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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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Resistance: Fall Of Man


In the new PSM they have some new details about the progress of the game.



-the game was 30fps for SP, 60fps for MP, now the game is ALL 30FPS (xmm telika den 8a einai ola ta ps3 games sta 60fps? :P)

-the game is getting some graphical upgrades, more environment distruction and other special effects

-multiplayer has gone from 32 players to 40 players

-multiplayer includes: deathmatch, co-op, meltdown mode (think of ut2k4 nodes)

-levels will be scaled accordingly and have balanced weapon placement

-will support full voice chat

-weapon-spawn pods are circled by a series of lights that count down to the time a weapon will reappear.

-The radar in the upper-right corner of the screen shows all nearby enemies and allies unless they are slowly crouch-walking or standing still without firing.

-there is jumping in the game, but on a smaller, more realistic scale

-many different configurations to play fair ranked matches.

-some maps will have fans placed in the ground where it makes you hover in the air

-You can Play as either a human or a Chimeran Hybrid (pretty sure talking about mp)


on the meltdown mode

Quote:Meltdown is an extension of another mode called "Node," in which two teams race to take over as many nodes as possible. Nodes are large chambers that contain several cylinders, you can re-configure the nodes for your team. Once you control a node, you can choose to re-spawn there after you die, adding strategy to the order in which your team goes after them. Meltdowns adds the twist that these nodes are actually coolants for each team's base, so by taking them over, you're overheating the enemy's headquaters. At certain heat levels a base's defenses will temporarily go down, allowing the opposing team to get inside and deal major damage.


I would assume they might include vehicles.


on the ranked matches

Quote:There will also be the option to play unranked matches where the player will be able to configure the game however he wants by tweaking areas such as hit points, weapon sets, and much more. Popular player-created configurations may even be made into official new modes by Insomniac and offered as downloads. Conversely, ranked matches will have very limited configurations to keep the playing field level and fair for everone.




they did stress that a big focus is being put on smart matchmaking, so that a new player who buys Resistance a year after launch will be able to play without having to get torn apart by the guys who bought the game on day one.




on the fans in the ground

Quote:Flat, circular fans are embedded in the ground in various places, and walking over one will launch you up to a higher area, one fun strategy we found was to balance ourselves at the top of the column of air, hovering there while firing down at enemies below; the up-and-down bobbing motion can make you a hard target.

  • Απαντ. 9,5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

DFC: MS & Nintendo Have a Golden Opportunity


Following his last video game industry column, "Could Sony Go from First to Worst?" DFC Intelligence President David Cole (right) takes a look at why Sony could very well end up in third place for overall market share in the next generation.


For the past ten years Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has been the king of the video game market. The first PlayStation (PSOne) and PlayStation 2 (PS2) platforms were THE platforms on which the leading third party publishers made the majority of their revenues. For third party publishers other game platforms had become of secondary consideration to the Sony driven gravy train. Even in 2006, the PS2 continues to sell the most units at retail.



DFC Intelligence has always said that as the dominant market leader, SCE was largely in control of its own fate. Microsoft and Nintendo had to hope Sony fumbled or significantly changed its strategy so that they could get an opportunity to capture some of that PS2 audience. Now it is clear Sony is handing its competitors a golden opportunity.



DFC Intelligence has just released a 600 page report with our latest forecast for the interactive entertainment industry. In this report we predict several different scenarios for the individual game systems. We emphasize that there is a great deal of uncertainty because much will depend on how individual players execute their strategies over the next several years. However, two things are clear: 1) the high price of the PlayStation 3 is going to slow overall industry growth, especially for software and 2) if Sony does not change its current strategy for the PS3 the system will probably end up in third place in installed base. Microsoft and Nintendo have been handed that golden opportunity and both companies have a chance to make their systems the market leader. However, it looks like under any scenario the video game market is going to be severely fragmented, with several incompatible platforms having strong market share and even the possibility of a platform doing well in one region and struggling in another.


As we have mentioned in past briefs, the big concern with Sony is not only the PlayStation 3 launch price, but the signs that Sony has gotten itself into a business model that is not conducive to the mass market video game audience. There has been a lot of talk about positioning the PS3 as not just a video game system, or even entertainment system, but instead as a computer system.



In fact, SCE chief executive Ken Kutaragi told Japanese computer magazine PC Watch in June 2006 that the PS3 is a computer, not a game console. Kutaragi was quoted as saying "we don't say it's a game console, the PS3 is clearly a computer unlike PlayStations so far." In other words, Kutaragi no longer sees the PlayStation brand centered on a specific hardware configuration that has a life of five to seven years, during which time that hardware is steadily reduced in price as production becomes more efficient. Kutaragi views the PS3 as a computer platform that evolves with new features and capabilities on a constant basis. Kutaragi was further quoted as saying "Since PS3 is a computer there are no 'models' but configurations. We'll want to upgrade the hard drive size very soon. If new standards appear on the PC, we will want to support them. We may want the Blu-ray drive to write. In the PC business, if you fix the spec for two years you'll be caught by competitors. Computers should be changing, right? It's inevitable that 60GB hard drive will become too small, and memory may become too small as well."



The problem with that computer strategy is that it means prices do not come down. By fixing its hardware standard for several years, video game console systems have been able to significantly lower prices over time by not having to upgrade to the latest technology. Kutaragi has also talked about what he sees in common between the PS3 and current Apple Computer philosophy and products. There is clearly a little envy behind such quotes from Kutaragi like: "If Mr. Jobs adds an Apple logo to the PS3, I think users will say it can be sold at $2,000. However it's not possible for the PlayStation brand. That is the difference in the computer world between the PlayStation brand and the Apple brand."



We would point out that another major difference between Apple and the PlayStation brand is that the PlayStation 2 had a share of over 60% of the video game console market, while Apple's computer market share has hovered in the 2-3% range. We believe that under Kutargai's techno-elite PlayStation 3 strategy, the PlayStation 3 could end up with a market share more resembling Apple products as opposed to the dominant PlayStation 2 market share.



In other words, we think that for the PlayStation 3 to maintain Sony's number one market share position, Sony will have to shift the current stated strategy of SCE. It should be remembered that SCE is only one part of the much larger Sony Corporation entity. Ten years ago SCE was a non-factor for Sony overall, but the video game business has now become very important. Over the past five years, SCE's video game business has averaged about $7.4 billion in annual revenue and brought in average annual operating income of around $500 million. Can Sony afford to lose this video game business in order to go after the smaller base of elite consumers?



Right now the PlayStation 3 could be considered a relatively inexpensive part of a household looking to go to a high definition system. Consider this mid-level high-definition home theater budget:



High-definition television: $2,500


Stereo Receiver: $600


Speakers: $1,200


Cables: $400


Installation and Calibration: $1,000


Movie/CD/Game Player: $600



Under this budget, a PlayStation 3 is a fairly small line item in what is a $6,000+ take out a home equity line of credit project. Kutaragi is right, for this consumer the PS3 is a bargain. However, we must ask how big that consumer base is and if these are the type of consumers shopping for bargains. Furthermore, when we are talking about Sony's video game base we are looking at a worldwide business. Consumers in markets like Europe lag behind the U.S. when it comes to spending thousands on a new home entertainment system.


Take for an example, Valencia, the third largest city in Spain. Walk into an El Corte Ingles (Spain's flagship retailer) or FNAC (a leading media entertainment retailer) in Valencia and you will see about 67% of video game shelf space given over to Sony products, with another 25% reserved for Nintendo's portable game systems. Valencia even has entire Sony Stores devoted to Sony products. The PlayStation 2 practically defines mass market video games in Spain (and much of Europe) with its casual party franchises like Singstar and Buzz. In other words, Sony has been absolutely dominant in Spain and most of Europe. All that is now at risk with Sony's PlayStation 3 strategy. Sony's new approach seems to be to position its products as luxury items, epitomized by a recent ad in a French high fashion magazine which features a PSP dripping with diamonds.



At 600 euro, the PS3 would be more than 35% of the monthly household income of a family in Valencia. Combined with the 2000 euro for an HDTV that could take advantage of Blu-Ray and four games, the total cost could top 15% of a family yearly income. On a per person basis, that would be almost 40% of an adult Valencian's average income. Consumers in much of Europe (and North America as well) simply aren't ready for that type of expenditure and success for Sony will require that 1) they can keep the PlayStation 2 business alive and slow consumer adoption of new systems and 2) they can make the price more affordable. However, as the chart below shows, even under the best case scenario the PlayStation 3 has a much lower installed base than the PlayStation 2. Under the worst case scenario the bottom falls out for Sony's market share.


So while Sony struggles with positioning issues Microsoft and Nintendo are free to try and build a solid base of actual video game players. The good news is that for both companies, under any scenario, DFC forecasts that the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii will have a larger installed base than their respective predecessors. However, we think the company with the biggest opportunity is Nintendo. With a market leading price and a compelling mass market message the Wii has the opportunity to be the market share leader in all major regions.



The Xbox 360 also has an opportunity to be the overall market share leader, but we think the system will generally be stronger in North America than in Europe or Japan. In fact, even under the best case scenario for the Xbox 360 we predict the system will finish third in Japan while being the number one system worldwide.



Other potential issues that concern us with the Xbox 360 have been Microsoft's struggles to break out beyond the hard-core gamer and the significant losses that the company has been forced to take to build market share. Microsoft could become bogged down in efforts to reach out to the mass market via casual games, portable games and other areas that could distract from the overall Xbox 360 business.


On the other hand Nintendo has almost nowhere to go but up with the Wii. Since the 8-bit NES from the 1980s, Nintendo console hardware systems have sold less and less. Now is the time for Nintendo to turn that around. In the last generation, the casual mass market game audience by and large went with the PlayStation 2. The GameCube was stuck with the loyal Nintendo diehard base. Now with the Wii, Nintendo has the chance to keep its loyal base and expand into a much more mass market audience. By letting Sony and Microsoft split the hard-core teenage/twenty something video game marketplace, the Wii could end up number one in market share for the next generation.


Not surprisingly, under all our scenarios, market fragmentation is a big theme. For the past five years, the PlayStation 2 has been a steady platform that provided a solid worldwide base for software publishers. Sony's strategy is utterly dependent on keeping the PlayStation 2 around for as long as possible and hoping mass market consumers hold-off on upgrading. However slowing the future can be difficult. For a consumer there are all types of choices for playing games: portable games, online games, old console systems, new console systems and so on. The console system remains the largest segment of the overall market, but its importance is clearly declining. Over the next two years we will see which companies can weather the eventual decline by diversifying beyond the PlayStation business.







Kala o blizard den htan aytos pou prin ligous mhnes diamartyrontan gia ta patches pou bgainoun sto 360 oti 8a katanthsoun ta games tou san ta pc games?

Kwlotoumba FTW :mrgreen:

Το παραπάνω δεν είναι αλήθεια... πρέπει να το πω αυτό , δεν γίνεται να το αφήσω έτσι.

(για όσους το δούνε τουλάχιστον, και αντίο αν γίνω ban)

το ασχημο με το bluray (περα απο το οτι σαν τεχνολογια θα δοκιμαστει στα κεφαλια αυτων που θα παρουν τα πρωτα ps3)' date='

ειναι οτι το drive σαν drive ειναι πολυ πιο αργο απο το 12Χdvd του 360.

αυτο μπορει να μην παιζει ρολο στις ταινιες (θα το δουμε), αλλα σιγουρα εχει σημασια στα games.[/quote']

Αν η ταχύτητα παίζει μεγάλο ρόλο στα games , το ps3 έχει φοβερό προβάδισμα με τον standar δίσκο και το install που μπορεί να γίνει.


Για καθυστερήσεις δεν είναι σίγουρο... είναι πολλά τα λεφτά για τη Sony.

Για ποιότητα τελικού προϊόντος έχω πάντως τις επιφυλάξεις μου.

Αυτά το έπαθε η Μιcrosoft που άρχισε παραγωγή ένα μήνα πριν και σε μικρές ποσότητες… η Sony έχει αρκετό καιρό ακόμα.


Disney/Buena Vista Throws Support Behind Blu-ray

Buena Vista Home Entertainment has announced that it will begin releasing Blu-ray movie titles in September. "The Blu-ray Disc represents a major technological breakthrough in our industry, and just as DVD revolutionised home entertainment, the Blu-ray Disc promises to deliver a new and unparalleled consumer experience," said BVHE president Bob Chapek. "We are confident that the Blu-ray Disc will be the high-definition choice for the home entertainment future."




Poll: PS3 more desirous than Wii in Japan

Add the two PS3 editions together, and sales-wise, the PS3 should outsell Wii by about 33% if the Amazon Japan pollsters are correct. Does a lack of a 360 option mean that Microsoft's console isn't even on the radar anymore?




Next Generation Eye Toy?

SCE has submitted a pattern (number 2006-178948) for a new motion capture technology believed to make up a next generation Eye Toy controller.


Until now, more than one camera was needed to capture an object₼s movement in 3D. This patent could turn out to be should be the next generation of Eye Toy, expected to debut on PS3 some time next year.




PS3 Resistance FOM Will Feature 40 Players Online

Never before in the history of gaming (or as long as we can remember, anyhow) has there been a FPS game that allowed 40 players to go crazy on a virtual battlefield. Until the PS3 came along, that is




Sony Officially Kills UMD Format

This week Sony quietly announced a new entertainment pak called the Memory Stick Entertainment Packs (MSEP) that contained movies on a Sony Memory stick, and many paused to wonder what that meant for the UMD. And now it is official.




Sony still holds top spot for best brands according to Harris Poll

While Sony may make one or two boneheaded moves on the road to launching the PS3, it looks like it isn't hurting their image much.



From gamasutra.com:

A new report from analyst group DFC Intelligence's David Cole has once again questioned Ken Kutaragi's positioning of the PlayStation 3 in the coming console generation, and has also indicated that the console's high price could slow the growth of the video game industry. However, the firm also noted that this could make for an exceptional opportunity for competitors Microsoft and Nintendo with each company's competing consoles.


"DFC Intelligence has always said that as the dominant market leader, SCE was largely in control of its own fate. Microsoft and Nintendo had to hope Sony fumbled or significantly changed its strategy so that they could get an opportunity to capture some of that PS2 audience. Now it is clear Sony is handing its competitors a golden opportunity.

As we have mentioned in past briefs, the big concern with Sony is not only the PlayStation 3 launch price, but the signs that Sony has gotten itself into a business model that is not conducive to the mass market video game audience. There has been a lot of talk about positioning the PS3 as not just a video game system, or even entertainment system, but instead as a computer system.


So while Sony struggles with positioning issues Microsoft and Nintendo are free to try and build a solid base of actual video game players. The good news is that for both companies, under any scenario, DFC forecasts that the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii will have a larger installed base than their respective predecessors. However, we think the company with the biggest opportunity is Nintendo. With a market leading price and a compelling mass market message the Wii has the opportunity to be the market share leader in all major regions.


The Xbox 360 also has an opportunity to be the overall market share leader, but we think the system will generally be stronger in North America than in Europe or Japan. In fact, even under the best case scenario for the Xbox 360 we predict the system will finish third in Japan while being the number one system worldwide.


Other potential issues that concern us with the Xbox 360 have been Microsoft's struggles to break out beyond the hard-core gamer and the significant losses that the company has been forced to take to build market share. Microsoft could become bogged down in efforts to reach out to the mass market via casual games, portable games and other areas that could distract from the overall Xbox 360 business.

Read More: gamasutra.com


WSJ: Sony's Big Hopes for PS3 May Fall Short


Sony's Big Hopes

For PlayStation 3

May Fall Short



The Wall Street Journal

July 19, 2006


SONY CORP. has high expectations for this fall's rollout of its PlayStation 3 videogame console, a driver of the company's earnings.


But the machine's expected price tag, some downbeat buzz within the industry and improving prospects for a competitor's console could lead to disappointment for Sony, according to some analysts and videogame specialists. That is a potential problem for a stock that remains almost 24% higher than late last year.


In November Sony is expected to introduce PlayStation 3 (PS3) for $499 for a basic system and $599 for a console with a larger hard drive. It will include a high-definition DVD player, called Blu-ray, and a powerful new computer chip.


Rival Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox is about $200 cheaper, though it doesn't have the same new-age DVD player. And this fall Nintendo Co. will start selling its own new game system, the Wii (pronounced "we"). The Wii already is winning accolades from videogame critics, in part, because of a wandlike remote. That machine is expected to cost $250 or less.


"People in gaming and game publishing are drastically less excited about PlayStation 3 than they were a year ago, and also a few months back, and competition is looking much stronger," says David Cole, a market analyst at DFC Intelligence, a San Diego market-research firm focused on the videogame industry. "There is a lot of anticipation about PS3, but not a lot of software coming out over the next few months that would excite consumers. And the price point is staggering."


A Sony spokesman said "pricing for PlayStation 3 is entirely appropriate, given all that it has to offer, including the Cell chip and Blu-ray." The company argues that game developers are embracing the PS3.


The first run of PS3 consoles likely will sell out, as hard-core gamers scoop up the machines, analysts say. But the price could reduce broader interest, especially if U.S. economic growth slows in the fall, as many economists expect.


Sony is a sprawling company that includes Sony Pictures, the movie studio. The company is making strides in its electronics business, which has been unprofitable in recent years, with new products such as high-definition camcorders and liquid-crystal-display, or LCD, televisions.


But Sony's games business is a big part of its bottom line. Profit from this business could represent approximately 30% of net income in the next few years, according to analysts, as it has in past years after the release of PlayStation 2. Sony has said that it expects losses from the rollout this year. Console makers usually lose money initially on machines, though royalties of roughly 10% to 20% of the price of videogames begin to add up.


The PS3 is part of Sony's effort to boost the prospects of the Blu-ray as a standard for DVDs. The Blu-ray, with backing from Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., News Corp., Walt Disney Co. and others, is competing with a rival standard called HD-DVD, backed by Toshiba Corp., Microsoft and General Electric Co.'s NBC Universal. Perhaps most important, if Sony can generate interest in PS3 it will have a leg up on its goal of making the machine a home-media server, eventually allowing households to download games, movies and music, a top task of the company's chief executive officer, Howard Stringer.


Fumio Osanai of UBS AG says the firm will upgrade or downgrade Sony this year, based on the ability of PS3 to catch on as a home-media server. He has a "neutral" rating on Sony.


Sony fans say the inclusion of the Blu-ray DVD will lure PS3 buyers because there now are enough high-definition televisions in consumers' dens that they will want an improved DVD to view movies and programming more clearly. Sony bulls also point out the PS3 has been anticipated by videogame fans less concerned about price.


But hard-core gamers represent less than 10% of the market for game consoles, according to DFC Intelligence, suggesting that PS3 will have to appeal to the masses to succeed. While some consumers will be attracted to the Blu-ray and use PS3 as a home system, others may prefer to buy a DVD player separately or shy away from the cost of any changes needed to make the PS3 the center of their living rooms, some analysts caution.


Sony could elect to cut the price on the PS3 next year, but that wouldn't fit in with its strategy to sell the system as a media center. Any price cut would have to be drastic to compete with Nintendo, though prices could come down over time.


UBS estimates Sony's share of the game-machine business in the next year or so will drop to about 50% from more than 60%. Overall, global revenue from machines, games and online game playing reached $29 billion last year, and Sony claimed about $8 billion of that figure during its fiscal year ending March 2006, according to DFC.


"At $600, it will be just too expensive for the mainstream," said Mark Friedler, chief executive officer and publisher of GameDaily, a games Web site and publication. "The question is how many people will upgrade to PS3 because the software for it also will be more expensive." [???]


About 90% of earnings last year and 42% of 2005's profit came from Sony's overlooked financial-services unit, which sports high profit margins. But investors usually aren't comfortable paying a big price for financial-services businesses, which can have slower growth. Sony's profit has been volatile recently, another reason a high price/earnings ratio may not be appropriate.


Sony's price/earnings ratio of 37, based on expected earnings for the next 12 months, is well above rivals such as Microsoft, Apple Computer Inc., Time Warner Inc. and News Corp. Investors are willing to pay that price because they expect PS3 and more cost cutting to power impressive profit in the next few years. If excitement for PS3 is muted, the stock could suffer, unless the electronics business has a big turnaround.


On a price-to-sales basis, Sony is more inexpensive than rivals, though it is close to its 10-year average. Because the bulk of its sales comes from low-margin electronics, each dollar of sales for Sony is less profitable than a dollar of sales for competitors like Apple and Microsoft.




Aρχίζει η παραγωγη του PS3


Taiwan's Asustek Computer to deliver PS3 consoles to Sony from this mth

TAIPEI (XFN-ASIA) - Asustek Computer Inc (2357.TW) will deliver PlayStation 3 game consoles to Sony Corp this month as the Japanese firm moves to step up output to meet demand for the Christmas shopping season, the Commercial Times reported, without citing a source.


The first consignment is for 4 mln units, the report said, noting that monthly shipments will start at 200,000 units, rising to 2 mln in October.


Meanwhile the report noted that, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd (2317.TW), will soon begin making the PS3 consoles for Sony as well.



Sony Computer Entertainment CEO Kutaragi new interview


Q: Your planned shipping schedule is 6 million units worldwide by the end of March, 2007.

Kutaragi: We are planning a monthly production rate of 1 million units. We have secured the parts required to reach this mark. This has been verified, so we should be set to go, barring any major oversights.


Q: Does that include the “Cell” semiconductors?

Kutaragi: No worries there. We began the manufacturing process last year (summer 2005), and now have plenty of them – enough to sell on the street, even. We₼re hoping to provide servers using Cell₼s on our side of the network in the very near future, so the more we have, the better. What was actually more troublesome was securing the generic parts required. As the economy is strong now, we had a hard time securing all the necessary parts to meet a 1 million unit / month quota – passive components, RAM, hard drives, circuit board materials, and even plating alloys.




Μια απάντηση σε αυτούς που λίγο πριν προέβλεπαν κλασικά ότι χειρότερο...


To έχουν πει πολλές φορές, αλλά δεν έχω ιδέα τι θα τους κάνουν πρακτικά.

Θα δούμε στο μέλλον υποθέτω...


Sony Unveils First Blue-Ray Disc Drive Burner (BWU-100A)

Burns up to 50 GB of Data and Keeps Video in Native HDV 1080i

The recordable/rewritable drive will be available in August for about $750.



Και μια συνέντευξη με developers για το darkness ... έχει κάποια ενδιαφέροντα πραγματάκια να διαβάσετε, και το θετικό που λέει για το ps3 είναι μια ακόμη επιβεβαίωση πως η sony έκανε πολύ καλά που έβαλε BR στην κονσόλα της.

“Personally, I think

Blu-Ray is going to be the thing that will make most difference. Since the start of

the development we've been discussing whether or not we will fit the game onto one

DVD, and that is not counting all the bonus materials we want to cram onto the disc.”



£150 PS3 deposit shock


The £150 deposit scheme is being considered to ensure that allocation can be more fairly managed. In particular, it is believed that Sony is looking to avoid the ʽeBay phenomenonʼ that occurred with the launch of Xbox 360 whereby some consumers who managed to acquire more than one unit – on deposits as low as £5 – sold on their extra machines for well above the RRP.





Μπράβο τους αν κάνουν κάτι τέτοιο ... πολύ έξυπνο και θα αποτρέψει άτομα σαν τον p3tran πχ που σκόπευαν να αγοράσουν πολλά ps3 και να τα μοσχοπουλήσουν μετά.


Retail Radar: PS3 Oblivion, Stranglehold release date?

Online retailer's site fuels rumors that Bethesda's open-ended role-player could soon explore new platforms, suggests a delay on Midway's Woo-based shooter to 2007.


In April, as anticipation for the Electronic Entertainment Expo was building up to its annual crescendo, a rumor circulated that the hit Xbox 360 and PC role-playing game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was heading to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable.


The source of the rumors, a poster on the Gaming Age Forums, said the information came from a Bethesda Softworks release schedule that listed both the PS3 and PSP editions of Oblivion and gave a November 6 release date for them. Those rumors are about to get another burst of momentum, as GameStop has updated its retail site with a product page for a PS3 version of Oblivion. GameStop is taking preorders for the game with a very familiar expected shipping date of November 6. Sadly, the retailer's site is still devoid of any mention of Oblivion for the PSP.


In other release-date fun, GameStop has pushed back Stranglehold on its release schedule. At E3, Midway gave the game a "Winter 2006" release, but the online retailer now lists a shipping date of February 15, 2007, for the Xbox 360 version of the game. The same date also graces one of a pair of PS3 product pages for the game. The other PS3 listing gives a November 1 shipping date. Curiously enough, the retailer has no product page for the PC version.


If that delay is true, it seems nobody informed Midway about it. A representative of the publisher told GameSpot today that the company is still aiming for "a fall or holiday 2006" release for Stranglehold on all three platforms.



Webzen's Ended Saga

Mysterious MMORPG won't be coming to the PS3.


Looks like the PS3 has lost its first announced MMORPG. Earlier today, websites were abuzz with the rumor that Endless Saga, Webzen's persistent online role-playing game, had been cancelled. Needless to say, we went straight to Webzen for a confirmation or denial of the story, and found out how accurate the story was.


According to an official statement from Jason Wonacott, Director of Corporate Communications at Webzen, "The product has been cancelled. It was a product under review and our headquarters in Seoul has decided to cancel their development on the product to focus on Soul of the Ultimate Nation, Huxley and APB. All of the team resources have been reallocated to these other projects. We still have a relationship with Sony and we will still be bringing titles to the PS3."


Endless Saga was a title that was essentially a mystery thanks to its lack of released information: Apart from a character concept and Unreal 3 Engine Screenshot on the official website, the only media ever released for the game was at its announcement last July, where a trailer showed off a female knight resting under a tree. It was unknown whether she was a central figure of the game, or merely a character model for the title, but we'll never know now.


Goodbye, Endless Saga, we never knew you.


£150 PS3 deposit shock


The £150 deposit scheme is being considered to ensure that allocation can be more fairly managed. In particular' date=' it is believed that Sony is looking to avoid the ʽeBay phenomenonʼ that occurred with the launch of Xbox 360 whereby some consumers who managed to acquire more than one unit – on deposits as low as £5 – sold on their extra machines for well above the RRP.





[b']Μπράβο τους[/b] αν κάνουν κάτι τέτοιο ... πολύ έξυπνο και θα αποτρέψει άτομα σαν τον p3tran πχ που σκόπευαν να αγοράσουν πολλά ps3 και να τα μοσχοπουλήσουν μετά.


:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


εχεις ενα τροπο να τα βλεπεις ολα θετικα... :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

επισης μαθε οτι για δουλειες, μονο cash ο petran ;)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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