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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Ρε παιδια η εικονα ειναι καρα-fake. Πρωτον, γυρω απο το μοχλο θα ειχε στρογγυλο σχημα, δευτερον δεν εχει PS Button αν το προσεξετε καλα ειναι το χειρηστηριο του PS2 αυτο κ κανει BAM!

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Ρε παιδια η εικονα ειναι καρα-fake. Πρωτον, γυρω απο το μοχλο θα ειχε στρογγυλο σχημα, δευτερον δεν εχει PS Button αν το προσεξετε καλα ειναι το χειρηστηριο του PS2 αυτο κ κανει BAM!


και fake να είναι,δεν παύει το controller του PS2 να είναι άβολο :mrgreen:...υποθετικά μιλάμε


Παντως εμενα στο Resistance μια χαρα με βολεψε το SixAxis. Το μονο χειρηστηριο που δε με βολευει ειναι του 360. Δε ξερω γιατι ειλικρινα, μαλλον εχω συνηθισει να ειναι στο ιδιο υψος τα analogs.


ego den exo voleytei katholou to control tou 360..giayto k to espasa kiolas mia mera paizontas pro..efyge sto toixo giati ta neyra eixan xtypisei kokkino..katarxhn einai vary k megalo...o moxlos ektos oti einai psila k de boreis na kinitheis sosta k me akriveia..exei tis kolotelitses pou kathe fora pou epaiza pano apo 2 ores to daktylo mou itan kokkino..vevaia voithaei sto na menei kolimeno pano alla k to moudiasmataki meta na legete..sa to control tou ps3 kanena..ela kraxte tora!


katheste k sizitate 3 selides mia foto FAKE...de vlepete ta anaglyfa toksakia kato apto moxlo? giati na afhsoun afta ta aylakia an bei ekei moxlos? k to pad poso mikro dld einai pou einai sto megethos tou deksiou moxlou? imarotn dld..ego an to piaso sto photoshop kalhtero tha to kano.. ;)


μια αληθινη ειδηση ειναι οτι απο σεπτεβρη θα κυκλοφορησει το ps3 με rumble. (οπως κι αν ειναι τα thumbsticks)

καλη τυχη σε οσους δεν το ξερουν και πανε <<να επωφεληθουν απο την "εκπτωση">>

επισης ολοι αυτοι που λενε οτι ειναι καλυτερα χωρις rumble, ας σπευσουν να αγορασουν οσο προλαβαινουν.

o moxlos ektos oti einai psila k de boreis na kinitheis sosta k me akriveia..exei tis kolotelitses


Ο μοχλός πέφτει ακριβώς εκεί που κάθετε ο αντίχειρας λόγω της ανατομίας

του.Και οι ''kolotelitses'' σβήνονται (δυστυχώς) εάν ασχοληθείς λίγο παραπάνω

απ το ελάχιστο.Μούδιασμα ποτέ δεν ένοιωσα.Γλίστρημα (και με του ps2),ναι.



katheste k sizitate 3 selides mia foto FAKE


Μόλις έβαλες και το δικό σου λιθαράκι σ αυτό ;)

Fake είναι σίγουρα,και μάλιστα ''άρπα-κόλα''.Όλα τα υπόλοιπα είναι

προσωπικές γνώμες και συνήθειες...


We've managed to get our hands on what exactly we can expect from the EU PSN Store this month. After this week's huge update, we had high hopes that this month would continue offering us some excellent content. Those hopes seem to be well founded. Check out the list of releases for the upcoming weeks. While not exhaustive, this list focuses on major, highly-anticipated playable content.


* Heavenly Sword demo

* Crash Bandicoot 2 PS1 game for PS3/PSP

* Spyro 2 PS1 game for PS3/PSP

* Gateway to Glimmer PS1 game for PS3/PSP

* WipEout 2097 PS1 game for PS3/PSP

* MediEvil PS1 game for PS3/PSP


We've also heard mention of the Blast Factor expansion, Snakeball and Feel Ski but aren't certain whether these will be coming our way in July. If not, then we'll probably see them in August. Also on the horizon is news about Warhawk and the Motorstorm Coyote Weekend VIP Pass update. Oh, and in the run up to the Heavenly Sword release in September we'll be seeing five "Animated History" videos which give the game some backstory, along with some more making-of content appearing on the Store too. No doubt each week will be peppered with the normal trailers as well.




E3 2007: Sony Responds to GTA Exclusives

Maybe there's something we don't know about yet?


During our chat with Sony's head of game development Phil Harrison earlier today EGM's Dan Hsu asked about whether Sony had any plans to combat the exclusive downloadable content headed to the Xbox 360. Here's what he had to say:


"As the head of the [internal Sony] studios it's hard for me to comment on the third party relations, so I don't know the details of that -- we deliberately keep those separate -- but we have a great relationship with Rockstar and we're actually working closely with them on a number of initiatives, so I do know some things that are going on but I'm not able to share those with you now."


What those initiatives are -- whether this could mean the Xbox 360 episodic content is a timed exclusive, or that there is other content headed to PS3, or something else entirely -- remains to be seen. But there you have it, something is in the works.




SCEE's press site:


A puzzle game about construction, build structures to save the Elephants from a fall!




*20+ levels in a variety of weird and wonderful locations


*Build structures with limited materials across ravines, rivers, fire pits, swamps and all manor of dangerous terrains to rescue the elephants


*Choose your materials carefully from metal, wood or rope.


*3 Game Modes - Puzzle (limited amount of materials) Time Attack (against the clock) or


*Multiplayer 'Deconstruction' modes where you have to carefully remove pieces but not cause the structure to fall)


*Real physics, real construction, real fun.


Includes bonus games + online leaderboards


It's Elefantastic!!!!






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