Rebel21 Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 IGN ReviewAnother one of Sonic's problems comes from the visuals. to idio akrivws xali eixe kai sto xbox360.kai to simantikotero provlima tou xbox360 diladi ta aparadekta loading times iparxoun kai sto ps3.
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 to idio akrivws xali eixe kai sto xbox360.kai to simantikotero provlima tou xbox360diladi ta aparadekta loading times iparxoun kai sto ps3. Ιδου και το εν λογω review προς συγκριση ... Παρ'ολα αυτα ομως η βαθμολογια σε γραφικα και σε gameplay ειναι ελαφρα χαμηλοτερη στο Ps3 ....
p3tran Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Η αλήθεια είναι ότι είναι λαλακία να υπάρχουν εδώ τόσα πολλά παιδιά που ασχολούνται με το 360 και το Wii και τόσα λίγα (αλλά καλά ) με το ps3. Γι΄αυτό όμως ευθύνεται περισσότερο από οποιονδήποτε άλλον η ίδια η Sony που εδώ και αρκετό καιρό τα δυσάρεστα νέα είναι περισσότερα από τα ευχάριστα. Το oblivion όπως και να δίχνει τελικά είναι παιχνίδι που πρέπει οποσδήποτε να το παίξει όποιος του αρέσουν τα rpgs. Από εκεί και πέρα αυτά τα screenshots, sorry, αλλά δίχνουν εμφανώς χειρώτερα από το 360. Φαντάζομαι ότι η τελική έκδοση θα είναι στα ίδια επίπεδα με το 360 και γιατί όχι και καλύτερη. Αν έχουν κάνει το game να τρέχει πιο ομαλά αυτό είναι σίγουρα πολύ καλό και θα του δώσει ένα συν σε σχέση με την 360 έκδοση. Τώρα οτί τo loading time θα είναι 2-3 δευτερόλεπτα, άμα δε το δώ με τα ίδια μου τα μάτια δε θα το πιστέψω. αυτο που σου ξεφευγει ειναι οτι οποιεσδηποτε αλλαγες εχουν γινει στο engine σε αυτον τον ενα χρονο, θα ενσωματωθουν και στο 360 με το επερχομενο d/l pack. (τωρα ξερεις γιατι δεν το επιασα παλι προχτες ) οσο για το sonic, (παρ'ολο που ειναι αδιαφορο τελειως game) φαινεται πως εχει αρκετες διαφορες απο την εκδοση 360. πχ To be fair, the pre-rendered cutscenes do look great and have some nice direction, but once the in-engine stuff kicks off, things start to roll downhill. Characters jitter for no reason, shadows appear and disappear like crazy, and there's an enormous amount of pop-in and other bizarre glitches that scream "rush job." Amazingly, there's a fair bit of slowdown and other framerate hiccups when exploring the hub town too -- sometimes occurring even when there isn't a single character on the screen.
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 There was some debate yesterday on Three Speech about whether or not Sony has any comment on the current “solid” rumors by Luke Smith from 1UP and CVG regarding Killzone being shown at GDC next month, possibly with a playable demo. The response is: “No, Killzone wonʼt be at GDC at all,” stated SCEA Manager, Ryan Bowling, in a conversation with IGN held yesterday afternoon. “The time for that game is coming and weʼll have new information about it in the future, but not at GDC.”
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 DICE 2007: Sony's Online Evolution Phil Harrison speaks on the PS3's networking future. Speaking at a panel at DICE 2007, Sony Worldwide Studios' Phil Harrison touched briefly on the PS3's online future. While Harrison did not give specifics, he clearly understood that to win this generation, online needed to be a focus. "The moment you buy [a PS3] you enter a long-term relationship," Harrison said. While the chipset remains the same, what it does evolves over time. There doesn't appear to be any thoughts on creating a premium online service like Microsoft's Xbox Live. Despite the fact that Sony doesn't plan to charge gamers to play on its network, Harrison believes there is nothing that can keep PS3 from offering services equal to Xbox Live in the future. When Harrison demoed SingStar, he talked briefly about some of the community features. Later, he touched again on community, adding that "we still need to do more." Sony has plans to build on the network, but specifics on those plans won't be announced until a later date. Phil Harrison is the keynote speaker at GDC in March, where he is expected to expand on future plans for Sony's console.
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Oblivion Rumors Explained We get down to the bottom of the recent Oblivion rumors. When we posted our preview of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, we talked about the various improvements that had been made to the PS3 version, such as the optimized load times and enhanced graphical presentation thanks to new pixel shaders that displayed sharper details. We also pointed out that while the Knights of the Nine side quest would be included, other downloadable content would not initially be included in the game. Needless to say, this information spawned a host of rumors on the boards and across the Internet. To separate the fact from the fiction about Oblivion on the PS3, we went directly to Pete Hines, the VP of Public Relations and Marketing at Bethesda Softworks for the true details behind the game. Rumors were rampant about the reasons behind the lack of downloadable content. Other websites have reported that the justification behind the missing missions and features was due to technical limitations of the console. According to Hines, nothing could be farther from the truth. There were two specific reasons behind why items like the Orrery and Mehrunes's Razor will not be included within the PS3 version of the game. First of all, there was a concern about the balancing of the game and initially giving players access to a thieves den or a wizard's tower immediately at the start of the game. "There was no good way to incorporate these features into the game as soon as it started because it didn't make sense," Hines said. While he didn't rule out the possibility of some of these side quests or features making it into the game, it wouldn't necessarily be as soon as the game hit store shelves. In fact, the other reason why the downloadable content for the PS3 version of the game isn't included isn't solely because of the technical limitations of the system. Instead, it's because the designers haven't actually tested the PlayStation Network Store and the mechanisms for delivering content to systems. Considering that the development team has been spending a large amount of time making sure that the game transitions over to the PS3 well without the numerous bugs or glitches that plagued the PC and 360 versions of the game, working on the store was definitely a low priority on their list when it came to dedicating additional resources to that feature. But it is being worked on, and it will be coming at a later date. So what about the shaders or optimizations? Rumors were released stating that everything in the PS3 version of the game would migrate over to the 360 or the PC, which kicked off a screaming match on boards about which version was ultimately better. According to Hines, the shader functionality that would re-render the low-res textures would inevitably make its way to the 360 build and PC in future updates. However, certain optimizations that take advantage of the system's hardware will remain exclusive to the PS3 version of the game. We'll have more on Oblivion as it's released.
kallair Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Και εγω ειμαι εναντια στο trollarisma και απο τις δυο πλευρες ομως ....Αλλα οπως βλεπεις ο Spown ειναι αυτος που κανει τα παντα και με τον ποιο εντονο τροπο για να το συντηρει ..(καλα κανει κατα την γνωμη μου , γιατι περναμε ευχαριστα ;-) ) ....Πες μας και την γνωμη σου ομως ...εχεις δει κατι στο PS3 που να ειναι τοσο πολυ ανωτερο ,ωστε να δικαιολογειται ολη αυτη η εξαρση απο πλευρας του ..? den tha krinw ego ton spown k ton kathe spown opws k esena k ton kathena edw mesa. an den goustaroume auta pou leei kapoios, iparxei to ignore opws k to report. k auta as ta parei ipopsin o moderator tou forum k as ton kanei ban oste na iremisei. an den goustaroume auta pou leei kapoios, as ton kanete report k oxi na trollarete k na g@m@te to topic. thelo na elpizo oti eimaste/eisaste orima atoma k me mialo k na min peftete stin pagida tou kathenos.
Rebel21 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 den tha krinw ego ton spown k ton kathe spown opws k esena k ton kathena edw mesa. an den goustaroume auta pou leei kapoios, iparxei to ignore opws k to report. k auta as ta parei ipopsin o moderator tou forum k as ton kanei ban oste na iremisei. an den goustaroume auta pou leei kapoios, as ton kanete report k oxi na trollarete k na g@m@te to topic. thelo na elpizo oti eimaste/eisaste orima atoma k me mialo k na min peftete stin pagida tou kathenos. paidia min G@m@te to topic afiste ton kallair na to emploutisei me tis 0 photos tou kai ta 0 news.katholou kalo gia ton deutero megalitero ipostirixti tou ps3 meta ton spown.file kallair postare kai tipota allo ektos apo to na ipostirizeis ton spown. eutixws pou iparxoun kai i xboxfans opws lete kai to topic dikaiologei to onoma tou.
ultralisk Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 re paidia prospathiste na ksexoriste poios kanei plaka gia na "tsigklaei" tous allous kai poios einai pragmatika "troll"
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 k oxi na trollarete k na g@m@te to topic. Eνα ποστ στο οποιο trollaro??? Εγω δεν ειμαι υπερ του ban παρα μονο οταν αρχιζουν οι προσωπικοι χαρακτηρισμοι και ακομη χειροτερα οι υβρεις .... re paidia prospathiste na ksexoriste poios kanei plaka gia na "tsigklaei" tous allous kai poios einai pragmatika "troll" Ναι αλλα και οι πλακες (αυτο αφορα ολους μας ) εχουν καποιο οριο και σιγουρα δεν ειναι ο σκοπος αυτου του forum.... ( ε ρε off topic που εχει πεσει παλι ....)
kallair Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 paidia min G@m@te to topic afiste ton kallair na to emploutisei me tis 0 photos tou kai ta 0 news.katholou kalo gia ton deutero megalitero ipostirixti tou ps3 meta ton spown.file kallair postare kai tipota allo ektos apo to na ipostirizeis ton spown. eutixws pou iparxoun kai i xboxfans opws lete kai to topic dikaiologei to onoma tou. mallon file kati den exeis katalavei kala... otan prospatheis na vreis 1 neo gia to ps3 na diavaseis k psaxneis 5 selides mesa apo flames k tsakomous metaksi spown k tous ipoloipous e tote katantaei kourastiko... den katalava, tha prepei oloi oi xristes na einai energoi k na psaxnoun k na vriskoun nea gia to ps3? as koitakseis tin prosfora mou sto forum genika k ta nea pou exo grapsei sto ps3 topic k istera ksanapetakse tis "laspes" sou. prin grapseis tin opoiadipote kotsana sou, as epsaxnes prota ti posts k topics exo kanei k ti apopseis exo. an protimo to ps3 anti gia tou 360 den nomizo na endiaferei kanenan sas ektos apo mena. to na kseskizetai omws to topic opou thelo na diavaso 1-2 nea, e nai me ekneurizei afantasta.den ipostirizo kanenan spown opws k den ipostiriksa pote kanenan allon. to mono pou ipostirizo einai oi apopseis mou k otan vlepo atoma san ton spown k esena, me afinoun pagera adiaforo gia to ti lene k ti postaroun. alla otan thigoun emena k tin prosfora mou sto topic enw den exoun koitaksei ti exo postarei prota, e tote ti na pw... signomi gia to off topic.
Rebel21 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 mallon file kati den exeis katalavei kala... otan prospatheis na vreis 1 neo gia to ps3 na diavaseis k psaxneis 5 selides mesa apo flames k tsakomous metaksi spown k tous ipoloipous e tote katantaei kourastiko... den katalava, tha prepei oloi oi xristes na einai energoi k na psaxnoun k na vriskoun nea gia to ps3? as koitakseis tin prosfora mou sto forum genika k ta nea pou exo grapsei sto ps3 topic k istera ksanapetakse tis "laspes" sou. prin grapseis tin opoiadipote kotsana sou, as epsaxnes prota ti posts k topics exo kanei k ti apopseis exo. an protimo to ps3 anti gia tou 360 den nomizo na endiaferei kanenan sas ektos apo mena. to na kseskizetai omws to topic opou thelo na diavaso 1-2 nea, e nai me ekneurizei afantasta.den ipostirizo kanenan spown opws k den ipostiriksa pote kanenan allon. to mono pou ipostirizo einai oi apopseis mou k otan vlepo atoma san ton spown k esena, me afinoun pagera adiaforo gia to ti lene k ti postaroun. alla otan thigoun emena k tin prosfora mou sto topic enw den exoun koitaksei ti exo postarei prota, e tote ti na pw... signomi gia to off topic. den me endiafrei an ipostirizeis to xbox i to ps3 allwste einai epilogi tou kathenos kai ta dio sistimata exoun ta kala tous.ta nea pou thes na diavaseis ta grafoun aftoi pou sou g@m@ne to topic.kai toulaxiston ta teleutaia sou posts einai ola gia na ipostirixeis ton spown i tin donisi tou ps3. kai den ftene ta paidia pou se ola ta sites apo ta 10 nea ta 8 einai asxima gia to ps3.oloi i titloi einai "provlimata tis sony" "xanei lefta i sony" "xathike to exclusive" "wii outsells ps3" "parapona apo developers" "MGS4 anavoli gia to 2015".
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Harrison demos PS3 background downloading Sony Worldwide Studios boss Phil Harrison has shown off a few PS3 demos at the DICE Summit and hinted that we won't have to wait long before we're able to download content in the background like we can on Xbox 360. The absence of such a feature has been a bit of a sore point for US and Japanese early adopters. "Some of you will notice that we have background downloading now," Harrison pointed out during a demo of the SingStar "SingStore", according to Kotaku's transcript. Sony UK was not able to immediately clarify when a firmware update adding background downloading would be made available, but it follows that if Harrison's prepared to show it off in public then it must be due fairly soon. Perhaps even before next month's European launch. Harrison also responded to questions about other areas of Sony's online service, dismissing suggestions that Sony couldn't compete directly with Xbox 360 for features because its service is offered for free. "While it may be free to the consumer, we know there are revenue streams for us to earn in other ways. We have a number of things that we'll announce shortly that will add clarity to that statement," he explained. Oh, and Super Rub'a'Dub - a downloadable game based on Harrison's 3D ducks demo - is due on the PS3 Store "in a few weeks". It's fully tilt controlled, and has been previously confirmed as a downloadable launch title for the PS3 in Europe.
kallair Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 1on. euxaristw olous osous ton xrono kai grafoun nea. ego exo polles alles pio simantikes asxolies sta epaggelmatika mou k prosopika mou apo to na psaxno gia na postarw nea. 2on. opou pisteuo oti mporei na ginei dialogos k exo mia apopsi gia to thema, postaro. i tan tixei na vro kapoio endiaferon thema. gia tin donisi eksefrasa tin prosopiki apopsi oti den einai simantiko stoixeio. episis, den thimamai me poion, eixame mia sizitisi gia to an mporei na exei donisi to ps3 mesw tou sistimatos tou fishsplit(i opws legetai i etaireia). 3on. den exo kanena apolitws provlima me to na grafete arnitika nea gia to ps3. isa isa pou auta einai pio endiaferonta gia na kseroume ta arnitika tou prin provoume se mia agora pou meta tha klaime. ego eimai antithetos stis prosopikes diamaxes k trollarismata tipou spown pou oloi peftete stin pagida k apantate/antigrafete. Eipes: den me endiafrei an ipostirizeis to xbox i to ps3 allwste einai epilogi tou kathenos kai ta dio sistimata exoun ta kala tous kai pio panw [..]katholou kalo gia ton deutero megalitero ipostirixti tou ps3 meta ton spown[...]. an auto den itan prosopikos xaraktirismos k empatheia , e tote ti itan? anyway. as kleisei to thema edw.
xrest Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 to thema einai oti eite autoi pou postaroun news eite autoi pou sxoliazoun,auta pou lene na einai epikodomitika kai na boithoun,kai oso perissotero ginete na einai antikimenika,kai pisteuw me gnwsei tou antikimenou.palaiotera sto insomnia ginotan mia sizitisei,epithetiki men,epikodomitiki de.atoma san ton slay,netstorm,freeman(k alloi) boithousan para poli se autes tis sizitiseis.omws ti na kanoume i zwi k ta news sinexizontai k giauto tha prepei oti legetai na einai epikodomitiko k oxi blakeies pou boithoun stin trixoptwsei..
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