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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 9,5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

The 1.90 Firmware update just hit Japanese PS3s. Let's dive in and see what the update entails:

• Ability to rearrange games on the XMB

• Option menu now includes "eject disk"

• Press triangle to eject games/CDs/movies in the XMB

• XMB backgrounds

• Change the folder classification

• Emoticons

• Change CD output to 44.1/88.2/176.4kHz

• Force 24Hz output for Blu-ray over HDMI

• Change PS3 video settings in-game

• "Bit Mapping" in the "Music Setting"

• Save AVCHD type animations from a Memory Stick

• Change settings like upscaling while playing PS and PS2 games

• Add bookmarks

• Web browser security function in the browser's tool section

• Avatar moves during audio visual chat

The customized backgrounds and the emoticons are nice touches. Not a bad update, not a bad update at all. Hit the jump for a look at the emoticons.


The following content will be uploaded onto the Euro PSN store on Thursday 26th July:

PS One games:

- Crash 2

- Spyro 2

- Medievil

- Wipeout 2097


PS3 Demos:

- Heavenly Sword


PS3 Trailers:

- Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction

- GT5 Prologue


(These are the new E3 trailers, which can be found online… but will be offered on the store in HD PS3 format.)


Sony: Euro price cut would "annoy" people


Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president David Reeves has said that a European PlayStation 3 price cut - similar to the $100 drop announced in America - would "annoy a lot of people", justifying the European Value Pack, which comes bundled with two games and two controllers.


Speaking on the semi-official PlayStation blog Three Speech, Reeves explained that the summer period just isn't the right time to start slashing costs: "The sales rate goes up for a couple of weeks, because there's not much demand out there, and then the sales rate comes down again until you get to the end of September/the beginning of October and it all starts to heat up".


He added that the US price drop was more acceptable as the PS3 has been on sale there for more than six months. However, Reeves would not speculate as to whether Europe might receive a reduction in a similar time frame.


"We have a plan and we're going to stick to it," he said. "We are confident but not arrogant about reaching a very, very good installed base on PS3, and having the same momentum that we had with the PS2. We're not putting our heads in the sand - we know it's not selling that well, but we know that it's selling according to the targets."


As Reeves put it, "I see this more as kind of like a tsunami. It starts out small and gathers speed and eventually, after four or five years, it will start to take you over." That being the case, Reeves noted that this Christmas isn't critical for Sony, with the company looking ahead to Christmas 2008 for the PS3 to really take off.



North America June Sales


Nintendo DS: 561,000

Wii: 381,780

PlayStation Portable: 290,100

PlayStation 2: 270,760

Xbox 360: 198,440

Game Boy Advance: 113,870

PlayStation 3: 98,470


Aναλογα τι κραταει κανεις βεβαια απο τα νουμερα.

Εγω βλεπω οτι το 360 1.5-2 σχεδον χρονια μετα την κυκλοφορια του δεν μπορει να ξεπερασει το ps2 σε πωλησεις.

Για το ps3 μην αγχωνεστε...


S2Katana δεν υπηρχε καμια μειωση τιμης των Ιουνιο.

Τα αποτελεσματα τις μειωσης (αν υπαρξουν) θα φανουν ισως τον Ιουλιο αλλα κυριως απο Αυγουστο και μετα,μεχρι τις γιορτες.


North America June Software Sales - Top 20


01. Wii Mario Party 8 -- 426.k

02. Wii Play w/ remote -- 291.2k

03. NDS Pokemon Diamond Version -- 288.4k

04. NDS Pokemon Pearl Version -- 214.7k

05. 360 Forza Motorsport 2 -- 197.40k

06. PS2 Guitar Hero 2 w/ Guitar -- 197.35k

07. 360 Guitar Hero 2 w/ guitar -- 177.6k

08. Wii Pokemon Battle -- 157.9k

09. Wii Resident Evil 4

10. 360 The Darkness

11. PS2 Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2

12. PS2 Transformers: the Game

13. 360 Tenchu z

14. NDS New Super Mario Bros

15. PS2 Tomb Raider: Anniversary

16. Wii Super Paper Mario

17. 360 Transformers: The Game

18. PS2 MLB '07: The Show

19. Wii Big Brain Academy: Wii

20. 360 Dirt






Wii: 6

360: 6

PS2: 5

NDS: 3

PS3: 0


Χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα. Γουστάρω τα πειραγμένα αυτά gifs (είτε είναι PS3,είτε Wii,είτε Χ360,είτε PC)


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