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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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exei anakoinwthei apo tin press conference tis MS....


Αν οντως ειναι ετσι τα πραγματα οκ!

οπως και να 'χει θα φανει το τι θα γινει τελικα τους επομενους μηνες ;)

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αμα δεν επωφεληθει η sega να πεταξει καννα virtua striker 4 στο wii (δυσκολα θα προλαβει να φτιαξει κατι της προκοπης στο ps3),

τοτε μπορει να κανει καμια πωληση και στην ιαπωνια το 360 με το winning eleven: pro evo αποκλειστικο τουλαχιστον μεχρι τον αλλο σεπτεμβριο...

ποιος ξερει...


Ε δεν νομιζω να προτιμησουν το Virtual striker απο το PES...

Καλο παιχνιδι αλλα arcade και το κοινο του PES δεν νομιζω να παρει Wii εξαιτιας του Virtual striker.Εκτος αν σνομπαρουν το 360(που οι περισσοτεροι ετσι λειτουργουν) ή αν νομιζουν οτι δεν τους δινει κατι πραπανω το PES 6 στο 360(αρκετοι απο αυτους).


Default Loss


That attitude was acceptable a year ago when the firm could legitimately gripe that Microsoft was forcing its hand. Three months from the launch of the PS3, Sony needs to start bringing people on board, or risk the Xbox 360 realising stellar sales while the PS3 is still being held back from mainstream consumers by launch demand and limited numbers. At Leipzig this week, the firm made no new friends - and regardless of the strength of its brand or the installed base of PS2, both of which are indisputably key factors in the next-gen battle, Sony still needs friends far more than either of its rivals do at the moment.



Ε δεν νομιζω να προτιμησουν το Virtual striker απο το PES...

Καλο παιχνιδι αλλα arcade και το κοινο του PES δεν νομιζω να παρει Wii εξαιτιας του Virtual striker.Εκτος αν σνομπαρουν το 360(που οι περισσοτεροι ετσι λειτουργουν) ή αν νομιζουν οτι δεν τους δινει κατι πραπανω το PES 6 στο 360(αρκετοι απο αυτους).

Egw pantws tha agoraza konsola mono kai mono gia to Virtua Striker...

Makran to kalytero arcade soccer.

Exei anakoinwthei oti tha vgei se nextgen konsola?


LGC 2006: Konami Calls Foul on Microsoft

Winning Eleven is not exclusive to Xbox 360.



At its press conference earlier this week, Microsoft made the announcement that Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (known as Winning Eleven to us) and EA's FIFA Soccer would both see a year's exclusivity on the Xbox 360, making its next-gen console "the platform" for soccer fans. This was seemingly a huge win for Microsoft, considering how popular Soccer is in the European and Asian territories. Now, however, we're starting to hear a different story. Speaking with Winning Eleven producer/creator Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka earlier today, we learned that Microsoft made claims that were untrue. "The presentation was misleading," he told us. "We never said exclusive for one year on the next-gen platforms. We said this year. We were agreed that it was this year."

According to Takatsuka, Microsoft's claims have caused some issues for Konami (with Sony, no doubt), and he definitely wants to set the record straight. Winning Eleven is exclusive to the 360 for this year, but it's likely a case of necessesity (the PS3 game, which he confirmed is being worked on, isn't far enough along in development) rather than some major exclusivity deal with Microsoft. The PS3 version could ship as early as next spring, he admitted, though no timeframe has been set yet. The only thing certain is that it will absolutely not release before January 1, 2007.

LGC 2006: Konami Calls Foul on Microsoft

Winning Eleven is not exclusive to Xbox 360.



At its press conference earlier this week' date=' Microsoft made the announcement that Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer (known as Winning Eleven to us) and EA's FIFA Soccer would both see a year's exclusivity on the Xbox 360, making its next-gen console "[i']the[/i] platform" for soccer fans. This was seemingly a huge win for Microsoft, considering how popular Soccer is in the European and Asian territories. Now, however, we're starting to hear a different story. Speaking with Winning Eleven producer/creator Shingo 'Seabass' Takatsuka earlier today, we learned that Microsoft made claims that were untrue. "The presentation was misleading," he told us. "We never said exclusive for one year on the next-gen platforms. We said this year. We were agreed that it was this year."

According to Takatsuka, Microsoft's claims have caused some issues for Konami (with Sony, no doubt), and he definitely wants to set the record straight. Winning Eleven is exclusive to the 360 for this year, but it's likely a case of necessesity (the PS3 game, which he confirmed is being worked on, isn't far enough along in development) rather than some major exclusivity deal with Microsoft. The PS3 version could ship as early as next spring, he admitted, though no timeframe has been set yet. The only thing certain is that it will absolutely not release before January 1, 2007.

kala , exoume xasei tin mpala me auto to thema... :P


des edw Dare


“We’re very pleased to be bringing the next-generation edition of Pro Evolution Soccer 6 exclusively to Xbox 360 until late summer 2007. The power of Xbox 360 takes our critically-acclaimed franchise to new heights of realism, playability, and fun. We know true football fans will enjoy the new experiences that Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on Xbox 360 will offer.”

Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management at Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH

“FIFA 07 on Xbox 360 will be a must-have for soccer and gaming fans. The advanced capabilities of Xbox 360 and a completely new game engine mean that FIFA 07 reaches new heights of responsiveness, playability, graphical and gameplay realism, and fun. Innovative online capabilities make the most of Xbox Live and bring even more realism to soccer fans. The only place gamers can enjoy the next-generation edition of FIFA 07 is on Xbox 360 – we love developing for this thing!”

Hugues Ricour, FIFA 07 producer, Electronic Arts


καλα μου φαινεται οτι ουτε στην ιδια εταιρια ξερουν καλα καλα μεχρι ποτε θα ειναι exclusive,το μονο σιγουρο ειναι οτι θα ειναι εστω και για λιγους μηνες στο 360.


gnwmi mou einai pws an i parapanw dilwsi einai alithis ( apo ton Hans-Joachim Amann, Head of European Product Management at Konami dld ) to epomeno pes ( dld to PES7 ) tha vgei sto PS3 to xronou ton oktwmvri , klassika dld.

Ara isxyei to 12 mines exclusive.


Twra to na kanei i KONAMI neo game ( gia to PS3 ) mesa se ligotero apo 6-7 mines , to thewrw apla adynato. ( tin exoume mathei tin KONAMI :P )

Isws na vgei ws WE sto PS3 tin anoiksi...

tha doume.



Opws kai na exei to PES6 erxetai sto 360 , nothing else matters :D :D :P

τεσπα...μια απορια ειχα.Γιατι μου κανει εντυπωση το γεγονος αυτο...

Υπαρχει κατι πιο επισημο απο ανακοινωσεις της MS και της KONAMI?(Αν βρει καποιος επισημη ανακοινωση της ΚΟΝΑΜΙ θα το δεχτω...και δεν το λεω εκ του ασφαλους γιατι δεν εχω ψαξει καθολου)


Μετα την MS ηρθε και η ΚΟΝΑΜΙ...


Kαι χαίρομαι ιδιαιτερα μονο για ενα πραγμα.Στα προηγουμενα post μου δεν βγηκε ουτε ενας να πει ....βρε μπας και αυτα που λεει εχουν καποια βαση?1 στο 1.000.000 βρε αδερφε....


αυτο που ποσταρε ο Daredevil το γνωριζα απο χθες το βραδυ αλλα περιμενα να δω αν θα το αναφερει κανεις.Και αν δεν ηταν και αυτος δεν θα μου φαινοταν καθολου παραξενο να μην βγει και καθολου....


o xronos tha deiksei.to paixnidi einai exclusive.ama eisai ps fanboy safws k de tha dextheis tpt.k ola postarontai agori mou..opws eipa k se proigoumeno post i konami oti thelei mporei na ftiaksei sto ps3.pes6 omws oxi.telos

o xronos tha deiksei.to paixnidi einai exclusive.ama eisai ps fanboy safws k de tha dextheis tpt.k ola postarontai agori mou..opws eipa k se proigoumeno post i konami oti thelei mporei na ftiaksei sto ps3.pes6 omws oxi.telos


Καραρχην γιατι αρπάζεσαι?δεν αναφερθηκα σε εσενα προσωπικα...νομιζω η παραθεση γραφει PDS 13............

Για το ''ο χρονος θα δειξει'' συμφωνω και παντα αυτο θα λεω,δεν ακουσα ομως να λει κανεις ο χρονος θα δειξει πριν????

Ειχες πει σε προηγουμενο post σου


''signwmmi ti kathesai k psaxneis otan exei anakoinwthei episima?i konami mporei na bgalei oti thelei gia tous epomenous 12 mines ektos tou pro evo.to epomeno pro evo tha nai k sto ps3.dld prepei na feroume ton proedro tis konami na to pei o idios?''


δεν βλεπω να ειχες γραψει πουθενα ο χρονος θα δειξει τοτε...


Για το οτι το παιχνιδι(PES 6)ειναι exclusive το λεω και εγω,δεν εχω πει κατι διαφορετικο.αρα μην αναφερεσαι σε εμενα για αυτο το θεμα...


Τωρα για το fanboy ειναι και γαμω τις λεξεις,θα το σκεφτω και θα το καθιερωσω μαλλον να το πεταω και εγω στις δυσκολες στιγμες(και δεν αναφερομαι σε εσενα μονο,αλλωστε δεν κολλαγε καθολου το Fanboy εδω,γιατι με χαρακτηρισες ετσι με την αφορμη ''to paixnidi einai exclusive'',που ποτε εγω δεν ειπα το αντιθετο οσον αφορα το PES 6.)


ουσιαστικα δεν διαφωνουμε σε κατι αλλα μου την λες ετσι...μαλλον για να περναει η ωρα... ή εισαι F...oy,οχι...δεν θα την πω την ''κακια'' την λεξη γιατι δεν σε ξερω προσωπικα και δεν αμφισβητω κανεναν χωρις να τον ξερω.;)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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