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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


re paidia egw eimai iper sautes tis prospatheies.ola ta lefta thanai an epitixoun.giati i tsexia i i kroatia einai kaliteres apo mas.apla epeidi oloi kseroume tin nootropia dw,isws auto to poli kalo project se story k idees na xathei logw elleipsis xrimatwn.giauto k mono to pa

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επιστροφη στο θεμα:


στη γερμανια καποιος retailer λεει:

παραγγειλε τωρα το ps3 (599e) και δωρο ενα game.



η προσφορα δεν ειναι official της sony, αλλα ο γερμανος την κανει απο μονος του. 8)



επισης, σε επιβεβαιωση αυτων που ειχα γραψει για το mediamarkt,


MONO preorder και μεχρι τελος ιουλιου. στα ραφια γιοκ!


oι αναλυτες και παλι θεωρουν απιθανα και απιαστα τα νουμερα της sony. (1 εκ.τεμ./μηνα, 6 εκ. στα τελη μαρτιου)


PS3 Complexity Could Hinder Yields


By N. Evan Van Zelfden, Kris Graft Print | Send to a friend | Email the editor


Analyst P.J. McNealy of American Technology Research told a select group of marketers at an MI6 luncheon that the PlayStation 3's complexity could act as a significant hurdle in the early phases of console production.

“We've learned the Sony Playstation 3 is not just a game console. Itʼs a movie platform. Itʼs also a super-computer," McNealy said, referring to Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi's recent revelations. "This is now the most complex box thatʼs ever been built in this industry. Itʼs going to have a Cell processor, itʼs going to have a Blu-ray drive. The number of pieces that are going into this box are even more astounding [than the over 1700 parts used in the Xbox 360]."


He continued, "While Sony has certain manufacturing advantages at the end of the day, this is a very complex process, and theyʼre going to be limited to the yields that they can come up with."


Typically, getting such a complex piece of hardware off the ground always presents difficulties. We don't have to think too far back to recall manufacturing-related shortages of the Xbox 360.


McNealy said that he expects the PS3 ramp-up to hit its stride sometime in 2007. At that point, he said, "the wild-card becomes, [whether or not] people still want to spend six-hundred bucks on the box."


Sony has maintained a PS3 shipment target of 1 million units per month, with a total of 6 million shipped by the end of March 2007. The company intends to have two million units ready for the console's worldwide November launch.


“Sony, we donʼt think, is going to be in assembly for another four to six weeks--end of July, early August." McNealy went on to compare the PS3 manufacturing process to the Wii's, saying, "From a manufacturing standpoint, the Wii is a simpler box to make. Architecturally thereʼs fewer parts. Itʼs just easier to make.”


McNealy also commented on original Xbox software sales. "We expect the old Xbox software sales to, by and large, go off a cliff this holiday. Thereʼs very little support for them in retail right now. The hardware ramp has slowed down, and thereʼs no cut to ninety-nine bucks at the end of the product cycle.”


λογικο, αφου τα bluray, cell, XDR μνημες, hdmi 1.3 chip, θα βγουνε στην παραγωγη για πρωτη φορα, και ολα μαζι :D, στο ps3.

προβλεπω να γινει το χαος το ιδιο στα εργοστασια.


Sony says ordered to pay extra Y27.9 bln taxes





TOKYO, June 30 (Reuters) - Sony Corp. (6758.T: Quote, Profile, Research) said on Friday it had been ordered to pay an additional 27.9 billion yen ($243 million) in taxes related to transactions between its game unit and a U.S. subsidiary, and overseas transactions in its CD and DVD-making operations.


Sony said the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau notified it and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, its game unit, that a reassessment of reported profits from the transactions had resulted in an extra 74.4 billion yen income booked in Japan.


The electronics conglomerate said it would fight the order and added it would also request bilateral consultations to avoid double taxation. The company said it does not expect a large impact on its group earnings.


αουτς!! $234 εκατομμυριακια. :?

απ'οτι φαινεται τα σατανικα κοντοστουπικα τυπακια στην γιαπωνεζικη κυβερνηση ειναι κι αυτα πρακτορακια της m$.

να μην πω βεβαια τι ........... ειναι οι λογιστες της ιδιας της -$ony






σε αλλα νεα...





απο οτι μαθαινω, δυστυχως το condemned: criminal origins στο ps3 επισης ακυρωθηκε.



και στο επισημο site της sega η λεξη ps3 ...εξαφανιστηκε.



κριμα, γιατι πραγματικα προκειται για ενα πολυ καλο και ατμοσφαιρικο game. :(


Mετά το φοβερό και τρόμερό Ελληνικό game , τώρα ακυρώθηκε και μια επανέκδοση ενώς χρόνου !!!


Καταστροφή ... Λέτε τώρα παιδιά να μην ισχύει το παρακάτω ?


Major Third Party Developers Sing the Praises of the PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3)

(PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) Earns the Respect of the Game Development Community)



adi na ipostiriksoume mia elliniki prospathia(pou einai i prwti fora pou ginete stin xwra mas mia sovari prospathia ston tomea twn vido games) kanoume sxolia tou tipou ''fovero kai tromero''kai alla tetoia ironika.ELEOS DILADI!dropi....den exw na pw tpt allo....


sas exei gavosei toso o fanboysmos...........

Mετά το φοβερό και τρόμερό Ελληνικό game ' date=' τώρα ακυρώθηκε και μια επανέκδοση ενώς χρόνου !!!


Καταστροφή ... Λέτε τώρα παιδιά να μην ισχύει το παρακάτω ?


[b']Major Third Party Developers Sing the Praises of the PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3)[/b]

(PLAYSTATION 3 (PS3) Earns the Respect of the Game Development Community)


τωρα εσυ γιατι σνομπαρεις την Ελληνικη προσπαθεια?? αντι να λεμε μπραβο στα παιδια ειρωνευομαστε κιολας.. μπραβο ρε αξιος. το συμπερασμα δεν το βλεπεις?? οι μικρες εταιριες παραγωγης δεν μπορουν να βγαλουν games για το PS3 λογο κοστους και δυσκολιας.. μονο ΕΑ και τετοια θα βλεπεις, και αν βγει κανα διαμαντι τελικα απο μικρη εταιρια στο 360 εσυ θα κλαις μετα και θα μεινεις με τα σκουπιδια της ΕΑ.. και το condemned μπορει να ειναι 1ος χρονου αλλα ειναι παιχνιδαρα..


Δεν σνομπάρω , αλλά είχα δει κάτι ωραία topics από xbot και πως "καταλαβαίνουν" και μεταφέρουν τα πράγματα , και καλό είναι να τα βάζουμε λίγο στην θέση τους για να προσέχουμε να μην γίνουμε και εδώ τόσο αστείοι.


Δες πως βράζουν στο ζουμί τους, να καταλάβεις .



Και μην ανησυχείς, αν είναι κάποιο διαμάντι θα βρούνε τρόπο να το κάνουν port , ή θα τους βοηθήσει λίγο η Sony, όπως ζητάνε και οι συγκεκριμένοι.

MONO preorder και μεχρι τελος ιουλιου. στα ραφια γιοκ!

Μέχρι τον Ιούνιο είναι απλά η προσφορά του καταστήματος και ισχύει μόνο για τα preorders φυσικά...


Το ps3 θα βγάζει 1εκ κονσόλες το μήνα και σχεδόν 4 εκατομμύρια μέσα στο 2006, που λογικά θα είναι αρκετά για να καλύψουν την ζήτηση πολύ πριν τον Ιούνιο έτσι και αλλιώς ... αν και κανείς δεν είπε πως δεν θα υπάρχουν στα καταστήματα από την αρχή.



Αρχικό μήνυμα απο p3tran

MONO preorder και μεχρι τελος ιουλιου. στα ραφια γιοκ!

Μέχρι τον Ιούνιο είναι απλά η προσφορά του καταστήματος και ισχύει μόνο για τα preorders φυσικά...


Το ps3 θα βγάζει 1εκ κονσόλες το μήνα και σχεδόν 4 εκατομμύρια μέσα στο 2006' date=' που λογικά θα είναι αρκετά για να καλύψουν την ζήτηση πολύ πριν τον Ιούνιο έτσι και αλλιώς ... αν και κανείς δεν είπε πως δεν θα υπάρχουν στα καταστήματα από την αρχή.[/quote']


αμα θες να μιλας και να διορθωνεις (:D) εμενα billy μου, βαλε στοιχηματακι ενα πεντακοσαρικο. σε προκαλω!

αλλιως, αντε κανε τις <<διορθωσεις>> σου εκει που περνανε. ;)


τωρα για τα αλλα που ειπες (ελληνικη προσπαθεια και condemned = αχρηστα), οσα ξερεις, τοσα λες.... ;)


Δεν ασχολούμαι με τέτοια παιχνιδάκια φίλε ,όποιος θέλει ας πιστεύει ότι γράφεις, εγώ απλά ενημέρωσα μπας και "περνάει" από εδώ κανείς που δεν γνωρίζει.


Could Sony Go From First to Worst?


Finally most of the cards are on the table and we can start making some more definitive statements about where we think the video game market is going. DFC Intelligence is always adjusting its forecasting model based on changes in the marketplace. Suffice to say events of the past six months have forced us to overhaul our models like never before. It now appears clear that this new generation of console systems is going to result in a big shake-up in the game industry power structure. While it has always been clear that Sonyʼs dominant market share was destined to decline, there now appears to be the distinct possibility the PlayStation 3 could end up third in market share behind both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii.




In looking at all these elements, Sonyʼs clear strength is the first factor: brand strength and current market position. The glaring weakness of the PlayStation 3 is price, especially when compared to the competition. However, it is more than just an issue of whether the PlayStation brand strength can justify a premium price. Of course, Sony would like to point to the hardware horsepower and extra features like Blu-ray. The problem is that is only one factor in our forecasting matrix. Furthermore, with the competition having features like Xbox Live and the Nintendo Wii controller, the PS3 may not have that much of an advantage in the elusive “Wow Factor.” That gets to the heart of the biggest concern with the PlayStation 3. Sony has done very little to justify why the system is worth a premium price for consumers that donʼt care about raw hardware performance and are not hard-core audio/visual consumers. Unfortunately we believe that represents over 90% of the consumers in the marketplace.




Our concern is that 1) Sonyʼs hands may be tied in regard to price cuts and 2) Sony drastically underestimated the competition. The price of the PlayStation 3 does not exist in a vacuum and consumers will clearly look at the competitive alternatives. Right now both the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii are looking like much better alternatives than they did a year ago. Core PlayStation franchises like Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and others are starting to appear on other systems. In short, we have seen absolutely nothing that would justify a $200 price difference.


Can Sony afford to lose its position in the video game marketplace for a generation of game systems? That is becoming a crucial question. If Sony took a $200 loss on every system to become more price competitive and maintain market share that works out to $2 billion for every 10 million units. Will Sony investors swallow that type of loss?


In forecasting the market we can say this with confidence: a $600 price point is okay for launch but it will not fly in holiday 2007. If Sony wants to drive unit volume 2007 needs to be not only the year of price cuts, but the year of drastic price cuts. There is going to be a shakeup in the video game industry and even if Sony executes perfectly there could be a new market leader in two years. Stay tuned, next month we will formally unveil some of the actual numbers in our forecasts. This month we will just say that yes, Sony could easily go from first to worst in the video game market.




Japanese devs react tepidly to post-E3 PS3


A survey released in the latest issue of of Japan's Ge-Maga magazine, which IGN purports to be the oldest videogame magazine in Japan, revealed that many Japanese developers are unhappy with the current state of the PS3 for a variety of reasons. A quick summary:

90.29% of those surveyed disagreed with the PS3's price point.

56.31% disagree with the multiple SKUs.

55.82% think the console will not sell with its current announced lineup (what about Riiiiidge Raaaacer?).

While 48.54% are unfazed, 32.52% of those survey were less confident with the PS3 after its E3 showing.

62.13% feel the PS3 won't reach its goal of 6 million units sold by March 2007.




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