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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Rub your eyes - PS3 owners get better Assassin's Creed frame rate than 360


Gamespot has completed its review on this year's 'must have' title that is Assassin's Creed. They comment that there are few differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, but the PS3 title has a better frame rate but the Xbox 360 has greater contrast in the lighting. Even still, it's good to hear a PS3 game being praised for its superior frame rate.




There are few differences between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. PS3 owners are blessed with a slightly more solid frame rate, although the 360 version features a little more contrast in the lighting, so it's pretty much a wash. But regardless of which platform you go with, you'll have an amazing and unforgettable game. Assassin's Creed is the kind of game you tell your friends about, and one that should be in your collection.



News Source: Gamespot

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Uncharted only using 30 percent of PS3 SPU's in Uncharted


Christophe Balestra, Co-President of Naughty Dog has revealed that Uncharted only uses 30 percent of the power of the SPU's. He also revealed that they are looking into Playstation Home and currently have no plans for downloadable content. Balestra stated once again that Uncharted wouldn't have been possible without Blu-ray.




Balestra: As I said earlier, we couldn't have done Uncharted without the Blu-ray, at least at the quality we wanted to make it. To get such high-resolution textures and movies, a Blu-ray was indispensable to achieve the graphic quality of Uncharted. We fill the disc at 91 percent and it's optimized, meaning we don't duplicate any data. That includes all our game data, sounds, 7 spoken languages and 102 minutes of movie.


Talking about movies, I wanted to mention they are pre-render using our engine on the PlayStation 3. The only reason we did this was to eliminate any loading time before or after a movie and make our memory management easier.



News Source: PSU.com

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Firmware v2.00 causing PS3 owners a lot of issues


Reports are flooding in at the official Playstation forums that PS3 firmware v2.00 is causing a great deal of issues for owners. However, there appears to be some trends in the complaints, firstly the XMB has slowed down in its operation and the PS3 60GB model seems to be victim to the most problems. However that's not all, other noted defects as a result of the update include read errors and system freezes.




I updated to 2.0 in order to continue playing GHIII. Since the update I have not been able to load a disk(game or DVD movie). My HD had to be restored/formatted and after that I still can't play a disk. All my content is of course gone and even navigating the menus is slow. I can get into the store and even begin downloading content but have not successfully been able to complete a DL. It moves really slow. Anyone else have this problem?



News Source: Playstation


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New 40GB PS3 sells 50k on first day in Japan


Figures released by Japanese publisher Enterbain reveal that the new PS3 40GB SKU sold 50,000 in one day. After the launch of the product, local weekly sales of the console soared from an average of 16,000 to a massive 66,000.




The figures are contained in preliminary data from the latest edition of a regular survey by Japan-based video games publisher and market survey firm, Enterbrain.


The substantial surge in weekly sales comes despite the release of the console occurring on the last day of the week. It is unclear what proportion of the sales resulted from pre-orders.



News Source: Texyt.com

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Rub your eyes - PS3 owners get better Assassin's Creed frame rate than 360


Gamespot has completed its review on this year's 'must have' title that is Assassin's Creed. They comment that there are few differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, but the PS3 title has a better frame rate but the Xbox 360 has greater contrast in the lighting. Even still, it's good to hear a PS3 game being praised for its superior frame rate.




There are few differences between the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. PS3 owners are blessed with a slightly more solid frame rate, although the 360 version features a little more contrast in the lighting, so it's pretty much a wash. But regardless of which platform you go with, you'll have an amazing and unforgettable game. Assassin's Creed is the kind of game you tell your friends about, and one that should be in your collection.



News Source: Gamespot


Το IGN άλλα λέει πάντως και έχει και videos που αποδεικνύουν τα λεγόμενα του


These big open worlds, which are fully interactive, do come at a severe cost on PS3. There is considerable texture pop-in and noticeable framerate issues. Playing back-to-back with the 360 version, it's obvious that Ubisoft did not devote enough resources to the PS3 edition. The framerate is considerably worse, so much so that it begins to affect gameplay in the later levels.
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βασικά και το jeuxfrance τα ίδια με ign λέει:


"Nous pouvons également désormais vous confirmer que la version Xbox 360 de Assassin's Creed est plus optimisée graphiquement (effets de relief, textures, etc.) que la version PlayStation 3, chose qui devient finalement assez habituelle ces derniers temps lorsque l'on compare les deux versions next-gen d'un jeu (Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, etc.)."


Πάντως έτσι φαίνεται και απο τα video του insider

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το assasins creed στο ps3 εχει:

χειροτερο framerate,

σαφως χειροτερο tearing, ενω

τα textures και ο φωτισμος ειναι ως συνηθως "ξεπλυμμενα" αν τα συγκρινεις με την εκδοση 360.


ανεβασε και ο blimblim ενα συγκριτικο hd videακι και το θεμα "συγκριση assasin's creed" τελειωνει εδω.


επισης σε καποια reviews απο μεγαλα sites, αναφεροταν ξεκαθαρα οτι το framerate μπορει να μην ειναι μεγαλο προβλημα στο ps3 στην αρχη του παιχνιδιου, αλλα απο τη μεση και μετα ειναι σημαντικο, ενω στο τελευταιο 1/3 ειναι gamebraking.

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βασικά και το jeuxfrance τα ίδια με ign λέει:




Πάντως έτσι φαίνεται και απο τα video του insider

We can also from now on assure you that the version Xbox 360 of Assassin' S Creed is optimized graphically (effects of relief, textures, etc) that the version PlayStation 3, thing which becomes finally rather usual lately when one compares the two versions next-gen of a play (Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, etc).

kai sta agglika... ;)


ti na pw den 3erw pantws, den nomizw oti sto gamespot einai toso tyfloi, kai den nomizw na eixan problhma na 3ana8apsoun thn ps3 version enws game dystyxws den exw insider logariasmo :(


PS : petran gia dwse link :)

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Αυτό είναι το video




πάντως αν κάποιος θέλει να αγοράσει καποιο παιχνίδι στο Ps3 αυτή την στιγμή η σίγουρη επιλογή είναι το Uncharted

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Haze gets December release in Europe


If you love Haze and live in Europe, rejoice and be glad! You've acquired Release Date! Use this item to locate hidden release date information ... Haze will be released December 14th, if you'd like us to stop beating around the bush with strange RPG innuendo. This information comes with this video, which is less of a Haze trailer and more of a look around Free Radical's office. It's for fun and we thought we'd share it with you. The American release of Haze is currently slated for December 4th.

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PS : petran gia dwse link :)



to video ektos to washout pou anaferei kai to gamespot den deixnei kai tpt allo






κατεβασε το wmv video που ειναι σε φουλ αναλυση-καρε και θα δεις κι αλλα.. τι να δεις απο λεπτομερεια στο μικρο streaming window?

και μην ξεχνας οτι σε αυτο το videακι τα πραγματα ειναι πολυ ησυχα. ειναι απλως ενα leap of faith. αλλες στιγμες το παιχνιδι εχει πολυ περισσοτερες απαιτησεις απο το hardware.. ;)



να και τι λεει ο blim

It clearly shows that the 360 version has less tearing, and what looks like somewhat better textures in at least one case.

I don't know if the difference in picture contrast has something to do with the game or the difference in video output between the consoles (same capture hardware), so I won't judge anything about this particular point.

Video is uploading right now, encoded at a somewhat better quality that usual so you guys can do a frame by frame comparison if you want to get crazy.




και το quote απο το review του ign

"The cities, as I stated earlier, are truly remarkable pieces of art. These big open worlds, which are fully interactive, do come at a severe cost on PS3. There is considerable texture pop-in and noticeable framerate issues. Playing back-to-back with the 360 version, it's obvious that Ubisoft did not devote enough resources to the PS3 edition. The framerate is considerably worse, so much so that it begins to affect gameplay in the later levels. You can get through the first two-thirds of Assassin with the framerate being just an annoyance, but it becomes more of an issue for the final third of the missions."


η μεγαλη πλακα ξερεις ποια ειναι devil?

οτι αν και το review βγηκε μολις χτες, τωρα διαβαζω στο gaf οτι το παραπανω κομματι ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΦΑΙΡΕΘΗΚΕ/ΜΕΤΑΦΕΡΘΗΚΕ καπου αλλου, εξω απο το κεντρικο review.



μιλαμε για μεγαλη καταντια πλεον στη sony.... εκτος αν το ign αποφασισε απο μονο του να αλλαξει το review του (αμφιβαλλω) αποκρυπτοντας στοιχεια που ενδιαφερουν τους πελατες του, οποτε σε αυτη την πιθανοτητα η καταντια ειναι δικια του...



λιγο πριν κυκλοφορησει το παιχνιδι, παλι ο blim ειχε αναφερει οτι σε μια συνεντευξη που ειχε με τους developers του A/C, ειπωθηκε οτι η εκδοση ps3 τρεχει με περιπου 5 καρε λιγοτερα απο την εκδοση 360, και αυτο ειναι κατι που προβλεπανε οτι δεν μπορει να αλλαξει με τιποτα.

και 5 καρε στα 30, χοντρικα ειναι 17% διαφορα στο framerate.

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η μεγαλη πλακα ξερεις ποια ειναι devil?

οτι αν και το review βγηκε μολις χτες, τωρα διαβαζω στο gaf οτι το παραπανω κομματι ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΦΑΙΡΕΘΗΚΕ/ΜΕΤΑΦΕΡΘΗΚΕ καπου αλλου, εξω απο το κεντρικο review.



μιλαμε για μεγαλη καταντια πλεον στη sony....


Kaταντια της Sony που ειναι παντοδυναμη(?) και οχι Αγία σαν την MS?ή το review ηταν για τον λουτσο?ενα απο τα 2 συμβαινει.


Οσο για το gamespot,στο site σου διαβαζα οτι ειναι αξιοπιστο και γι αυτο απο κει βαζετε reviews.Τωρα τι εγινε?

Ξερω,για το Rachet & Clank ειναι αξιοπιστο(Καθως ειχε την χαμηλοτερη βαθμολογια εκει).

Τωρα δεν ειναι.;)

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