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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 9,5k
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To Laptop μου (Acer) εχει 80% σημα παντος καιρου και το Access Point ειναι 3 τοιχους πιο περα.Δεν νομιζω να αποτελει δικαιολογια αυτο κ.Sony...


tha trelathoume edo mesa. diladi epeidi exei 20% ligotero sima se sxesi me to 360, einai k gia ton p#$@?o? exei skeftei kaneis oti mporei aplws na to exoun rithmisei se xamiloteri isxi aka mikroteri embeleia?

o kanonas kai o nomos lei oti an eine eos 0.3watt diladi 300miliwatt eine sta oria tou {akyndynou} eno an ta perasei 400~500 i kai 1watt apo mikrokymata eine epikyndino kai apogoreyete apo to nomo. emeis exoume diavevaioseis sta posa douleuoun ta wifi tou 360 kai tou ps3?


diavasa to arthro pou edose o privateer san teleutaio. profanws pleon riparontai oxi mono ta ps3 games, alla k oi tainies! :D me ta katallila tous tha mporeis akoma k na kratiseis to high definition - backup sou! loool

kai tora erotisi no1 gia linux. ti eidos programmata iparxoun epeksergasias video san to virtualdubmod?

erotisi no2. to ps3 linux tha dexetai usb perifereiaka? opws usb tv tuners (leo ego tora)... tha tis anagnorize?

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: A m i g a * P S X / \ P S 2 * XBOX * P S 3 :) :

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| P * A * R * A * D * O * X |

: :


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| \__\\\ \ . R E L E A S E I N F O R M A T I O N . / ///__/ |

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| > Untold Legends Dark Kingdom © SOE < |

| |

| cOMPANY : SCEA | rELEASE DATE : 04 Dec 2006 |

| sYSTEM : PlayStation 3 | sIZE : 84 x 100mb |

| tYPE : Action RPG | vIDEO MODE : NTSC/USA |

| sUPPLIER : 2SP | cRACKER : Dance4Live |

| mEDIA : BLU-RAY | pLAYABLE : Soon ;) |


| ___ _ _ ___ |

| \__\\\ \ . R E L E A S E N O T E S . / ///__/ |

| |

| Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom sets the standard for next-gen |

| action RPGs. It delivers an immersive fantasy experience |

| through high-definition graphics, a dramatic storyline, |

| and action-packed battles filled with heart-pounding combat. |

| |

| Brilliant visual effects create fantastic magical spells. |

| Visceral action and RPG combat - Take complete control of |

| every battle by using chained melee attacks, or an array of |

| spells and special abilities Co-op and Internet modes |

| - Adventure alone or with friends, with full multiplayer support. |

| |

| Website: |

| http://darkkingdom.station.sony.com/ |

| |

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| tINY nOTE: |

| ---------- |

| maybe for the few smart peoples who like digging into game |

| images, ever wondered what is on sector offset: 840 till A00 |

| from a PS3 BLU-RAY disc? A tiny hint it's the nice graphical |

| almost as famous like us :-) The cool fast showing PlayStation 3 |

| logo ;-) |

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| nOTE tO SCEI |

| ------------ |

| The security it's tight but is it tight enough? We GoD a feeling |

| it is not. But who are we to say that? :-P :-D :-X |

| Remember don't use open source code they can bring luck to |

| the guys who don't have a big wallet and being a unlucky part |

| for the guys who have a big wallet ;-) |

| |

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| - - - - - - - - - - - - ALWAYS REMEMBER - - - - - - - - - - - - - |


| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |




exo tin entiposi oti tha spasei poli grigora i prostasia twn ps3 games...

exo tin entiposi oti tha spasei poli grigora i prostasia twn ps3 games...


ama den dw kapoio upgrade/update sto ps3 gia tin prostasia to kovw na einai apo tin sony gia na poulisei i "dinatotita" spasimatos. Kai episeis kovw tous devs na tin kanoun me elafra pidimatakia gia tin MS


PS3 Fight Night Round 3 IGN Review.......8.3


Visually, Fight Night sees a few upgrades as well -- but they're so minimal when in motion that its hardly noticeable unless you're actively looking for them (re: the sweat looks more realistic and the lighting has been enhanced). Despite this better appearance, though, the PS3 version of Round 3 does suffer from slowdown (it gets particularly choppy during the close-up replays or fast multi-punch combos) and is has bizarrely-pixilated crowds as well. On the plus side, the amount of spaz-bounce (those random jittery reactions caused by a combination of rope and rag doll physics) has been minimized compared to other versions... but it's still there. Regardless, Round 3 is still a great looking game. Fighter animations, licensed faces, the physiques, and every single one of the fictional and actual areas are extremely well done (the Staples Center is spot on).






Βαλτε αλλο ενα στη λιστα λοιπον..... :D


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Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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