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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Oreo kolaraki exei to palikari sto wardevil. Bghkan ta kolan pali sth moda?

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



το wardevil ισως να ειναι καλη περιπτωση.

θυμαμαι το rolling demo στο πρωτο τευχος του 360 magazine ειχε ωραιo animation.

βεβαια ακομα τους ιδιους 3 χαρακτηρες βλεπω και στο ιδιο μερος (αν θυμαμαι καλα)

αλλα εχει πεσει καλο γραφικο φιλτρο απο πανω και καποια textures.

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TG Daily Top-10: Technology disappointments of 2006

#1 Sony


Sony had a real bad year, so it shouldn't be a surprise that the company appears in this ranking in one way or another. In fact, there was so much wrong with Sony products this year that we chose to list the company instead of a single product.


Starting with the rootkit disaster that spilled over from 2005 into 2006, Sony had an unusually consistent run of bad luck in the past twelve months:


- First (Sony) Blu-ray player arrives with a six-month delay

- Nintendo DS outsells Playstation Portable by about 30%

- Roadmap for professional Blu-ray format PDD canceled

- Mylo handheld communicator launched with flaws

- U.S. Movie studios eliminate UMD offerings

- 9.6 million notebook batteries recalled

- Playstation 3 launch allocation reduced by 75%


The Playstation 3 and Blu-ray were the most visible developments and roll-outs for Sony in 2006. And both somewhat stumbled into the market, while competing technologies conquered new grounds. In terms of Blu-ray, the format was announced on June 25 and introduced with just one player, the Samsung BD-P1000. The device was the only available Blu-ray player for several months, was twice as expensive as the HD DVD competition, but had the unique feature of supporting 1080p high-def video. Sony delayed its own Blu-ray player multiple times and started selling the device not until early December.


While its is still to early to make the call which of the two high-definition formats will win, HD DVD has won the first round and, at least at this time, is the more attractive high-definition format of the two.

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mihranalthaqafi eides pou xrisimopoiousan to sixaxis san timoni? :D


Tha deixei pws tha einai san aisthisi to sixaxis kai san game..Den pauw na pisteuw oti to rumble tou afairei poly gaming experience padws tou PS3.. Proswpiki mou apopsi opws kai to chainsaw kill sto Gears DEN THA ITAN IDIO XWRIS RUMBLE, etsi kai se auto p.x. to game den tha einai idio na trakareis me kapoion kai na min to "noiwtheis" k esy..

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H αληθεια ειναι και εγω οταν επαιξα το RESISTANCE καπως με παραξενεψε ....εριχνα βολες και δεν ετρεμε το χεριριστηριο οποως ειχα συνιθισει μεχρι τωρα.....Βεβαια πιστευω στην συνηθεια ......Εαν το sixaxis δουλευτει καλα πανω στα παιχνιδια τοτε μπορει να μου προσφερει αλλη μια διαφορετικη εμπειρια.....Αλλα απειδη ειμαι τρελαμενος ως το κοκαλο Φορμουλακιας και καθομαι και παιζω 70 γυρους + practice ....Θα ηθελα να ειχα για αυτο το παιχνιδι ΔΟΝΗΣΗ γιατι γουσταρω να παιρνω στροφες flat out και να ορμαω στα kerb ...εκει το χειριστηριο δονουτανε και επαιρνες την αισθηση του KERB...ΤΩΡΑ ΟΜΩς???? ΠΑΕΙ Η ΑΙΣΘΗΣΗ!!!!!!!!!ΠΕΤΑΞΕ!!!!!!!

Βεβαια κατσε να βγει για να εχω μια πιο καθαρη εικονα της καταστασης.....γιατι PS3 + FORMULA 1 2006 θα το παρω πακετο τον Μαρτιο....Ωρα να παρουν μπρος και οι V8 κινητηρες!!!!!ΒΡΟΥΜΒΡΟΥΜ!

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Wardevil info


Ignition is presently developing a path-breaking top end game 'WarDevil' budgeted at around GBP 10 million and is expected to release it in the year 2008 exclusively on the Sony Playstation3 (PS3) platform. PS3 was launched in November 2006 in Japan and the US and it is expected to sell more than 30 million units by the end of 2008.
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MotorStorm dev looking to PS4


MotorStorm developer Evolution Studios is putting plans in place for PlayStation 4 development, according to chief executive Martin Kenwright.



"I know people are looking at PS3 now, and I'm not being glib, but we're actually looking at PS4. I'm thinking where will it be in five years, how will we get there? What will the marketplace be like, the games, and who'll be buying them?" he explained recently to our sister site GamesIndustry.biz.


Part one of that interview deals with MotorStorm's origins, after Evolution has established itself on PS2 largely thanks to its licensed World Rally Championship (WRC) games.


"Me and Phil Harrison sat down at a rally event and thought, what five things can we do for PlayStation 3?" Kenwright recalled.


Between them the pair decided that since they were selling huge quantities in the relatively niche rally market, for the PS3 launch they might as well go after the entire driving genre instead.


"We figured, let's take the least cool sector and make it the coolest. We've got no competition, we're new and fresh, it's 'super-size me' racing. And we're not trying to be a me-too game. Because we've always been first or best."


Kenwright also repeated what Insomniac's Ted Price had said about his company's decision to focus on a new title, Resistance, rather than immediately translating Ratchet & Clank to the new PlayStation: "The only time you can launch a new IP is at the start of a life cycle," Kenwright echoed.


Moreover, MotorStorm was built to break through in the USA, because, "America has no idea about us, and we've done some of the best games you've never heard of."


"The last World Rally title was an incredible game and we thought, 'Wait until America gets a load of [MotorStorm].' So we were on a mission, we really were," said Kenwright. "Sony wasn't even on board at this point, I just went ahead and commissioned it and thought, 'We'll tell them later.' Sometimes you have to, you can't wait around, you've got to take risks."


For more on MotorStorm's genesis, check out part one of the gi.biz interview. Part two will appear later this week.

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PS3 overtakes total Xbox 360 sales in Japan ... already



According to MCV, Sony's PS3 has already overtaken total Xbox 360 sales in Japan, this despite the former's extreme launch shortages and being on sale for only one month. The Xbox 360 has sold fewer than 180,000 units over the last year, 10,000 less than the PS3. Both, however, have sold less than half of total Nintendo Wii units to date, 400,000 to be exact.


To put that into perspective, the Xbox 360 has sold less than 5% of its US total amounting to 3.8 million as of December 7, 2006. Granted, the Japanese public have never been keen on brand Xbox -- for whatever reason -- but it's looking like the 360 doesn't stand a chance (and maybe never did) in the world's second largest video game market.

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PS3 loves the scratched DVDs the 360 hates

It seems as though the PS3 has a higher tolerance for scrathced discs. PS3 & 360 owners have noticed that DVDs that the 360 spits out due a scratch or two play absolutely fine on the PS3. Does the PS3 has a much higher tolerance for damaged discs or has MS just been stingy with the with the 360 DVD drive?


Quote:Yesterday was the "decorate the tree" day at my house, and Jess ran to the library while the kids were napping to grab some Christmas movies. I don't have a regular DVD player hooked up... with both the 360 and the PS3 in house, I thought it would be a little redundant. So we put a movie into the 360 and started watching Bob the Builder save Christmas. Of course, after a few minutes it jammed up and gave me the "OMG THE DISC WON'T PLAY" achievement notification that the 360 pops up when your disc has a scratch or two on it.


Frickin' discs from the library. It's like they let just anyone check 'em out.


So on a lark I moved the disc over to the PS3, and to my surprise it played fine. The rest of the movies did as well. All the discs that the 360 choked on, the PS3 played without a problem. While I was talking about this with some of the other Ars editors, it turns out that Ken has noticed this as well. His one-year-old loves to destroy discs, but the PS3 plays on when the Xbox 360 chokes. Of course Ken also raised a good point, which is the fact that the PS3 is also quieter during playback



News Source: arstechnica


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PS3 loves the scratched DVDs the 360 hates




ας δουλεψει και η κεφαλη του ps3 οσο καιρο δουλευει του 360 που εχουνε εκει, και μετα τα ξαναλεμε..


παντως χωρις καμια πλακα,

ειναι 10 φορες προτιμοτερο να ξανακαψεις το δισκακι προκειμενου να το δεις στο 360,

διοτι το ps3 δεν κανει upscale τα dvd


αλλα αυτο δεν φαινεται να το αναφερουν καν... ;)



καλως ή κακως,

προτεινομενο μηχανημα για αναπαραγωγη ταινιων dvd απο τα δυο, ειναι 100000% το 360 ;)

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Καλό είναι να μην βλέπεις τις ταινίες σε κάποια κονσόλα, γιατί σιγά σιγά την φθείρεις.


Oπως και να έχει τα 360 σε πολλές περιπτώσεις είχαν παρουσιάσει προβήματα με τα dvd είτε ήταν για games είτε για movies. To joystic.com το είχε και στα 360 annoyances.




Από την άλλη το ps3 όντως δεν κάνει upscale τα dvd. Μεγάλο πλεονέκτημα εδώ για το 360.


Κάνει όμως αναπαραγωγή τα blue ray.





Aν επικρατήσει το blye ray format (προς το παρόν χλωμό), το πρόβλημα του upscaling για το ps3 θα εξαφανιστεί. Εάν δεν επικρατήσει το blye ray το ps3 θα κουβαλά σε όλη αυτήν την γενιά το πρόβλημα του upscaling. Σε αυτή την περίπτωση το πλεονέκτημα του 360 θα είναι ξεκάθαρο.


Choices choices and more choices...


καλως ή κακως,

προτεινομενο μηχανημα για αναπαραγωγη ταινιων dvd απο τα δυο, ειναι 100000% το 360




Κάτσε να δούμε από κοντά και το ps3, να του κάνουμε ένα test drive και μετά βγάζουμε τα τελικά συμπεράσματα.

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το ps3 δεν κανει rescale τα dvd. τελεια και παυλα.


το προτερημα λοιπον ειναι de facto στο 360 οσον αφορα τo dvd playback.


το ποιο θα ειναι το επομενο φορμα, καμια σχεση δεν εχει με το τι συμβαινει με τα dvd.

απορω πως τα συνδεεις.

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Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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