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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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PlayStation teaches 9-year-old how to steal his third car?



A 9-year-old kid steals his neighbor's car, gets spotted by police on the interstate, guns it, and a 90 mph chase ensues. Kid tries to take an exit ramp, engine blows, car hits a curb, coasts into a tree, and he's captured. It's the third vehicle the 4th grader's stolen. And guess what? Mom believes "PlayStation" taught him to drive. Oy!


And that's just the beginning! The real story is that the boy most recently evaded airport security, managing to hop a Southwest Airlines flight from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to San Antonio, Texas. He was eventually apprehended while attempting to catch another flight to Dallas, where he had hoped to reunite with his grandfather.


Sony PS3 UK To Retail For GBP 425 (~650 EUR, $830 USD)


Well folks, it seems the earlier reports were incorrect, but not because they were too high. 630 EUR was too low. It seems the PS3 will retail in the UK for GBP 425, which is roughly equivalent to 650 EUR. This is likely to cause a major PR backlash as it is equal to about $900 USD after tax. Oh boy.




Sony Voiding PS3 Warranties If Third Party Acessories Used?


According to a poster who is suspiciously not raising hell, Sony told him his warranty was voided because he was using third party component cables, and asked him to pay $150 for a repair. Now, we do not put this past Sony, but surely rumor mill.




Major First Party PS3 Title Cancelled?


THis one is rumor mill for sure folks. According to RumorReporter, a major first party Sony title has been quasi-cancelled. According to their supposed source, infighting and a lack of direction doomed the project. They are bringing in a new director apparently, but that may only lead to the game being released stripped down for purchase in the PS3 store. They promise to name the game soon so stay tuned, and remember -- grain of salt.




Warhawk Still To Be Released As PlayStation Network Download


Itʼs another busy day for Rumor Reporter, Bruce Kelly. As expected, I can now reveal that the game in question we reported on yesterday is in fact Incog Studioʼs upcoming Warhawk. Contrary to the assumptions of other news agencies and the collective “wisdom” of various forums, my report was never intended to infer that the game was in any way being canceled or on the verge of cancellation.


The facts are these: the game was having trouble finding focus. Differences of opinion over its direction ultimately led to a few employees being let go (who, however disgruntled they may be, are not the only source of this story) with a new director being brought in from SCEAʼs Santa Monica studio. (Not David Jaffe, who is still hard at work on Calling All Cars.) Rather than spend even more money trying to make the game into something it was having trouble aspiring to, the decision was made to make the game smaller, more focused, and most controversial, available only on the PlayStation Network online store.


We can confirm in the face of [expected] SCEA denials to GameSpot today, that as of last week, Warhawk was still being diverted to the PlayStation Network as a downloadable game. Unless something has changed very recently, donʼt expect to see the title on store shelves when it finally gets released. That said, weʼre pretty excited by the prospect of online dogfights for the budget minded. Warhawk featured 16 player online battles way back at E3, and we have a feeling itʼs now likely to still be planned for the final game. The feature could eventually be the biggest draw for the PS3 owners downloading the game in the first place. And remember, there is nothing to stop Incog from releasing content episodically, much the same way as Half-Life 2 or Sam and Max.


Surely, with their track record well established, I have complete faith that the talented folks at Incog will make Warhawk something special, regardless of which form it ultimately takes.


Expect more on this story in the coming weeks.




Πηγα σε ενα πλαισιο και επιτελους ειδα το ps3.ηταν μεσα σε τετραγονο κουτι απο

πλεξι γκλας το οποιο ζεματαγε!.λογικο αφου ειχε μονο 2 τρυπες απο πανω.


επαιξα το ridge racer 7 το οποιο ειναι μεγαλη πατατα.ξενερωσα.και με τον πωλητη που μιλησαμε μου λεγε τα καλυτερα γιαυτο και να μου θαβει το xbox.ξενερωσα και εκει επισης και του λεω φιλε πολυ δουλεμα-ψεμα η sony και δεν γουσταρω μια.εκει αρχισε να μου το παιζει εξυπνος.δεν ασχοληθηκα περισοτερο με τον μπουλη και εφυγα.


Κι εγώ πήγα και το είδα σε ένα Πλαίσιο ... στο γνωστό γυάλινο βραστήρα :)!

Όμορφη κατασκευή, ποιότητα & εμφάνιση Sony.

Είχε το Resistance.

Ομορφο παιχνίδι ... θα ήθελα να το παίξω και περισσότερο, μου άρεσε που γινόταν χαμός σε πολλαπλά σημεία ταυτόχρονα.

(Οποιαδήποτε σύγκριση του με το Gears είναι άτοπη)

Λίγο περίεργη η αίσθηση του trigger για να πυροβολάς αλλά συνηθίζεται ... φοβάμαι πως μπορεί να πιάνονται τα δάχτυλα σου μετά από αρκετή ώρα κυνηγητού.

Αυτό που με χάλασε πραγματικά ήταν η έλλειψη rumble ... πυροβολούσα και δεν ένιωθα τίποτα, αλλά κι όταν με πυροβολούσαν αισθανόμουνα "άτρωτος" σαν να έπαιζα με cheat ... με ξένισε και αισθανόμουν λίγο απόμακρα από το παιχνίδι, βέβαια φαντάζομαι πως με τον καιρό το συνηθίζεις αλλά είναι ένα μείον ρε γμτ.


Αντε να έρθει ... να πέσει και η τιμή του και να βγάλουν και κανά γ@μ@το παιχνίδι να κάνουμε και συγκρίσεις της προκοπής.


Μέχρι τότε (πότε θα συμβούν όλα τα ανωτέρω)... 360 rulez!


Πώς θα χαρακτηρίζατε την αναμενόμενη τιμή πώλησης των 599 ευρώ για το PS3;

74% Πολύ υψηλή. Πού θα βρω τόσα χρήματα;

15% "Τσιμπιμένη", αλλά οι δυνατότητές του την αξίζουν

3% Συμφέρουσα, αφού τα "σκέτα" Blu-Ray players θα κοστίζουν ως και τα διπλά!

8% Λογική κι αναμενόμενη, τόσο δεν κόστιζε πάντα στην αρχή ένα PlayStation;


Oblivion Developer: 'Blu-ray Is Slower'


Speaking to EGM, Bethesda Software's Todd Howard stated that SPEED is more important than capacity and Blu-ray is certainly slower.




Speaking with EGM, a paper magazine, Bethesda Software's Todd Howard commented on the upcoming PS3 version of Oblivion:


"Drive speed matters more to me [than capacity], and Blu-ray is slower."


The developer is apparently duplicating critical data on the Blu-ray disc in order to fill up all the unused space, which improves load times for the game. Tests have shown that load times on the PS3 could be slightly slower than those on the Xbox 360, which has lead the developer to using data duplication techniques to improve the PS3's performance.



News Source: GWN


Sony denies WarHawk rumours

Sony has denied suggestions that Incog's PlayStation 3 title WarHawk is in trouble and may be cut down, cancelled or released via the PS3 Store rather than at retail, declaring that the rumours are "false".



Yes, our old friend Internet Reports has been at it again - the difference this time being that when various sources started interpreting information supposedly leaked by a rowdy minion, the company involved actually bothered to deny it.


First there was God of War designer David Jaffe - who has close ties to the people at Incog - railing against comments made on the Gaming Age forums about spiralling costs and arguing that development is rarely smooth at the best of times, but that this certainly doesn't mean a game is dead or dying.


"Just because some disgruntled ex-worker - who thought the game should have been made HIS way - is now getting his 15 minutes by spouting off to some news source, does not mean he is bringing any meat to the table in terms of valid information," Jaffe wrote. "It may be TRUE information in terms of a game having been down a tough road, but again - that is par for the course."


Sony went one further, speaking to GameSpot: "The rumours are false. We're still in development with the same team at Incognito and we're excited to show the progress of the game to media within the next month or so. At the same time, we'll be able to confirm an updated release date, too."


So there you go. For more on WarHawk, which will make use of the PS3's tilt-sensing Sixaxis controller for its flight model, among other things, check in with our E3 and Tokyo Game Show impressions and interviews.

Κι εγώ πήγα και το είδα σε ένα Πλαίσιο ... στο γνωστό γυάλινο βραστήρα :)!


Αυτό που με χάλασε πραγματικά ήταν η έλλειψη rumble ... πυροβολούσα και δεν ένιωθα τίποτα, αλλά κι όταν με πυροβολούσαν αισθανόμουνα "άτρωτος" σαν να έπαιζα με cheat ... με ξένισε και αισθανόμουν λίγο απόμακρα από το παιχνίδι, βέβαια φαντάζομαι πως με τον καιρό το συνηθίζεις αλλά είναι ένα μείον ρε γμτ.


den lew oti tha kanei tin diafora afou apo tin epoxi tou N64 pou prwto lansare to rumble to thewroume D_E_D_O_M_E_N_O se mia konsola.. Tha deis otan tha paizeis ta games posa aniara tha sou fainontai xwris tin donisi poly apla giati O,TI kai na epaizes se konsola prin apo to PS3 eixes sinithisei na donaei!!! Koroideuete alla tha erthei i stigmi pou tha to paradextoun arketoi..Thimitheite auto to post!!!


As erthei o epomenos...Na deite posoi tha mazeutoun sto telos pou tha exoun auto to parapono..


k to ksanaleo... noiotheis tosi entoni tin diafora epeidi to sizitousame k to eixes sto mialo sou. as min to ikseres oti den tha exei rumble to ps3 controller kai as vlepame pote tha to katalavaines oti den tha doneitai...


vale kai emena giati simfono apolita kai to eixa pei apo tin arxi...mono sta meion einai i eleipsi donisis.....edo mexri kai profilaktika me donisi vgikan :mrgreen:


k to ksanaleo... noiotheis tosi entoni tin diafora epeidi to sizitousame k to eixes sto mialo sou. as min to ikseres oti den tha exei rumble to ps3 controller kai as vlepame pote tha to katalavaines oti den tha doneitai...


den simfono se auto.....epaize mia fora o anipsios mou XBOX kai eixe vgalei katalathos tin donisi....otan piga na paikso ego,katalava oti "kati eleipe"....einai thema sinitheias oxi oti to exoume sto mialo mas....exoume sinithisei etsi kai mas kakofenetai aplos....fantasteite prionisma sto GOW xoris donisi :evil:


Αντε παίξε Call of Duty3 ... Veteran ... που με το σε χτυπάει η σφαίρα τρέχεις να κρυφτείς duck/cover πριν προλάβεις να δεις την οθόνη από που σε βαράνε.

Βέβαια είναι συνήθεια ... και όπως είπαν και οι υπόλοιπο θα το συνηθίσουμε.


Ελπίζω το tilt να αξίζει τόσο "όσο μας είπε η Sony πως αξίζει για να αφαιρέσει το rumble" ...

vale kai emena giati simfono apolita kai to eixa pei apo tin arxi...mono sta meion einai i eleipsi donisis.....edo mexri kai profilaktika me donisi vgikan :mrgreen:




den simfono se auto.....epaize mia fora o anipsios mou XBOX kai eixe vgalei katalathos tin donisi....otan piga na paikso ego,katalava oti "kati eleipe"....einai thema sinitheias oxi oti to exoume sto mialo mas....exoume sinithisei etsi kai mas kakofenetai aplos....fantasteite prionisma sto GOW xoris donisi :evil:


Βρε πιό πριόνισμα. Εδώ λέμε πατάς σκανδάλη και δε νιώθεις τίποτα. Τρώς σφαίρες και μία από τα ίδια. Το έχω ξαναπεί, αλλά κάντε την δοκιμή να παίξετε gow χωρίς δόνηση. Μιλάμε για άλλο παιχνίδι. Χάνει πάρα πολύ έτσι. Και το gow και to κάθε fps, για να μη πώ για τα racers. Θα προσπαθίσουν να μας πείσουν πολλοί ότι είναι θέμα συνήθειας και ότι αν δε το χες δε θα το πρόσεχες, αλλά εγώ δε πείθομαι με τίποτα, σε αυτό το ζήτημα είμαι κάθετος. Απλά τεράστεια μ@λ@κία και αξεπέραστο πρόβλημα.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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