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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Οχι, γιατι το αλλαξα περυσι:-D


Ομως, μιας και το θετεις ετσι, το αυτοκινητο που πηρα ειναι το νεο μοντελο του παλιου μου.Δε θα μου αρεσε να εχει ομως ακριβως το ιδιο τιμονι με το παλιο...


Apli, kai 3eke8ari apantisi.

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theres a live chat Q&A with motorstorm producers at the SCEA playstation forums



not too much new info, but some confirmation about the US final version:

-12 players online (voicechat support usb or blutooth)

-single player has NO split screen multiplayer

-18gb on bluray:mrgreen:

-720p resolution / 30 frames

-supposedly theres going to be a more "optimized" demo to be on PSN in a few weeks...its going to be the same rain god mesa track demo...but its supposed to run "faster" (?)

-max number of vehicles onscreen is 16 (singleplayer)

-no plan right now to patch Japanese version to allow online play (importers SOL!)

-Downloadable content is in the works

-right now, US players can only play with US players, and Euro players with euro players only (no international multiplayer)....they say its due to lag/latency issues....

-no customizable soundtrack, but they may release a patch in future if theres demand for it (typical PR answer IMO)

-cars will not have headlights for night races (NOOoooooooo!!!!) but they say you can still navigate the tracks via moonlight...supposedly its to make the game more "tricky" they say......

-7.1 audio & dolby digital are supported

-no support of XMB friends list so far


heres a transcript of the entire session...


to xamogelo sta 18gb ti aposkopi?



Αυτο σε χαλασε εσενα...με ολα τα αλλα ευχαριστηθηκες !!!


Aντε να ερθει και η 23 Μαρτιου με το φοβερο και τρομερο upgrade μπας και δουμε ασπρη μερα....

tipota de me xalase man. ti tha eprepe na me xalasi?

Opote pairneis auto pou sou a3izei... e?


Katana diladi to neo sou timoni den eine strogilo? ti eine ufo style?

Re S2Karana blepeis kamia diafora stis foto parakatw? ? ? :-|




Kala blepo de sinenooumaste wolfidis. ti mou aksizi k giati?

telegames eixan pei oi dhmiourgoi tou motorstorm gia 1080p kai 60fps? Kai 30 pou to phgan kala eine giati me eixan anisixisi.

YG: to xeirhstirio tou ps3 diladi katana gia sena eine akribos to idio me tou ps2? (to leo pou les oti den tha mou arese to timoni na htan akribos to idio)

Kala blepo de sinenooumaste wolfidis. ti mou aksizi k giati?

telegames eixan pei oi dhmiourgoi tou motorstorm gia 1080p kai 60fps? Kai 30 pou to phgan kala eine giati me eixan anisixisi.

YG: to xeirhstirio tou ps3 diladi katana gia sena eine akribos to idio me tou ps2? (to leo pou les oti den tha mou arese to timoni na htan akribos to idio)


Οχι φυσικα,του PS2 ηταν καλυτερο,ειχε και δονηση


'Vaio PS3' would appeal to right people, says Sonic Team boss


Tuesday 6-Feb-2007 4:59 PM Sonic Team director talks to CVG about Sony's PlayStation 3 strategy


Sonic Team boss and director of Sonic and the Secret Rings, Yogiro Ogawa, cites the PS3 as "very expensive", in a recent interview with CVG.


When asked if he thought the features the PS3 offer are worth the hefty price tag, Ogawa replied: "Now I think that if Sony had sold the PS3 alongside the Vaio brand, maybe like calling it the 'Vaio PS3' or something like that, it may have been more appealing to the right people.


"I think that the way in which Sony has chosen to approach the PS3 could have been better. It's very expensive."


He does however give Nintendo the thumbs up, saying: "If you look at videogame history, Nintendo hardware always extends on what we have. They design, develop and create new toys." He later cites the Wii Remote as "a fun device to design games for" due to it's innovation and the new challenges is poses for developers.


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