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Δεν είναι μόνο η Sony που τα κάνει αυτά,όπως νομίζετε οι περισσότεροι.


Τα ίδια σκ@τ@ κάνουν όλες.



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Rumor: PS3 to lower by price by US$ 100 by October?


Rumor time folks. The NetMunch News Network blog is reporting that sources, anonymous sources, are stating that a price cut for the PlayStation 3 is likely by October, and the injury to the wallet should lessen by US$ 100. This of course is in light of the recent lowering of the PlayStation Portable price.


NetMunch notes that this could allow for the PS3 to compete directly with the Microsoft Xbox 360 Elite's price point. While the folks posting stuff on DCEmu are a bit more welcoming of this rumor, the people over at PS3fanboy are a lot more skeptical.


Considering the reports that Sony is loosing money for each console sold, US$ 50 would perhaps be a bit more reasonable, but by a whole hundred? Will the shift in production methods of the CELL really lower the price by that much? Well, what do you guys think?


Μέχρι τον Οκτώβρη, δε θα έχουν ακόμα μεγαλύτερο περιθώριο Nintendo-Microsoft να κάνουν και αυτές μειώσεις λόγω πωλήσεων; Δε νομίζω να κάτσουν με σταυρωμένα χέρια...


Αυτό μόνο σε καλό μπορεί να μας βγει. :)


UK console mag to offer the 1st PS3 Blu-ray demo disc

With the wide variety of game console magazines for each of the popular game consoles, it seems about time that one started offering demos for the PS3. Well, according to this brief PlayStation Universe report, it looks like there will be no choice when it comes to PlayStation3 owners in the UK with the OPM Magazine apperaing to get exclusive rights to disbribute Blu-ray demo discs for the console. According to the report, the current issue advertised that the 6th issue of OPM, due May 2nd will include the world's first Blu-ray PlayStation demo disc and that no other magazine can do this.


Name character GTA IV revealed, new screens


In the recently announced preview of GameInformer, Rockstar Games revealed the name of the new playable character in Grand Theft Auto IV. His name will be Niko Bellic. Rockstar also revealed that GTA IV will be an all new GTA, with a realistic New York and characters who fits in New York (most of them lunatics, according to Dan Houser).





The Official PlayStation Magazine in UK has written an article that explains why can the PlayStation 3 provide the best graphics in this "new generation". Lucky for us, the magazine also featured a picture of Shiva in all her glory for demonstration. Worth checking out.






Ξαναζεσταμενο το νεο ....

και μαλιστα σε φουρνο...οχι σε grill:|



Mortal Kombat II is Immortal on PS3

The PlayStation Store is receiving a fatal injection this week.


New PlayStation 3 games will be a scarce commodity this month, but the PlayStation Store is receiving some welcome retro support. This Thursday, April 12, Mortal Kombat II will be available for download from Sony's network.


Mortal Kombat II is the controversial arcade classic that got Joseph Lieberman's panties in a bunch back in the day. The usual suspects are all there: Sub-Zero, Raiden, even hidden characters Jade and Smoke. The game's selling points are the unique finishing moves each character can use to violently end their opponent.

Sony has added online multiplayer support and leaderboards so you can track who is finishing who. All of this will be available for the bargain price of $4.99.


GTA IV Game Informer Preview Summary


* The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic - an Eastern European immigrant who has come to Liberty City to live the "American Dream." The game is set in Liberty City in 2007, but it is bigger than the Liberty City we saw in GTA III.

* The GTA 4 equivalent of the Statue of Liberty is called the Statue of Happiness, and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is known as BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).

* In Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar have recreated 4 of the 5 boroughs in New York, as well as part of New Jersey. Broker is the GTA IV equivalent of Brooklyn, Manhattan is now called Algonquin, Queens is now Dukes, the Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey is Alderney. The map is smaller than San Andreas, but considerably more detailed. No countryside or desert, we are led to believe.

* Pedestrians are far more realistic in GTAIV than in previous GTA games - they sit on benches, smoke cigarettes, read books and generally act like any real pedestrian would in the middle of a street.

* The screenshots in the preview are not representative of the final quality of the graphics, Rockstar insist. The game will only look better as the release draws closer..

* Niko was persuaded to move to Liberty City by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living a wonderful life there with two beautiful women, fifteen sports cars, and lots of money etc, but he was infact telling a lie in order to hide his own failures. Roman is the only person you know in Liberty City at the beginning of the game, and he becomes one of your major connections at the start. Niko is a tough character whereas Roman is friendly. Roman is heavily in debt and a lot of people are after him - he needs Niko's support. They are constantly bickering.

* The demo (which was played on Xbox 360) begins with Bellic standing inside of the taxi depot, which Roman operates in the borough of Broker in a converted industrial garage. Roman works at a cluttered desk in a shabby environment, and at this point the graphical improvements are extremely evident. Bellic walks to a brownstone house in Broker, where he pushes open the door and pulls out his pistol - the house however, is not occupied. He then moves onto the kitchen, which he also finds to be empty. He pushes his way through the back door and smashes the window of a red four-door car with his elbow. The broken glass falls onto the street and onto the seat of the car, as Bellic unlocks it from the inside. He hotwires the car and sets off to his next destination. The camera angle behind the car is closer to the vehicle than in all previous GTA titles which brings out more detail in the car. After selecting a radio station, Bellic navigates to a section of the BOABO arriving at a dockside with a terrific view of the city skyline. Pigeons can be heard in the sky, and waves can be heard in the water. Bellic then pulls out his cellphone which has options for Phonebook, Messages, Organizer and Camera on it's LCD screen. He selects Phonebook, and he is then presented with another set of options: City Contact, Docks Friend, and Cab Contact. After a brief conversation he informs the reciever to meet him at the docks.

* As Bellic walks, you can feel the weight behind each step he makes. Variations in the terrain cause realistic changes in the walking animation. The physics have also improved and character movements are more realistic.

* In previous GTA games you were like a slave because you had to constantly take orders from people to do missions. There is still an element of that in Grand Theft Auto 4, but you can also choose how you want to spend your time, for example "I want to hang out with him and her. I want to hang out with this guy because he always has fun things to do. Call him up and maybe you can hang with him. Maybe he'll answer." You have a lot of choice over what you want to do.

* In GTA4, Rockstar is giving its players more freedom, more choice, and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different, it can be told in a number of different ways. You can talk to people in person, by cell phones, and there are a bunch of other ways of giving the player information. In general it's a difference experience, with new ways of interacting with the characters and the world.

* Rockstar consulted crime experts and ex-policemen when making the game, and they learned that being a criminal is a lot harder these days than it was during the 80s and 90s for example, and they have tried to reflect this in the game. This means you can expect to see a lot of people getting arrested - the police are a heavy presence.

* There are no planes in GTA IV because there is only one city, and Rockstar want the game to seem realistic. However there will be motorbikes.

* Rockstar North is approaching the recruitment of voice actors in a different way. This means that we will probably hear less familiar voices in GTA 4, as R* are looking for voices that suit the attitude of the characters. A similar approach is being done in terms of soundtrack - Rockstar are looking for great music which works with the 2007 Liberty City.

* After an initial load sequence, the game will never load again. Not even during exterior-interior (and vice versa) transitions.

* Both versions of the game (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3) will likely be identical, but the Xbox 360 version will have exclusive downloadable episodic [sizeable] content.

* GTA IV will have multiplayer, but it's not going to be a massively multiplayer online game. They are trying to make something that is interesting, fun, progressive and which goes along nicely with the single-player game.


PSU Interviews Insomniac: New Ratchet and Clank PS3 details


PSU was given the unique and rare opportunity to interview Insomniac, creators of the highly successful Resistance: Fall of Man on PlayStation 3, and the brilliant Ratchet & Clank series on PS2. We spoke to the team about its plans for the future, including recently announced Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, exclusively on PS3, and the rumours surrounding a Resistance sequel.


PSU: How long has Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction been in development?

Brian Allgeier, Creative Director/Design Director: We began pre-production several months ago after Ratchet: Deadlocked shipped. We formed a core team of 15 people that consisted of the project leads, some artists, programmers, designers, and a writer. Though the whole company contributed during the early brainstorming process, most Insomniacs were focused on Resistance: Fall of Man. The core team developed a lot of the prototypes and gameplay that gave us a plan for production. It was great working with a small team early on and developing Ratchet and Clank's back-stories, new gadgets, crazy weapon ideas, and new gameplay concepts. After Resistance: FOM shipped, we started production with the full team.

PSU: Will F:TOD be using the same game engine used in Resistance?


Mike Acton, Engine Director: The unique technology built here at Insomniac for Resistance: FOM certainly formed the base of what we're doing with Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. However, we're making such significant enhancements that they absolutely cannot be considered the same engine.


Our tools team has worked tirelessly to provide our artists and designers with a brand-new set of tools that will let us build better and faster than we could have on our first-generation title.


Our technology team is one of the very few groups in the industry with experience in building fast, practical game engines for the PS3. Every day we're focused on taking lessons learned and re-applying them to our engine to create new features and improve upon existing ones.


We also have a much better understanding now of how to take advantage of the RSX and the Cell architecture. We're using that experience to give our players more of the signature Insomniac animations, characters and visual effects that they've come to expect.


No, you should not expect to see the Resistance: FOM engine in Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. You should expect to see an even better one.

PSU: What is the basic storyline behind F:TOD? Will it tie into past titles and the PSP renditions?


Brian Allgeier: The Ratchet & Clank Future story opens with the shocking discovery that a villain from Ratchet's distant past has tracked him down and wants him dead. This revelation brings up many questions as to Ratchet origins and launches Ratchet and Clank into a mysterious adventure where they begin to learn about his past, the villain's current evil plans, and a glimpse of the future. The story takes place after the past R&C games. We're bringing back a few of the favorite characters like Captain Qwark, who is working undercover to give Ratchet and Clank clues that help guide them on their journey. We've coordinated with High Impact Games (the folks who did Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters) to ensure that there were no story conflicts with the PSP game.

PSU: Ratchet & Clank has always been known for its fun, wacky, and well-made weapons. What weapons will be making a return and what are some of the new ones we might find?


Brian Allgeier: We've come up with a whole new arsenal of weapons for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. Though there are some staple R&C weapons like the Pyro Blaster, a high powered flame thrower, all of the weapons have been started from scratch and tuned for the new enemies and combat. In addition to those weapons, we have some more outlandish types like the Tornado Launcher that sucks up enemies and whips them around - it's also controllable by the sixaxis motion sensor in the controller. There's the Plasma Beasts, which are slimy goo-like monsters that spring up and tackle enemies that are in range. And we've got the Groovitron, a disco ball grenade weapon that when thrown out causes the enemies to hypnotically dance to a groovin beat. Though it's a strategic weapon that stuns enemies, many players will probably watch them dance and forget that they should take them out!

PSU: What is most exciting about building the game for PlayStation 3? Anything that you are able to do with the game that you could only do on PS3 hardware?


Anthony Yu, Lead Gameplay Programmer: The PS3 is a powerhouse if you know how to play nice with it. If you think of the PS2 as a shovel, the PS3 is a bulldozer. You have to invest the time to figure out what levers to pull when, but once you do, you're ready to move mountains. The most exciting thing about it all is the revival of hope and inspiration that it brings to the Ratchet and Clank franchise. The boundaries are new and relatively uncharted, which gives us an opportunity to try to push all the boundaries again. A perfect example of something that we couldn't have done anywhere else was the Tornado Launcher. The designers wanted a natural disaster in a box. It had to consume everything around it and spit it in a flurry. On top of that, they wanted the player to be able to control its path of destruction, but not affect Ratchet's move set at all. On the PS2, we would have run out of processor time and run out of buttons, but on the PS3, it has become a reality. It's instances of performing the impossible like this that revitalize the team and reinforce why we're here. The PS3 gets people excited about making games, and nothing excites me more than excited people.

PSU: What resolution and frame rate will Ratchet & Clank be set in?


Brian Allgeier: For one of our recent demos, the game was running at 45 fps in HD mode. This is a good sign in that it is so early in production and we still have a lot of room for optimizing and improving the game's overall performance. However, at the same time we're also putting more and more stuff in the game like enemies, weapons, and environment details that can affect performance. This has always been the tricky balance for game development and as we get closer to our Alpha deadline (where we'll have all the gameplay implemented), we'll have a better idea of what we can optimize and tune to determine the game's resolution and frame rate. So check back with us later on this topic!


PSU: Will there be online multiplayer? Co-op?


Brian Allgeier: I can't answer that question - it's too early to say right now plus Ryan, our Marketing Director, would probably kill me. Heʼs quirky like that.


PSU: What is the planned release date for Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction?


Brian Allgeier: It's coming out this fall.


PSU: Rumors have been circulating that Rise of Man will be the sequel to Resistance: Fall of Man…any comment on this?


Ted Price, President and CEO: Rise of Man is a logical guess. But we're not making a Rise of Man.


PSU: When should gamers expect to hear more on the next installment of the Resistance franchise?


Ted Price: I've already gotten called out for "confirming" a Resistance: FOM sequel. I've never done that overtly. What I've said is that Resistance: FOM is the first chapter of a bigger story...so for now we'll leave whatever's next shrouded in mystery



And who doesn't love a bit of mystery! We'd like to thank Insomniac for taking the time to answer our questions, and wish them the best of luck with the continued development of the R&C and R:FOM series.


Two From Luxoflux

Kung Fu Panda confirmed, untitled project to follow


Regular IGN readers may remember the story we ran last year that revealed developer Luxoflux's future design plans. The California-based studio had announced that it had shifted all of its game production to "next-gen consoles only" and was in search of an Art Director for an untitled Action/ Adventure project. Today, we learned what that mystery title was.


In a job posting for a Conceptual Artist found on multiple employment sites, Luxoflux confirmed that its current venture is "The DreamWorks project, Kung Fu Panda," which was proceeded by a statement reaffirming the company's commitment to PS3 and Xbox 360 development.


We called the publisher officially attached to the Kung Fu Panda license, Activision, for comment and representatives confirmed that "that Kung Fu Panda is development for next-gen platforms and is scheduled for release in 2008."


But that's not the end of the story. The job listing that revealed this information in the first place was for an upcoming "unannounced multiplayer action title" slated for release on the Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms. No other information was provided.


Activision declined to comment about the second project.


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