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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

to kalo einai oti tha vgi kanonika ameriki kai tha mpori kapios na to paragkili apo ki.etsi se 10 meres tha to exei kai pio ftina kana 49eyro


Το καλό είναι ότι έχει βγει κανονικά στον θείο και μπορεί κάποιος να το κατεβάσει απο κει έτσι σε 10 ώρες θα το έχει πιο φτηνά κανά 3ευρω.

...ups sorry λάθος - wrong topic :-|

  • Απαντ. 9,5k
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Το καλό είναι ότι έχει βγει κανονικά στον θείο και μπορεί κάποιος να το κατεβάσει απο κει έτσι σε 10 ώρες θα το έχει πιο φτηνά κανά 3ευρω.

...ups sorry λάθος - wrong topic :-|




Αυτα ειναι.. Τουλαχιστον αξιζει το χεις παιξει στο sexbox αν ειναι να το παραγγειλω; .. :P



Αυτα ειναι.. Τουλαχιστον αξιζει το χεις παιξει στο sexbox αν ειναι να το παραγγειλω; .. :P


δεν μου έχει έρθει ακόμα... όσοι το έχουν όμως έχουν πάθει πλάκα :D

to kalo einai oti tha vgi kanonika ameriki kai tha mpori kapios na to paragkili apo ki.etsi se 10 meres tha to exei kai pio ftina kana 49eyro


To κακο ομως ειναι οτι οι καθυστερησεις στα διαφορα releases πανε κ ερχονται ....

Ενα γ#@$@ο παιχνιδι δεν εχει κυκλοφορησει στην ωρα του ...και ζουμε με την ελπιδα οτι στο επομενο firmware"θα" φτιαξει κ το online τον Σεπτεμβριο "θα" δουμε παιχνιδια ...Θα,Θα.Θα..

Με αποκορυφωμα το τελευταιο ανεκδοτο με τα 380 παιχνιδια μεχρι τον Μαρτιο !!!!


Με αποκορυφωμα το τελευταιο ανεκδοτο με τα 380 παιχνιδια μεχρι τον Μαρτιο !!!!

Αν έλεγαν 360(!) θα ήταν πιο πετυχημένο :razz:

To κακο ομως ειναι οτι οι καθυστερησεις στα διαφορα releases πανε κ ερχονται ....

Ενα γ#@$@ο παιχνιδι δεν εχει κυκλοφορησει στην ωρα του ...και ζουμε με την ελπιδα οτι στο επομενο firmware"θα" φτιαξει κ το online τον Σεπτεμβριο "θα" δουμε παιχνιδια ...Θα,Θα.Θα..

Με αποκορυφωμα το τελευταιο ανεκδοτο με τα 380 παιχνιδια μεχρι τον Μαρτιο !!!!


Έλα βρε συ τώρα μη γίνεσαι άδικος... αφού ο Kaz εννοούσε ξεκάθαρα ότι θα πρέπει να διαιρέσεις αυτό το νούμερο με το 3 και να αφαιρέσεις μετά τα μισά που θα είναι dlc arcades!

Έλα βρε συ τώρα μη γίνεσαι άδικος... αφού ο Kaz εννοούσε ξεκάθαρα ότι θα πρέπει να διαιρέσεις αυτό το νούμερο με το 3 και να αφαιρέσεις μετά τα μισά που θα είναι dlc arcades!


Oυπς ...sorry, ποτε δεν ημουν καλος στα μαθηματικα :-( ;-)


The Bourne Conspiracy Announced


Sierra Entertainment, a division of Vivendi Games, today announced Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy, the first title in its exclusive global partnership with Ludlum Entertainment. Being developed by High Moon Studios, one of Sierra's internal developers, the game combines seminal moments from the best-selling novel and hit film The Bourne Identity with all-new content developed in conjunction with Ludlum Entertainment. Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy makes the highly anticipated jump to PLAYSTATION 3 computer entertainment system and Microsoft's Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system in summer 2008.


Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy, will give players the experience of becoming a 30 million dollar elite agent, fusing an experience that delves deep into Jason Bourne's character with gameplay and game presentation inspired by the aggressive filmmaking and frenetic action found in the films. Only by playing Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy will players discover Bourne's true identity and experience the very moment he became a malfunctioning weapon, first hunting targets around the world as a deadly government assassin then marking himself as his agency's most wanted.


"Robert Ludlum's best-selling spy novel and blockbuster film adaptation have awed millions with riveting, unforgettable fiction," said Al Simone, senior vice president, global marketing for Sierra Entertainment. "For the first time ever, players will be able to experience the shadowy world of expert assassin Bourne, who continues to find himself plagued by splintered nightmares from his former life."


"With Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy we are not just basing a game on Ludlum's franchise, we are building upon the universe he introduced with The Bourne Identity," said Peter Della Penna, president of High Moon Studios. "High Moon has collaborated closely with Mr. Ludlum's estate holders, the guardians of his creative vision, since the day we began to develop the game. The goal of that collaboration has been to create a videogame that takes inspiration from known elements within the Bourne universe, elements that have captivated more than a quarter of a billion people around the world, with original story and game play that establishes a signature Jason Bourne game experience. Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy is our installment to the series and is meant to reside on its own within the Bourne entertainment library."


Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy promises constant tension and action, with players adopting Jason Bourne's piercing sense of survival, cunning nature, heightened target awareness and firearms training that allow him to engage and eliminate small armies. As a third-person espionage action game, players move from fistfights to firefights to experience sequences that, unlike any other game, seamlessly blend Bourne's signature hand-to-hand combat with intense shooting and the ability to escape and evade deadly situations.


More details will be revealed about Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy, with the title making an appearance at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) held July 11-13 in Santa Monica, CA, as well as in the cover story in the August issue of The Official Xbox Magazine hitting news stands July 3.






Rumours abound in the latest issue of EGM: Parasite Eve 3?





EGM's superspy extraordinaire, Quatermann, has revealed some interesting nuggets of information in the latest issue of the magazine. They all center around the PS3 and they're all exciting. Don't forget though, they are still rumours. Doesn't stop us hoping though.


It seems that our own Nick Doerr is a bit of a Nostradamus. Just this morning, he predicted an unannounced non-mobile phone sequel to the Parasite Eve series. Well if Quatermann is to be believed, the next proper Parasite Eve is already in development. He also insists that Sony and Epic Games are in talks and are working together to optimise the Unreal Engine 3 for use on the PS3. Oh, and there's a potential PS3 exclusive coming out of it.


Despite Metal Gear Solid 4 being pegged for a fiscal 2007 release, there's a chance that Hideo Kojima may also be working on another title right now. Quatermann insists that it is not Zone of the Enders 3. Finally, Sony are due to release a wiimote style remote before Christmas. Not a bad selection of rumours. We'd definitely be happy if Parasite Eve and an Epic Games exclusive come to pass. We'll keep our eyes out for any developments.




Soul Calibur IV to feature online play




The latest issue of EGM includes a nice little tidbit of info about Soul Calibur IV, reports 1Up. The game will feature online play, for the first time in the series. Most fighting games, with Mortal Kombat as the exception, have shied away from online play in the past, citing latency and a lack of timing accuracy as the reason why. Katsutoshi Sasaki, director of Soul Calibur IV, explained what has changed in this respect by stating "the next-gen platforms have network infrastructure already in place." Clearly this allows for much better connections between machines, allowing pin-point accuracy for special move combos.


No doubt more information about Soul Calibur IV will be released during E3. We'll keep you up to date during the show.




FIFA 08 looks great, uses lots of math to kick balls

You might not think it while playing sports, but there's a ton of math involved in every single motion you make. Yes, that's right, there are people who care about how many degrees your bat swings, or how a ball travels in the air, or other more confusing arithmetic terms we really don't want to think about at this moment. The fact remains that in addition to making a great looking soccer game, EA wants to let you know they're putting a ton of math into FIFA 08. They've got a 22-page document detailing all their little formulae for the simple matter of shooting the ball. Impressive, no?


We're not going to talk about the graphics. We're excited to hear about all this math! Tricks will play important roles instead of being nothing more than flashy nonsense and luckily, their implementation is simple, fluid, and realistic. Plugging gaps in your defenses is easier with the new ability for the team's formation to change on the fly. If you'd rather do it yourself (kind of like playing Final Fantasy XII without Gambits ... try it, it's a hell of a lot of fun and an insane challenge on Active Mode), you can click the R3 button and take control of your keeper. Everything seems less ... automated, more real and dependent on your actions as a skilled player. We're glad -- EA needs to put more attention like this into all their games.




Dark Sector may be the mutiplatform Gears of War





We've taken our jabs at Dark Sector before, but when it all comes down to it, we've gotten the impression from other people's hands-on with the game that it's actually something to look out for. In fact, it's been likened to Gears of War, which was apparently some game for the 360. We kid, we know what it is. IGN had a hands-on of the game and said "Digital Extremes, really, really likes Gears of War. Dark Sector plays and feels almost exactly like it -- right down to its cinematic storytelling, control scheme and visual style." There's even a context-sensitive action that controls the cover mechanics, as well as a shaky-cam when you bust into a sprint. Another major influence, both PSU and IGN report, is the similarity to Resident Evil 4's over-the-shoulder camera and aiming system.


While you get a small arsenal of weaponry, the Glaive is what sets the game apart from the ones it draws influence from. Not only can it destroy enemies in quick, painful stylings, not only can it get powered up by a bevy of elements, not only does it have a built-in light source and solve puzzles, but it can ... wait, that's about it. It's awesome, though. Every other weapon you pick up can be upgraded, a la Resident Evil 4. Your main character can also be powered up, a la KOTOR, with new abilities and powers.


Enemy AI? Brilliant, says IGN and brilliant at times says PSU. Graphics? Well, the game is being built on the PS3 as the primary platformand ported elsewhere, so we know we'll be getting the best game we can get as far as multiplatform titles go. What's more, is we've got some more info about this game coming to us later tonight. Stay tuned, as we'll give you some more details you might just find intriguing.




Dark Sector details reveal: no health or ammo bars, just you





We promised you before we had some more news about Dark Sector coming, so here we are dishing out the information fed to us through an official press release. Instead of narrating the darn thing, we thought we'd give you a fun summary of the information in our patented, copyrighted, unique list form. We're kidding! Lists are used in like, three other places.

  • It's a new IP! Not many games can say that. It's also boasting a great, cinematic story.
  • There is no HUD -- that is, a health bar or ammo count. No little menus on the screen to distract you from looking at the actual game. From the press release: "As the character takes damage he will begin to physically show it, ammunition levels will be displayed on guns, available weapons and inventory will be displayed on the character – all serving to keep the player focused on the character and the gameplay." We personally think this is a great move.
  • The controls are guaranteed to be simple and intuitive so you can master any skills fairly easily. If you tried to play Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on the GameCube, you know how pesky an awkward controller setup can be.
  • The camera, as previously mentioned, is over-the-shoulder so you can not only make better movements, but will be "showing full visual of Hayden allowing for the player to make a connection with the character." A connection? Right.
  • Upgradeable weapons, stupendous AI, and a main character slightly reminiscent of Kratos in so much that he's cold-blooded and ruthless, gives no excuse for his actions, but as the story progresses, we start to understand him and see how the events of the game change him. Or something.

What's more, below, we've got a gallery of screenshots for you to check out. They're magically delicious and want your attention. We'll keep updating you on this game until it arrives early in 2008. Hopefully, Digital Extremes will have the foresight to give people a demo to play over the PSN before then!


Square Enix loves the PS3's ability to express their imagination


We'll be honest, a lot of the folks at Square Enix have different opinions about the PlayStation 3. Some guys love it, other guys aren't too fond of it, some are making exclusives and others are making multiplatform titles. The fact remains that the heavy hitters will never all agree, so as each cites their thoughts about each console, we'll talk about it. This time around, it's Tetsuya Nomura who gets the spotlight treatment.


In a recent interview in Dengeki magazine, Nomura shouted out to the sexy black box: "The PS3 is the machine that is closest to being able to express our imagination." He also mentions how pretty the graphics are and the unlimited amount of movement can be slapped in their games in one go. We're glad he thinks so, especially with the profound change Final Fantasy XIII will be for the franchise. He plans "to give people the taste of actually being part of that world. The assignment here is whether we can build an FF with the suspense and thrill of Third-Person-Shooting or not." What can we say? We want more Gunblade.




PlayStation Blog alerts us to upcoming firmware update


The PlayStation 3 has yet another firmware update coming our way. Over at PlayStation.Blog, Eric Lempel announced that the team has 1.82 in the wings for release later this week (we assume the usual Thursday night update). While we're used to scrambling for data about what will be changing in each update, Sony has really gotten its act together and let us know already in their post. Firmware 1.82 will enable "the playback of AVC High Profile (H.264/MPEG-4) files." Along with that, the PSN team is hard at work increasing backwards compatibility further and further. We're glad to see Sony is taking the time to let us know what's getting updated, so our hats go off to them for this heads up.




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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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