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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Όχι απλά πολλά.....τον γδύσανε.


Και να έχετε υπ'όψιν σας πως αυτά είναι αγορασμένα από Ιαπωνία όπου το PS3 βγήκε με χαμηλότερη τιμή λιανικής.


Φίλε kategidas να υποθέσω πως είναι η έκδοση με τα 20GB?

  • Απαντ. 9,5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

CheapyD's Motorstorm (PS3) Review


Motorstorm is a great looking off-road racing game that plays well too. Unfortunately, this solid racing and graphics engine is wrapped in a package so bare bones, it makes Lindsay Lohan appear obese and the game difficult to recommend.


If youʼve downloaded the demo from the PS3 online store, or played it at a kiosk at your local retailer, you have already experienced most of what the game has to offer, albeit with fewer vehicles and tracks.



The full version game allows you to race 7 vehicle classes (Motorbike, Buggy, ATV, Rally Car, Racing Truck, Mud Plugger, and Big Rig) on 8 tracks. Each is rated in 8 performance characteristics and some of the types offer noticeable differences (in handling, speed, weight, etc.) while racing.


The Japanese version of Motorstorm features a single game mode called Festival, which is limited to one player. The goal is to win race events represented by 21 tickets. Each of these tickets contains 1-4 races and the player will earn points by finishing in 3rd place or higher. These points unlock new vehicle models, and each has a few color/skin options. Vehicles are unlocked automatically when the required number of points is attained. It appears that unlocked vehicles provide aesthetic changes without performance enhancements, although I cannot confirm this as there are no on-screen indicators of a vehicleʼs performance traits.


The gameʼs graphics (displayed in 480p or 720p) are definitely the highpoint here, capable of showcasing plenty of colorful and detailed vehicles racing simultaneously. The tracks have some rough spots, but overall look very good. However, I did find myself getting quite tired of the brown environments.


During the races, there are plenty of opportunities to get big air and crash your vehicles in all kinds of eye-pleasing ways. I enjoyed the game mechanic of trying to angle my vehicles in mid-air to land efficiently, although the gameʼs somewhat floaty physics are most noticeable while jumping. The sense of speed, while not at Burnout levels, is pretty good. The game seemed to move faster when I played in the first person view (one of two camera views), but I am not sure if that was just an optical illusion.


Holding down the X button will activate Boost, which will give the player a speed increase as long as the button is held down. Using Boost increases the vehicleʼs heat (visible in an on-screen meter), which will eventually cause it to explode if not allowed to cool down. Every vehicle is capable of using Boost, although each vehicle class has a different level of Boost effectiveness. As an alternative to the standard analog stick for steering your vehicle, you can use the Six Axis' motion sensitive features. As you might imagine, there is really little reason to do so (unless you are missing fingers) as the analog stick is much more precise.


The tracks are large, laid out well, and offer multiple paths, some of which are at different heights. It is very common to see your opponents racing above or below you, which makes for some pleasant visuals. Different surfaces (mud, rock, dry dirt) provide different handling conditions, and night & day races help slightly to add the variety.


For the first few hours of the game, the opponent AI seemed realistic and aggressive, but did not seem “cheap” or predictable. Of course, progressing through the game will provide tougher opponents, and from what I hear, they get downright nasty. Speaking of nasty, when riding a motorbike or ATV, the player (or AI opponents) can knock other ATV or motorbike riders off their ride by using the Square button.


For the most part, I liked the racing in Motorstorm, but the lack of options, activities, and variety in this game severely limited my enjoyment of the overall game. In stark contrast to Project Gotham, Forza Motorsport, Gran Turismo, Need for Speed, and many other racing games, there is nothing for the player to do outside of the single race type offered. There is no car customization, purchasing, upgrading or anything of the sort. There isnʼt even a way to change the playerʼs name from "Player", so that's how it appears on the race results screen. Customizable soundtracks are also noticeably absent, and since the game has, with the exception of a few songs, a generic sounding hard-rock soundtrack, I found myself turning off the music completely after a few hours. Of course musical tastes vary, but nobody doesn't like customizable soundtracks. The entire soundtrack is listed at the end of this article.


With only one race type and the only mode being a single-player grind from one similar race to the next, I quickly became bored. I would have stopped playing sooner, but knowing that I would be writing this article was the only thing that kept me playing more. The American version of the game is supposed to add an online multiplayer component, but if no additional race variety is added, I donʼt expect that to sufficiently enhance the overall package.


Motorstorm is an arcade racer in the truest sense of the word. I found the races fun in short bursts, but an overall shallow experience is exactly the type of game you would expect to find in an arcade. However, if you enjoyed the demo and arenʼt expecting anything more than additional vehicle types and tracks, then you wonʼt be disappointed in Motorstorm.


Hopefully, the American version of the game, which is scheduled for a March release, will add much more than just a simple online multiplayer mode as much more variety would be required for me to re-invest time and money into Motorstorm. Later this week, Iʼll be selling the Japanese version to a local used game store to recoup some of my lost yen.




Einai akrivo ontos alla ean to thelei kapios ayth th stigmh einai h xamiloterh timh pou borei na to vrei kapios sthn ellada..Pira se ola ta magazia ..osoi to eixan kaneis den poulouse kato apo 1000 euro.

Nai einai me ton 20 gb. Alla den exei kamia sxesi me to 360..eprepe na perasei enas xronos gia na pexei apo exoteriki siskeyh usb se fat 32 wmv.

<<<Imarton>>>...Enan internet explorer den borousan na valoun..ase pou einai kai aerothermo...ti na to kaneis to kalorifer.

Einai para pola ta metaforika (6 kila to ena) gia na erthei apo Japan kai para pola ta leyta sto telonio..opote dikeologite h timh..

Einai akrivo ontos alla ean to thelei kapios ayth th stigmh einai h xamiloterh timh pou borei na to vrei kapios sthn ellada..Pira se ola ta magazia ..osoi to eixan kaneis den poulouse kato apo 1000 euro.

Nai einai me ton 20 gb. Alla den exei kamia sxesi me to 360..eprepe na perasei enas xronos gia na pexei apo exoteriki siskeyh usb se fat 32 wmv.

<<<Imarton>>>...Enan internet explorer den borousan na valoun..ase pou einai kai aerothermo...ti na to kaneis to kalorifer.

Einai para pola ta metaforika (6 kila to ena) gia na erthei apo Japan kai para pola ta leyta sto telonio..opote dikeologite h timh..

εγω παλι φιλε μου νομιζω οτι το ακριβοπληρωσες, (και πιστεψε με ξερω πολυ καλα απο εισαγωγες και τελωνειακα) αλλα περα απο αυτο, η <<συγκριση>> που κανεις με το 360 πεφτει απλως στο κενο.. :-?


με 880 επαιρνες τις 2 αλλες κονσολες, και επιπλεον μερικα πολυ καλα games και περιφερειακα και για τις 2.


τεσπα, με γεια σου!


κανε απο τωρα γιαπωνεζικο account, ξεκινα και κατεβαζε ολα τα updates, ωστε σε 3-4 μερες που θα βγει το GTHD demo να εισαι ετοιμος να το κατεβασεις.

Alla den exei kamia sxesi me to 360..eprepe na perasei enas xronos gia na pexei apo exoteriki siskeyh usb se fat 32 wmv.

<<<Imarton>>>...Enan internet explorer den borousan na valoun..ase pou einai kai aerothermo...ti na to kaneis to kalorifer.

Einai para pola ta metaforika (6 kila to ena) gia na erthei apo Japan kai para pola ta leyta sto telonio..opote dikeologite h timh..

LOL LOL έδωσες 880? για να παίζεις το Ridge Racer? που στο καλοριφέρ που λες είναι καλύτερο..... Τι να πει κανείς ευτυχώς που υπάρχουν τέτοια άτομα και πλουτίζουν ορισμένοι....
Alla den exei kamia sxesi me to 360
Να υποθέσω πώς έχεις και xbox360 έτσι, αλλιώς άκυρη η σύγκριση.


Για δώσε μας και κανένα gamertag. Τι λέει το online του PS3? :D:D:D

LOL LOL έδωσες 880? για να παίζεις το Ridge Racer? που στο καλοριφέρ που λες είναι καλύτερο..... Τι να πει κανείς ευτυχώς που υπάρχουν τέτοια άτομα και πλουτίζουν ορισμένοι....


Και οχι μονο εδωσε 880? για να παιζει riiiiiiiiiidge raaaaaaaacer αλλα τα εδωσε και για ενα μηχανημα που κανονικα εκανε 599? .


Μπραβο φιλε ωραιος...εισαι το ινδαλμα του Kutaragi!

Και οχι μονο εδωσε 880? για να παιζει riiiiiiiiiidge raaaaaaaacer αλλα τα εδωσε και για ενα μηχανημα που κανονικα εκανε 599? .


Μπραβο φιλε ωραιος...εισαι το ινδαλμα του Kutaragi!


Διόρθωση. Ο φίλος kategidas πήρε την "φθηνή" (ο θεός να την κάνει) έκδοση με τα 20GB δίσκο που έχει retail price 499?. Και μάλιστα στην ιαπωνία αν θυμάμαι καλά κάνει 450?. Άρα με πρόχειρους υπολογισμούς πλήρωσε 370? παραπάνω (αφαίρεσα και το ridge racer).


Τώρα αν κάποιος πιστεύει πώς τα postage + τελωνείο είναι πάνω από 100 Ευρώ (και πολλά λέω) τι να πώ...


Gia to filo pou leei oti xerei apo telonia...

4 konsoles timolgimenes me 550euro h kathemia kostizoun 775 euro..... mono to telonio... kai me 449 euro den yparxei konsola ps3 sthn iaponia toulaxiston ayth thn epoxi.


Sto motorstorm den mporousan na baloun mia kamera piso apo to timoni re pedi mou. Poso eukolo eine k tha edeine poli realismo. Tha ithela na eixe k mod xoris reset k mlkies. opoios trakarh trakare. Kala h eisagogh eine les kai blepo mad max


kategidas apo demos th exeis peksi?


Kai opos kai na to kaneis anexarthtos timh...gia na katalaveis th diafora...anamesa sta 2 mixanimata .. valta kai ta dio mprosta sou anixeta kai des ti kanei to ena kai ti kanei to allo... vale podikia, kameres, network adaptor pliktrologia, mono etsi boreis na exeis olokliromenh apopsi.

Exeis ena pc/pexnidomixanh me linux ti allo thes.

vale podikia, kameres, network adaptor pliktrologia, mono etsi boreis na exeis olokliromenh apopsi.

Exeis ena pc/pexnidomixanh me linux ti allo thes.


Όχι ευχαριστώ! Για αυτά έχω το PC μου. Εγώ την κονσόλα την πήρα για να πατάω το κουμπάκι, να βάζω το DVD και να παίζω ξάπλα στον καναπέ μου.


Kai opos kai na to kaneis anexarthtos timh...gia na katalaveis th diafora...anamesa sta 2 mixanimata .. valta kai ta dio mprosta sou anixeta kai des ti kanei to ena kai ti kanei to allo...
Εγώ το έχω κάνει αυτό και ξέρω. Εσύ το έχεις κάνει; Για δώσε το gamertag σου να δούμε...


Gia to filo pou leei oti xerei apo telonia...

4 konsoles timolgimenes me 550euro h kathemia kostizoun 775 euro..... mono to telonio...

Καταλαβαίνω γιατί αυτός που στο πούλησε σου είπε έτσι (τι να σου πεί, οτι βγάζει 250 Ευρώ+++ Κέρδος ? :D), αλλά το να προσπαθείς να μας κάνεις να το πιστέψουμε αυτό είναι άλλο πράμα. Πληροφοριακά να σου πώ πως και εγώ με εμπόριο ασχολούμαι και εισάγω από έξω πολλά προιόντα και ξέρω τι παίζει από τελωνεία.


kai me 449 euro den yparxei konsola ps3 sthn iaponia toulaxiston ayth thn epoxi.
Που να βρεθούνε! Τις έχουνε πάρει κάτι έξυπνοι και τις πουλάνε σε κάτι κορόιδα 880 Ευρώ!




Που να βρεθούνε! Τις έχουνε πάρει κάτι έξυπνοι και τις πουλάνε σε κάτι κορόιδα 880 Ευρώ!


+ 1 apo mena... MA EINAI DYNATON NA DINETE 880 EURW GIA MIA K_O_N_S_O_L_A?????? Min geliesai file nai kala akouses..KONSOLA einai oxi psigeio...

Eiste sovaroi???? 880 eurw den einai psixoula einai 200 eurw parapanw apo ton vasiko misthmo stin Ellada.. kala pou yparxoun kai tetoia atoma kai ploutizoun merikoi merikoi opws eipe enas filos pio panw... An nomizeis oti axizei na dwseis 880 eurw gia na paixeis to RIIIIIIDGe RAAACER tote eisai axios tis moiras sou..Profanws eite 1on eisai prokatilimenos yper tou PS3 kai o,ti SK@$@ kai na agorazes pali tha to exymnouses eite 2on eisai enadion tou 360.. yparxei kai mia triti periptwsi na min thes na apokalypseis tin alithini sou tautotita kai na postareis me allo name...(onomata den leme..) Opws kai na xei akoma kai autoi pou perimenoun me anypomonisia to ps3 paradexontai oti AKOMA den axizei ta lefta tou.. Sto mellon idomen..


p.s. An se endiaferei file exo ena usb adaptor apo iapwnia super den exei kykloforisei akoma eurwpi kai ameriki mono 920$$$$.. Eukairia trexe min tin xaseis!!!!!


Re Paidia Giati Asxoliste Oloi Oi Xbox Fan Me To Ps3 Afou Exete Kalitero Mhxanima....afiste Ton Kosmo Na Kanei To Lathos Kai Na To Parei Afou Etsi Thelei.etsi Elegan Kai Gia To Dreamcast Oti Tha Eine Kalitero Apo To Psx Me Tin 8mb Karta Grafikwn Alla To Dreamcast Pethane Grygora Giayto Xekolate Ligo Perimenete Tin Dynamh Tou Ps3 Kai Oi Heaters Tou Ps3 As Min Xanamilisoun Edw Pera Giati Eine Forum Gia Ps3 Fans.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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