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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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PSM: Can we expect PS3 games to be priced in the same range as Xbox 360 titles?


Kaz Hirai : Generally Speaking, over the past twelve years or so, there has been a consumer expectation that disc-based games are maybe $59 on the high end to $39 on the low end. So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say "PS3 Games now $99.99." I don't think consumers expect software pricing to suddenly double. So, the quick answer is that we want to make it as affordable as possible, knowing that there is a set consumer expectation for what software has cost for the past twelve years. That's kind of the best answer I can give you. So, if it becomes a bit higher than $59, don't ding me, but, again, I don't expect it to be $100.

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κι'αλλα rumors (που συμφωνουν με τα υπολοιπα που ξεραμε)


This was posted by a user named "CWM" in the German MAN!AC (multiformat print mag) forums. He recently was at a local Media Markt store (a large German retail store chain, comparable to Best Buy in the States) to buy a DS Lite and coincidentally listened to a conversation when a floor manager informed his staff members on recent news regarding the German (European?) PS3 launch. He heard the following:


- launch day on November 17

- ONLY the ?599 version will be released "for the time being"

- PREORDERS ONLY will be supplied for the rest of the year, there won't be A SINGLE CONSOLE freely available on shelves until 2007 (at the earliest)

- preorders will be coordinated with Sony, everyone who preorders will be registered by Sony

- preorders start at the beginning of next week


Original link (for all of you who understand German):




This guy is a reliable source, I don't think that he posts bullshit. I don't know if all this applies to Germany only or to Europe as a whole. But since Germany is Playstation country, I could imagine a similar situation even for the UK. Let the Sony hype train roll.

το θεμα συζητειται στο gaf και σε αλλα φορα του κοσμου.

PSM: Can we expect PS3 games to be priced in the same range as Xbox 360 titles?


Kaz Hirai : Generally Speaking' date=' over the past twelve years or so, there has been a consumer expectation that disc-based games are maybe $59 on the high end to $39 on the low end. So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say "PS3 Games now $99.99." I don't think consumers expect software pricing to suddenly double. So, the quick answer is that we want to make it as affordable as possible, knowing that there is a set consumer expectation for what software has cost for the past twelve years. That's kind of the best answer I can give you. [b']So, if it becomes a bit higher than $59, don't ding me, but, again, I don't expect it to be $100.[/b]



Playstation 3 games........We are really trying to keep an open mind with the PS3, but everytime Sony speaks it seems they are shooting themselves in the foot.


>Link to sxoloio ola ta lefta


Sony working on PS3 Wipeout, soccer?


Source: Job postings on the site of Sony Europe recruiter Datascope.


The official story: "There has been no official announcement regarding these properties."--a Sony spokesman.


What we heard: One of Datascope's job listings, which were last updated earlier today, is looking to fill a lead designer position--and apparently as soon as possible given the all-caps "URGENT" beside the title. The task of whomever is hired for the role will be "to have a key role in realising future iterations of Wipeout on PSP and PS3," according to the site.


The Wipeout franchise has been taking a bit of a breather since Wipeout Pure launched alongside the PSP in 2004, so it seems about time for another installment in the futuristic racer series if Sony Europe wants to keep the franchise semi-fresh in consumer's minds. That said, it survived three years without a new iteration between Wipeout Fusion on the PlayStation 2 and its PSP debut, which has racked up more than a quarter million in sales to date, according to the industry-tracking NPD Group.


Further down the list is an assortment of positions for new PS3 and PSP "football" titles. Given that these are Sony Europe's job openings, it's a safe assumption the sport being discussed is soccer, not American-style pigskin. Now while the idea of a new PSP soccer game isn't going to raise many eyebrows--World Tour Soccer '06 on the PSP recently shipped, and an '07 version seems likely--the PS3 edition is a little more interesting.


Sony Europe's This is Football series for the PlayStation 2 rode the pine last year, leaving the market to be carved up by more established efforts from Konami and Electronic Arts, among others. However, if Sony were to once again develop a first-party soccer game for the living room, the PS3 would be an ideal place to give the series a fresh start.


Another interesting wrinkle is in the job listing for an Audio Group Lead Programmer. Although it states the new hire would work on a PS3 football game, knowledge of the PSP is listed as a bonus in the job description. It's entirely possible Sony would just have the programmer working on both the PS3 and the PSP soccer games at the same time, but this could also point to some kind of cross-platform functionality between the two systems.


Whether these games ever make it to market is still up in the air, but if Sony's actively looking for people to work on them, they're clearly in--or at least starting--development.



Track7 cancels Thesis for PS3: too expensive to develop for




"The site claims that "the developer blames the problem on the exceptionally high cost of developing for PS3." We have all heard the rumors of how hard it is to develop for Sony's next-gen machine, but could this be the first time a developer has actually come out and straight up said they had to stop a game because of the PS3's development costs?"




μαλιστα.. ασχημα νεα για το third-party support του PS3..


de kseroume an to thesis bgei telika wraio game alla i istoria tou ekselissetai stin Athina, k o kentrikos xaraxtiras onomazetai Andronikos Kalogerou..lol.

gia na doume ti tha ginei me ton sigkekrimeno titlo


απο το site της Track7

News Flash


track7games responds to erroneous article


PS3land.com wrote an erroneous article on June 29, 2006 regarding track7games and our upcoming game, "Theseis".


track7games would like to clarify that we never cancelled something that did not exist in the first place. We plan to develop "Theseis" for PC and Xbox360 in the near future. As for the PS3, we simply made a strategic decision to not move ahead because we deemed it not probable at this time.

επισης αν δειτε εδω, τα παιδια ειναι Ελληνες! 8)


χωρια που η 'φοιβη' φερνει λιγο στην ..παπαριζου :mrgreen:



στην Ε3 παντως, ειχε αποσπασει παρα πολυ καλα σχολια απο adventurαδες δημ/φους και sites.







Διάψευση της track7games στα περί διακοπής ανάπτυξης του «Theseis» στο PS3


To GameOver εντόπισε τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες στο site PS3Land την είδηση ότι η ελληνική εταιρία track7games που εργάζεται πάνω στον τίτλο «Theseis», αποφάσισε να διακόψει την ανάπτυξη του τίτλου για το PlayStation3. Όπως όφειλε να πράξει το GameOver πριν δημοσιεύσει την είδηση, επικοινώνησε με την ομάδα ανάπτυξης του παιχνιδιού και πριν από λίγο έλαβε την επίσημη απάντηση, η οποία ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά τα ακόλουθα: «Η εταιρία track7games επιθυμεί να διαψεύσει την είδηση που καταγράφηκε σήμερα το πρωί στο site PS3Land για τον απλούστατο λόγο ότι δεν δύναται να ακυρωθεί κάτι που δεν ξεκίνησε ποτέ. Η εταιρία μας σχεδιάζει να κυκλοφορήσει το «Theseis» σε PC και Xbox 360 στο άμεσο μέλλον. Όσον αφορά στην έκδοση για το PlayStation3, η track7games πήρε την απόφαση να μην προχωρήσει στην ανάπτυξη του τίτλου για το συγκεκριμένο format. Είμαστε ωστόσο διαθέσιμοι να συζητήσουμε την κυκλοφορία του τίτλου μας σε όλα τα συστήματα νέας γενιάς».



gia mena auto to game mou fainete apotixia apo twra.k eidika pou nai apo elliniki prospatheia.den nomizw na xanei i sony tpt idiaitero.


γιατι ρε xrestman??

story καλο φαινεται οτι εχει,

απο πρωτη υλη για ιστορια, artifacts κλπ δεν θα βρεις καλυτερα απο ελλαδα,

τετοιου ειδους adventure games (puzzle κλπ) ειναι ειδος προς εξαφανιση,

γιατι σου φαινεται "αποτυχια απο τωρα"??

αν διαβασες τις αποψεις αυτων που ητανε στην Ε3, ητανε πολυ θετικες.


να βρουμε που ειναι τα παιδια εδω στην αθηνα, να παμε να το δουμε απο κοντα και να φτιαξουμε και ενα ωραιο αρθρακι να τους προμοταρουμε!

γιατι ρε xrestman??

story καλο φαινεται οτι εχει' date='

απο πρωτη υλη για ιστορια, artifacts κλπ δεν θα βρεις καλυτερα απο ελλαδα,

τετοιου ειδους adventure games (puzzle κλπ) ειναι ειδος προς εξαφανιση,

γιατι σου φαινεται "αποτυχια απο τωρα"??

αν διαβασες τις αποψεις αυτων που ητανε στην Ε3, ητανε πολυ θετικες.


να βρουμε που ειναι τα παιδια εδω στην αθηνα, να παμε να το δουμε απο κοντα και να φτιαξουμε και ενα ωραιο αρθρακι να τους προμοταρουμε![/quote']



Simfwnw emena tetoia parafisika senaria mou aresoun.Episis den einai ligo oti ena elliniko developing team ftiaxnei ena game gia to 360 kjai pc.As elpisoume oti tha einai kalo kai tha aksizei ta lefta tou.


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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