xrest Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 me blepeis na xw arpaxtei paixti?plaka m kaneis?k proswpika den kanw post gia na perna i wra.sta @@ m an bgei i den bgei.k ontws to fanboy einai wraia leksi,alla den xreisimopoieitai se diskoles stigmes giati tetoies den iparxoun.o kathenas krinetai apo ta posts tou.egw gia ta 1.715 k sy gia ta 42 sou.k den stin exw pei.apla exeis kanei 20 post gia to sigkekrimeno thema.
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 me blepeis na xw arpaxtei paixti?plaka m kaneis?k proswpika den kanw post gia na perna i wra.sta @@ m an bgei i den bgei.k ontws to fanboy einai wraia leksi,alla den xreisimopoieitai se diskoles stigmes giati tetoies den iparxoun.o kathenas krinetai apo ta posts tou.egw gia ta 1.715 k sy gia ta 42 sou.k den stin exw pei.apla exeis kanei 20 post gia to sigkekrimeno thema. To πιο σωστο απο τα παραπανω ειναι αυτο ''o kathenas krinetai apo ta posts tou.egw gia ta 1.715 k sy gia ta 42 sou.'' Και σε αυτο εχεις δικιο,δεν εχω διαβασει τα προηγουμενα post σου,δεν αμφιβαλω...μπορει να εισαι σωστοτατος!!Γι αυτο και δεν σε εκρινα...το τελευταιο που εγραψα ''F...oy'' νομιζω καταλαβαινεις γιατι το ειπα και τι ηθελα να δειξω(δεν το ειπα για σενα). για το συγκεκριμενο θεμα δεν νομιζω να εχω κανει περισσοτερα post απο οσα εχουν εχουν κανει ολοι για την 12μηνη αποκλειστικοτητα του PES 6.... Αλλωστε ειμαι ο μονος απο οτι βλεπω που εχω την διαφορετικη αποψη ...αν τα μειωσω θα καταντησει μονολογος...
Daredevil Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 PD: Gran Turismo HD Is a Port of GT4 - Working On Version To Take Advantage of PS3 Polyphony Digital head Kazunori Yamauchi has told Famitsu that Gran Turismo HD is merely a port of GT4 with improved graphics to keep gamers sweet until a real next gen version is released which takes full advantage of the PS3's specification. quote: Polyphony Digital head Kazunori Yamauchi spoke about the next Gran Turismo title in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu. There were two points of interest in the article. First, the parenthetical "working title" has been dropped from the name, implying that Gran Turismo HD is indeed the final title. Second, while Yamauchi lavished praise on the game's high-definition graphics, he stated that the game was not the true next-gen heir to the popular racing series' crown. In the article, Yamauchi called Gran Turismo HD a "port" of the data from Gran Turismo 4, upgraded to take advantage of the PlayStation 3's graphical capabilities. He also said it is "a step in the process of developing a next-generation GT game." Yamauchi also implied that development on that next-gen game is already under way, albeit at an early stage. "We are working on a version of GT that supports the full PS3 specification," Yamauchi said, adding, "but in this transitional version, I think you'll get a taste of the potential that next generation games hold." News Source: Gamespot.com
Daredevil Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 The $5728.58 PS3 Bundle - The Ultimate A/V PS3 Set Up, What You'll Really Pay! Gamepro are running a refreshing feature article on what you'll most likely end up paying for the PS3. The articles runs right through a series of low end PS3 set ups such as the console, extra controller and a game for an estimated $643.52. The feature ends at what is known as the ultimate A/V bundle priced at an expected $5728.58! Check it all out at Gamepro.com. quote: Enemy of the State But your surprise at hearing the PlayStation 3's retail price will be nothing compared to your shock when you see that price on your credit card bill come December. You see, what Sony isn't telling you is that buying the PlayStation 3 opens up a whole host of hidden costs: taxes, game prices, and peripherals, to name a few. That's where this guide comes in handy: if you're ready to take the PS3 plunge, you need to make the smartest, most cost-effective decisions possible. Of course, to make such a guide, we've had to make a few educated guesses; take note that final prices for the controller and the games haven't yet been announced. When they are, we'll update the guide. Your biggest enemy? Taxes, by far. Depending on where you live, you may pay as much as an 8.75 percent sales tax; possibly more. Our general advice: if you plan to buy a PS3, stay out of the San Francisco Bay Area and New York City. These areas have some of the highest tax rates in the country. To calculate the "average" sales tax, we took the median sales tax in the United States, which hovers around 5.5%. This is a good middle-of-the-road example of a typical state sales tax. To represent "high tax" entries, we used the San Francisco Bay Area rate of 8.75%. The numbers aren't intended to be pinpoint precise, but to give you a rough idea of the cost of investing in the PlayStation 3 this year. Read More: Gamepro.com (4 pages)
john2gr Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 26 Αυγούστου 2006 Αυτά να τα διαβάζουν όσοι λένε ότι είναι ακριβό ένα upgrade στο PC τους. Αμέσως μόνο με το PS3 (60GB) και μια HD-TV 1080p η τιμή πάει στα 2000$ παρακαλώ (χωρίς να συμπεριλάβουμε τους φόρους). Νομίζω ότι πλέον την καραμέλα με τα λεφτά πρέπει να την πετάξετε
Επισκέπτης Δημοσ. 27 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 27 Αυγούστου 2006 Αυτά να τα διαβάζουν όσοι λένε ότι είναι ακριβό ένα upgrade στο PC τους. Αμέσως μόνο με το PS3 (60GB) και μια HD-TV 1080p η τιμή πάει στα 2000$ παρακαλώ (χωρίς να συμπεριλάβουμε τους φόρους). Νομίζω ότι πλέον την καραμέλα με τα λεφτά πρέπει να την πετάξετε Το PS3 ειναι σιγουρα ακριβο αλλα δεν θα βγαινει η sony να το πουλαει πακετο με μια HD tv ειναι θεμα του τι θελει και τι ζητα ο καθενας απο μια κονσολα. και μην ξεχναμε οτι: 1)Για να παιξεις παιχνιδια στο PS3 και 360 δεν ειναι απαραιτητο να εχεις HD tv. 2)Tα παιχνιδια ειναι ο τελευταιος λογος που θα κανει τους καταναλωτες(οχι μονο τους gamers) να αγορασουν HD TV,αφου κατι τετοιο θα γινει ετσι και αλλιως απο δω και περα και για τα επομενα χρονια και αιτια σιγουρα δεν θα ειναι τα games ή μονο αυτα(βλ.ταινιες HD και αργοτερα καναλια HD)
p3tran Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 DailyTech: Folding@Home on the PS3 Future PS3 owners rejoice as Folding@Home will be available for the PS3 console. The Cure@PS3 project puts the PS3ʼs Cell processor to good use by folding proteins which is somewhat in line of Sonyʼs overconfidence of the PS3 rendering the PC useless. Folding@Home performance from the Cell processor is expected around 100 gigaflops per PS3 console and top out one petaflop with 10,000 PS3ʼs. In addition to the 100 gigaflop protein folding capabilities, Cure@PS3 will have enhanced visualization features. The enhanced visualization capabilities will take advantage of HDR and ISO surface rendering features of the NVIDIA RSX graphics processor. Molecules can also be navigated in real time using the PS3ʼs motion sensitive controller allowing users to view the proteins from different angles. With the PS3ʼs high price pushing away developers, PS3 owners will have something to put all those unused processor cycles to use. μπορει να μην εχει πολλα games ακομα, αλλα να ενα χρησιμο app για την ανθρωποτητα, που παραλληλα μπορει να ειναι και ενα techy-screensaver. οσοι ενδιαφερεστε να εγκαταστησετε αυτο το χρησιμο app και δεν εχετε ps3, μπορειτε να συμμετεχετε απο το PC σας, ακολουθωντας το απο κατω λινκ. http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html
p3tran Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 PS3 downgraded again (?!?!?!) IT LOOKS LIKE the PS3 is way too powerful for us mere humans, and because the value is so overwhelming, Sony is going to make it a little more palatable. The RSX, previously scheduled to run at 550/700 core/memory has been realigned with expectations and the value chain at 500/650. We can't tell you why the GPU lost nearly 10% of it's clock, it could be an NVidia screwup, or it could be Sony/Cell. Either way, it just became much less of an overwhelming value, but you get a DRM infected drive for 'free' either way. As a help to the fanbois who inevitably write in somewhat curious broken englishish every time their precious console gets re-specced in a downward manner, please cut and paste the following. It will save you at least an hour trying to figure out the parts of the keyboard that are not WASD: You teh sux0r 2 sae teh PS3 is not going to teh r0x0r! Yew lie, yew 360 luvr. U teh sux! U maek thing up, go die!!!1111one!1!!!1 heheheheh As for Sony, I know your reaction, you are going to start a whispering campaign on the forums like last time. Please give the PR genius who thought that one up a promotion and a raise. It worked so well to cower me that I got more inside sources disgusted with you third rate backstabbing attempts than I got in a year. Please do it again, I didn't take offense last time, and I promise not to this time. µ http://uk.theinquirer.net/?article=33995 ειναι σημερινο, απο το inquirer, και οποιος μπει στον κοπο να το διαβασει, θα καταλαβει οτι αυτος ο αρθρογραφος (Charlie Demerjian), ειναι πολυ μα πολυ μα παρα πολυ δυσαρεστημενος απο την συμπεριφορα της sony απεναντι του, και κατα καποιο τροπο γραφει εκδικητικα. φαινεται πολυ σιγουρος για αυτο που γραφει σημερα, πραγμα που οπως θα θυμαστε εχει υποστηριξει σθεναρα απο παλιοτερα. δεν ξερω αν ειναι αληθεια (δυσκολα) ή οχι , γιατι θα ηταν πραγματικα τραγικη τετοια εξελιξη. πιστευω οτι θα επιβεβαιωθει αρκετα συντομα. (ποτε θα δωσει η Sony αραγε τα τελικα specs???) μεχρι τοτε, μην πυροβολειτε τον αγγελιοφορο.
kallair Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 28 Αυγούστου 2006 popoooo!!! ti xoli rixnei to palikari! (oxi o aggelioforos! :-P)
p3tran Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 δυστυχως φαινεται οτι επιβεβαιωνεται απο καποιους στο b3d.... και υποτιθεται οτι τα ιδια specs ειναι listed και στο ps3 developers site της sony. RSX = 500mhz, memory = 650mhz
privateer Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 δυστυχως φαινεται οτι επιβεβαιωνεται απο καποιους στο b3d.... και υποτιθεται οτι τα ιδια specs ειναι listed και στο ps3 developers site της sony.RSX = 500mhz' date=' memory = 650mhz[/quote'] This comes from xbdestroya, moderator at e-mpire PS3 forum, generally honest and knowledgeable guy who conducts interviews with PS3 developers etc. Yes, the Inquirer is trash, but the RSX, pending further news (because it's still subject to change mind you), has been downgraded. I don't expect a big performance decline due to this myself, and I'm sure you'll hear many a dev back me up on that point. PS3 = Cell well before it equals RSX, and indeed, I have a pretty monster Cell interview coming up in the next 24 hours. PS - Incidently, I don't think RSX was downgraded because Sony couldn't reach the speeds onsistently, I think it was downgraded because to get from 500MHz to 550MHz would have required a voltage bump that wasn't worth the added wattage and thermal constraints to the system. No, I can't [say who they are]. But they are super-reliable and I've known for weeks. I will say this: you will not hear any PS3 devs posting that this news is false. Take that for what it's worth... Please no one PM me about this either, I get enough PMs on a daily basis as it is. Frankkly, it came out at a bad time, but really, really, this is not a big deal. I can't emphasize enough how small this downgrade is in the larger context of things. http://forums.e-mpire.com/showpost.php?p=1212289&postcount=39 http://forums.e-mpire.com/showpost.php?p=1212295&postcount=43
xrest Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Resistance: Fall of Man First Look We visit Insomniac to see how its first PlayStation 3 title is shaping up. LINK
Strategos Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 DailyTech: Folding@Home on the PS3 μπορει να μην εχει πολλα games ακομα' date=' αλλα να ενα χρησιμο app για την ανθρωποτητα, που παραλληλα μπορει να ειναι και ενα techy-screensaver. οσοι ενδιαφερεστε να εγκαταστησετε αυτο το χρησιμο app και δεν εχετε ps3, μπορειτε να συμμετεχετε απο το PC σας, ακολουθωντας το απο κατω λινκ. http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html ti akrivos kanei auto?
privateer Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 29 Αυγούστου 2006 video from GC http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=12742&type=wmv
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