choose "My Content" 5. Press the [sQUARE] button to "Import Mod" 6. Follow the directions on the screen to import it from your memory card. Once imported you'll be able to see the map in your list of Deathmatch maps. You'll be able to host the map and join servers that are hosting the map. All UT3 mods install this same way. If this were a mutator it would show up in the mutator list. If it were a gametype it would show up in gametype lists, etc. This is just the first little taste of modding on Unreal Tournament 3 for PS3. Epic didn't make this map. Thomas did and he already released it for PC users of UT3. We didn't do any editing or changes to it. All we did was bring it into the editor and "cook" it into the proper format for the PlayStation 3 and tested it to make sure it ran properly and was good fun. We're waiting on some paperwork from Sony that will allow us to release an editor update so mod creators can do this cook process for themselves. We expect to have that very soon. Tomorrow we're planning to release some more user-created content: a mutator, a couple more maps, and a new game type! We have some really cool things of our own in the works (for both PC and PS3 versions of UT3) here at Epic but those are still in development so they're a little further down the road.
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 In-Depth Details for MGS4 The MGS4 HUD in depth Above: From left to right - Stress meter, Radar, Solid Eye/Item select, Weapon select Stress meter Stress builds as Snake engages in combat, or is faced by extreme conditions (e.g. heavy shelling, weather, etc). High stress leads to fatigue and lower accuracy. Stress can be relieved by ʽreadingʼ saucy magazines, and using other secret techniques. Our guess? Expect ʽcomicʼ body functions. Radar The Baseline Map visually displays the ʽfeelʼ given off by enemies and moving objects - the stronger the ʽfeelʼ, the more vivid the flash (bosses will appear as big dots). When Snake is stressed, he wonʼt ʽfeelʼ threats as vividly, leaving you likely to blunder into trouble. Solid Eye/Item select The Item menu is unchanged (tap L2 and scroll mid-game), including objects like Rations, Cardboard Box, Barrel and Cigarettes. The Solid Eye systemʼs vision modes - Normal, ENVG (thermal) and Scope (binoculars) - are toggled from the item menu. Double-tap L2 to equip the last used object, as ever. Weapon select Similar to the Item select menu - double-tap to quick-select weapons on-the-fly, or dip into the menu to change weapons and ammo types. Most weapons have a secondary fire option (R2), such as the knifeʼs charged stun attack. You can modify rifles with shotgun attachments, too. How weapons workWeapons have five main attributes. Pop into the menu and you can pan and zoom around them in 3D - a nice cosmetic touch, but it allows you to quantify your modifications, ranked S, A, B, C, D, or E. The categories are Damage, Shockwave, Penetration, Stability, and Reload. For example, the RPG has ʽSʼ rank for Damage and Shockwave, but ʽDʼ for reload speed. Weapons GSR - .45 pistol - 8 rounds Stun knife Javelin - rocket launcher - 1 round P90 - 5.7mm submachinegun - 50 rounds Akloz - 5.56mm assault rifle - 30 rounds M1 4EBR - Auto sniper rifle - 20 rounds M870 - Custom shotgun - 4(+1) rounds, OG Buck, Slug or V.Ring ammo - 24 rounds each M60E4 - 7.62mm machine gun - 100 rounds G18c - 9mm handgun - 33 rounds MP5SDS - 9mm submachine gun VZ83 - Czech 9mm submachine gun - 20 rounds M4A1 - 5.56mm carbine - 30 rounds MK17 - Heavy assault rifle DSR-1 - 7.62mm sniper rifle - 5 rounds Mosin Nagant - bolt action sniper rifle Explosives Grenades WPG - White phosphorous grenade Stun G. - Stun grenade Smoke G. - Smoke grenade Petrobomb S.G. Mine - Sleep gas mine S.G. Satchel - Sleep gas with remote trigger Above: You can make the map 3D and pan around to explore alternative routes, or find items New Codec revealed The bad news - depending on your view, since we personally love the pseudo-intellectual, genuinely soulful, though terribly-written dialogue - is that Codec chat is as lengthy as ever. The good news is that you can Pause, Forward and Chapter Skip the Codec like a DVD, and rewind if youʼve missed a key point in anger. Also, Otacon is in full 3D and you can use the pad to zoom in on his face, if thatʼs what you like. MGS4ʼs all-new 3D map revealed While MGS3 provided branching paths through the jungle, they were essentially linear tracks through the same vertical space. MGS4 feels a lot more ʽsquareʼ and open-ended, with zig-zagging routes, corridors, broken buildings and genuine verticality, allowing exploration. Itʼs not as free as, say, GTA, but a change nonetheless. All-new controls and movesCQC (Close Quarters Combat) is no longer on the Circle button like in MGS3, but on the main fire button (R1) - with a different technique for each CQC-enabled weapon. Truth told, itʼs a bit clumsier, but supposedly more flexible. You can use the right stick to modify your attack, but this wasnʼt that easy to perform in the demo. In fairness, CQC was way too powerful in MGS3, so maybe itʼs for the best. The dilemma: Slash, or choke? Sneak up behind and clasp your foe with a choke hold and drag him along. You can then flip him around and threaten to slice his throat, or alternatively wrestle him to the floor and slowly choke him into submission. How humane. Above: We swear, Snake is “choking” him The grab nʼ shove Grab an enemy as usual, then use the right stick to prime a surprise shove attack, instantly knocking out your foe so you can hide him in a locker. The hold up When youʼve got a guard in a CQC choke hold, you can either use him as a human shield, slit his throat (as we kept doing despite our best efforts not to - honestly), or knock him to the floor and then perform a hold-up technique, like dangling your gunʼs sight over his private parts until he gives up his items and weapons. Donʼt worry sickos, you can still off him at any time when heʼs paid up. Aim free When navigating the environment, you can flip between aiming over the left or right shoulder - useful depending on your cover. Present danger You can give rations to friendly militia, and theyʼll reward you with weapons, like the Petrobomb. Gotta love the accompanying heart icon. Metal Gear Online For our final tidbit, a brief teaser of what multiplayer will offer: a 16-player virtual war - or, at least, a trial version of it, will be bundled free with MGS4. MGOʼs teams use skills from MGS4 including CQC, the Mk II and even barrels to win battles. Youʼll be able to ʽhackʼ fallen soldierʼs nanomachines to locate their buddies and signal the whereabouts of your stricken chums in need of help.
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 PSU's Wish List: Resident Evil 5 http://www.psu.com/PSUs-Wish-List--Resident-Evil-5--a0002236-p0.php
xrest Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 80GB PS3 confirmed for Europe at $500 Sony's HD newsletter reveals new console and price point In what we can only assume is a public relations blunder, the Sony-backed "HD World" newsletter, designed to promote the Blu-ray format, has revealed a new model of PS3 for Europe. The most recent edition of HD World mentions the larger hard drive capacity model for the European market in the context of a wider industry piece on a report on the deciding factors in the format war, it states: "In Western Europe by the end of 2008, "Understanding & Solutions" predicts average player prices (as opposed to entry level model pricing), for HD DVD and Blu-ray of $275 and $475 respectively, with the yet-to-be-launched European 80GB PS3 retailing at just over $500." Currently on sale in the UK is the cut-price 40GB PlayStation 3, with no backwards compatibility and the 60GB version. Pocket-lint had previously suggested that Sony would eventually phase out the 60GB model in the UK in favour of the larger 80GB version, but this has not been confirmed by Sony. We got in touch with a Sony Europe spokesperson who stated: "The HD World newsletter is written by external sources, and the report quoted is from independent analysts. There is absolutely no 80GB version of the PS3 planned for Europe in 2008".
privateer Δημοσ. 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Gran Turis. 5: Pro. 'Import Impressions'
littlelouievegos Δημοσ. 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Ωραιο βιντεακι Pr1v και τα παιδια μιλανε πολυ σωστα.. Και μαλλον ευγενικα θα ελεγα..
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Haze Delayed? Free Radical(GoldenEye/Timesplitters)ʼs highly anticipated next gen FPS, Haze, appears to have been delayed. Originally due out in November 07, the game was pushed back until January 08. Now, it looks like it has delayed further by 3 months. Several online retailers have confirmed this, such as Amazon.com and BestBuy.com, indicating a released towards the later half of March. No doubt, this will serve as a disappointment to many. Haze was a highly anticipated PS3 title, boasting several innovative new features, and 4 player split screen co-op play. It also was set to be the first big PS3 exclusive of 2008. However, this delay may spell trouble for Free Radical - it puts Haze directly in the wake of SCEAʼs monster FPS, Killzone 2(due out towards the end of February 08). Grand Theft Auto 4 is also currently scheduled to release in March 08 as well. More info to come pending an official announcement.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 LittleBigPlanet Delayed till Fall 08 Cursing the sky abound as PS3 awesome-o looking title, LittleBigPlanet is delayed until late 2008. If the release schedules in Electronic Gaming Monthly (or EGM, as they like to be called) are to be believed, the much hyped game has indeed been delayed until much later next year. Itʼs not all that bad though. What with Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 coming out next year, itʼs hardly like there will be a drought of exclusive, kick ass titles to get down and dirty with. And then there are the multi-platform games like GTA IV, Battlefield 2 Bad Company, and Burnout Paradise to look forward to. Either way, LittleBigPlanet could be set to rock some televisions next Christmas. Stay tuned.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2007 Devil May Cry 4: Side-by-side analysis reveals few differences A couple weeks ago, we ran a preview of Devil May Cry 4 that mentioned offhandedly that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, based on our brief time with them, looked and played identically. Unsurprisingly, this prompted a few readers to crawl slowly out of the woodwork, chanting in arcane rhythms about "framerate" and "processing power" and "memory" and generally calling bullshit on our assertion. http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/news/article.jsp?sectionId=1006&articleId=2007122116016612075&releaseId=200609151285614010
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