Daredevil Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 chiderboy ta parapona sou sto max console apo opou to ekana cp http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=12058
chiderboy Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 http://www.geekpatrol.ca/2006/11/playstation-3-performance/ Ολόκληρο το άρθρο εδώ
papadakn Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Κάποιος "ξέχασε" μια μικρή και "ασήμαντη" παράγραφο απο το άρθρο. Geekbench also isnʼt able to exploit the eight vector processors on the Cell processor. Any program designed and optimized for the Cell processor should be a lot faster than one designed for a generic processor (like, say, Geekbench). So while the Geekbench results might seem disappointing, keep in mind that Geekbench canʼt exercise the PlayStation 3 to its full potential. Ρε σεις, αν έχετε σκοπό να ενημερώνετε τον κόσμο να ποστάρετε όλο το άρθρο και όχι ότι σας συμφέρει. Αν είναι δυνατόν πια, ξεπερνάτε κάθε λογική. Κάποιος που δεν έχει χρόνο-όρεξη να διαβάσει όλο το άρθρο σχηματίζει εντελώς διαφορετική γνώμη διαβάζοντας τα επιλεγμένα copy-paste σας. Να χαίρεστε την προπαγάνδα σας. Απορώ με την όρεξη και το εκπλήσομαι με το κόλλημα σας με τη συγκεκριμένη κονσόλα. Αν δεν γουστάρετε Σόνυ απλά αγνοείστε το thread αυτό. Αλλά μην παρουσιάζετε τα πράγματα όπως τα θέλετε.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 to motorstorm einai poli kalitero apo tis fotos pou parousiazetai.oxi omws apisteuto,einai arketa epanalambanomeno sto mati.
Daredevil Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 kala poso dyskolo einai na katalabete oti einai cp apo to maxconsole.net kai exei link gia olo to ar8ro katw.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Sony admits PS3 upscale issue Sony America has acknowledged that there's a problem with upscaling on the PlayStation 3 in its current form, and has pledged to fix it. Basically, some older HDTVs are happy to do 1080i (interlaced, 1920x1080 resolution) but not 720p (progressive, 1280x720 resolution). The PS3's reaction to this ought to be to "upscale" the 720p image so it's what the 1080i user sees. However what actually happens is that the PS3 kicks out a 480p image, meaning that people's televisions are left displaying what amounts to not much more than a PS2-size image. (To put it another way, these people reckon they should be seeing 921,600 pixels, but in actual fact they're only getting 408,960. And they want those extra 512,640 pixels, boy howdy.) Sony says that this lack of upscaling happens because the television itself needs to have a 720p input in order to display games that don't support the higher resolution 1080p (progressive, 1920x1080) image. (It's good to see everyone's trying to make this simple and easy to comprehend, isn't it?) "This is an issue on the side of the individual television sets," a statement from SCEA confirms, "which do not accept 720p input, so when a game outputs an HD signal only at 720p, these select TVs have to display the game at 480p instead." All of which gibberish, however, can be happily set aside given that Sony's working on a solution that will be rolled out in a forthcoming firmware update.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 SCEA reveals PS1 game pricing Sony Computer Entertainment America has announced the price range for the original PlayStation titles being made available for PSP. The first batch of original PlayStation games will go on sale for between US $5.99 and US $10.99. Weighing in at between 140MB and 550MB, they must be downloaded to a PS3 hard drive and can then be transferred to Memory Stick Duo. The first titles will be available through the PlayStation Store "in the coming weeks", according to an official statement, and "additional first and third party games will be added on an ongoing basis". SCEA has yet to confirm which games will hit the store first. However, ten games - including Resident Evil: Director's Cut, Tekken 2 and Arc the Lad - are due to go on sale through Sony Japan's online store today. Sony has also released system update 3.0 in Japan and North America, which includes PlayStation Network support and a Remote Play feature - enabling PSP owners to wirelessly stream media from the 60GB PlayStation 3. Users will eventually be able to use Remote Play via wi-fi hotspots. The update also includes software for the PSP camera, music player enhancements, RSS feed updates and the option to prevent the automatic boot-up of games when the PSP is switched on.
xrest Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Kojima MGS4 Interview In OPM UK OPM: We noticed in the new MGS4 trailer that Snake seems to be shooting soldiers from both sides of the conflict. With graphics getting more realistic do you feel that the moral aspect of gaming is going to become more important? Kojima: Well, this time Snake has his own rivals and destiny so he's in a battlefield but sometimes the people there don't have anything to do with him. So yes, there's a moral aspect to what Snake should or could do to others that are not really involved in his actions. It's up to the player, and thatʼs a deliberate theme this time. ---- OPM: Does this freedom to make moral choices reflect how people approach Metal Gear games in different ways - with some people blasting through and some using stealth more - or is it just a reflection of the morally murky way wars are being fought now? Kojima: There are three aspects to this. Firstly, thereʼs the real world changing as it is now with the Americans going everywhere and creating war. Secondly, thereʼs MGS4's theme and plot, which has something to do with this. And the third aspect is that while MGS has always been a sneaking mission, FPS shooting is a trend and I really wanted to give players that freedom this time. I also want players to discover their emotions about how war changes life and people. You may decide to stick with nation 'A', or 'B' in the game's war, or you could destroy both. You could also choose not to ally with either country. There are not political issues involved for Snake. You don't have to kill the enemy, but you might decide to. I want people to understand that kind of feeling - killing someone you had no intention to kill. These days, with any FPS you're either on side 'A' or side 'B' and you're killing, killing, killing, but my games shouldn't be like that, and thatʼs why I have this big theme. Of course, this is still a game and I don't people to be sick every time they shoot an enemy. ---- OPM: The original tagline for MGS4 was 'No place to hide', and yet the more wee see OctoCam it seems that, now, potentially everywhere is a place to hide. To what extent will gamers be able to come up with creative places to stow away? Kojima: In the MGS series there has always been some obstacle or other that you could hide behind and not show your body so you wouldn't get spotted. This time it's not like you hide somewhere - its more that you're in sight but out of sight in the battlefield. You're out of attention, so to say. ---- OPM: Can you expand on that? Kojima: To use a funny analogy - in the past, the MGS series was like a bank robber trying to rob a bank at night; so there are guards, cameras etc. And when you get spotted you're instantly known as the robber. But in this game, you're going into the bank at midday. You might just be a customer going in to make a deposit, but you still have to sneak in to accomplish your mission. So you're trying to deceive. You're on camera, so if you do weird things you'll be spotted as the robber, but if you don't you won't. Its more about deceiving the eye. I can't really reveal the top secrets but we [the development team] did our training camp in the mountains as we always do, and this time we had that kind of training: deceiving the eye, or crawling unseen while you're in view. Thatʼs what we did for MGS4. ---- OPM: In the first MGS4 trailer we saw an ageing Snake inject himself with something. At the end of the trailer we see what looks like a younger Solid Snake: is that him having reversed the effects of the serum or not? Kojima: I put that in there because I wanted you to think about it, but its not something you will actually know until you play the game ---- OPM: Can you tell us how the new bipedal cyborg Metal Gears will impact on the gameplay? They appear to operate in packs... Kojima: It's not necessarily about Snake vs. these Metal Gears - the GEKKOs (Japanese for 'Moonlight'). Sometimes GEKKOs will spot you as you're the enemy, but sometimes you're not necessarily the enemy to them. This means that is might be nation 'A' vs. GEKKO and Snake can walk right past the. There will be some situations like that, and vice versa. ---- OPM: We know the Middle East features in MGS4 and you've said you want this game to be like James Bond with Snake traveling the world. Is there any chance he'll visit the UK? Kojima: Unfortunately not. I want to go there, actually. But not Snake - not this time. Officially, the new locations are somewhere in the Middle East, somewhere in South America and somewhere in Eastern Europe. ---- OPM: What prompted you to start motion-capturing real actors in MGS4? I understand you had you had a Japanese actress, (Yumi Kikuchi) on the stage, and demonstrated how she was scanned for use in the game... Kojima: I cannot really say specifically as it would spoil MGS4s plot. However, I can just hint that one group in the game will use an actual skeleton and skin texture, and thatʼs why we needed it. Of course, for Snake and Otacon we don't have real models. They are created, so there is a risk it won't work if you put the real actress or actors next to these people. However, we're thinking about how to make it a natural fit. ---- OPM: Is it important to the plot that this group looks different? Kojima: Yes. Exactly. ---- OPM: Was Ms. Kikuchi happy with her likeness? Kojima: I hope she was happy. It's still a work in progress. What you saw was that we created a pure core of Ms Kikuchi the actress. She's not going to look like that in the game. She's going to be quite different. so don't think we're going to use it for promotional use like Capcom did with Takeshi Kaneshiro in Onimusha. We're not going to use her likeness like that. ---- OPM: What are your feelings about the PS3s new Sixaxis controller and the loss of the Dual Shock 2's rumble? Kojima: We can't say how we'll use the motion-sensing functionality specifically but we'll use it for sure. The controls in MGS3 got a little complex, so you'll have a little more direct control in MGS4. That said, I miss the rumble, and even now I hope it will come back. ---- OPM: If we sneaked into the Kojima Productions offices now, what would we see? Would we be able to play anything? Kojima: We're finally out of the research stage. We're now at a point where the system if finalized and we're saying 'lets go with this'. So the gauge and icons are there, but they're still temporary, meaning the design is still not fixed. Of course you can play, but we're still experimenting. If you go to one section you might play with the AI and enemies, while in other areas you can play around with the cameras or the background. ---- OPM: Last time we talked there was some discussion that you weren't sure how best to incorporate Snake's little robot friend [The Metal Gear Mk.II], but now we see he's back in the game. We saw him electrocuting someone in the plums in the trailer. How will he work in the Guns Of The Patriots? Kojima: Thatʼs because you mentioned it. I remember that interview. You don't just electrocute people in the nuts, though. Thatʼs in the trailer as a kind of a message that you can do something interesting with the Mk.II. ---- OPM: So, are you saying that you can control the Mk.II in MGS4 yourself? Kojima: Yes ---- OPM: People in the UK always find people hit in the nuts very funny, so we're sure it will go down well. Kojima: In France, its always the **** part - the doo doo [laughs]. ---- OPM: Picture the scene: MGS4 has shipped to rave reviews and its selling strongly. Its your first day back at work. Whatʼs the first item on your 'to do' list? Kojima: If MGS4 sells, then its on to the next concept, which I have really wanted to do for a very long time. If it fails, I will probably start writing a letter to announce that I am leaving this company. Thatʼs what I kind of want to do, actually. [Kojima pauses] Thatʼs a joke...
spown Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 ΦΙΛΑΡΑΚΟ ΕΚΕΙ ΠΟΥ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΑΕΙ Η ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΞΕΚΙΝΑΕΙ ΤΟ THREAD AYTO.....Αυτα που εχουμε ακουσει εδω μεσα ξεπερναναι και τα πιο τρελα σεναρια επιστημονικης φαντασιας..... Ρε παιδια καπου διαβασα οτι ο CELL ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΕΡΑΣΕΙ ΣΕ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ την emotion engine του PS2.....Σκεφτονται στην sony να κανουν μεταμοσχευση επεξεργαστη απο το ps2 στο ps3......Kai επισης καπου διαβασα οτι το ANTIALLASING ΤΟΥ GRAPHICS SYNTHESIZER ΕΙΝΑΙ 10 ΦΟΡΕς KΑΛΥΤΕΡΟ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥ RSX....
p3tran Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Κάποιος "ξέχασε" μια μικρή και "ασήμαντη" παράγραφο απο το άρθρο. Ρε σεις, αν έχετε σκοπό να ενημερώνετε τον κόσμο να ποστάρετε όλο το άρθρο και όχι ότι σας συμφέρει. Αν είναι δυνατόν πια, ξεπερνάτε κάθε λογική. Κάποιος που δεν έχει χρόνο-όρεξη να διαβάσει όλο το άρθρο σχηματίζει εντελώς διαφορετική γνώμη διαβάζοντας τα επιλεγμένα copy-paste σας. Να χαίρεστε την προπαγάνδα σας. Απορώ με την όρεξη και το εκπλήσομαι με το κόλλημα σας με τη συγκεκριμένη κονσόλα. Αν δεν γουστάρετε Σόνυ απλά αγνοείστε το thread αυτό. Αλλά μην παρουσιάζετε τα πράγματα όπως τα θέλετε. εχει και αλλες ωραιες παραγραφους το αρθρο.. εχει και ωραια σχολια επισης. οποτε ας κανουμε copy/paste ολοκληρο το conclusion, για να μην καταλαβαινει ο καθενας τα δικα του Conclusion: There was a comment on Slashdot last year that made the following assertion about the Cell processor: The problem is that though the main CPU is PowerPC-based like current Apple chips, it is stripped down, and the Altivec support will be much lower than in current G5s. Unoptomized, Apple code would run like a G4 on this hardware. Turns out the comment was right; Cell processor performance is comparable to low-end PowerPC G5 performance (which in turn is comparable to high-end PowerPC G4 performance). I canʼt comment on Altivec performance, unfortunately, since Geekbench for Linux PPC doesnʼt measure Altivec performance yet. Geekbench also isnʼt able to exploit the eight vector processors on the Cell processor. Any program designed and optimized for the Cell processor should be a lot faster than one designed for a generic processor (like, say, Geekbench). So while the Geekbench results might seem disappointing, keep in mind that Geekbench canʼt exercise the PlayStation 3 to its full potential. δηλ. τα bench δεν χρησιμοποιησαν τoυς vector processors, αλλα ουτε και μετρησαν τιποτα στο altivec instruction set, που οπως λεει φαρδια-πλατια εξαρχης το conclusion, ειναι εκει που πραγματικα ο cell ειναι nullα. το τεστ λοιπον αναφερεται στο PPE, τον κεντρικο επεξεργαστη δηλαδη, ΧΩΡΙΣ τα τεστ που δειχνουν την αδυναμια του. οποτε η πραγματικοτητα ειναι λιγο-πολυ αυτη που λεει το τεστ σχετικα με τις ικανοτητες του cell. ναι, με specialised-καραspecialised προγραμματισμο, τα dspάκια (6 ομως και οχι 8, 1 locked και 1 disabled αν θυμαστε...) θα βρουν -ακρως συγκεκριμενη- δουλεια να κανουνε, και θα την κανουνε και σχετικα γρηγορα. με πολυ κοπο ομως και πολυ χρονο και με το μονιμο νταλκα οτι το παραμικρο λαθακι γκρεμιζει τα παντα. ετσι οπως τα εγραψες φιλε νικο(?), φαινεται οτι <<καποιος πηγε να παραπληροφορησει>> , πραγμα που δεν ισχυει. ο devil παραθεσε ΑΥΤΟΥΣΙΟ ενα αρθρο απο ενα site, με link, καθως και link για το site που βρισκεται το πληρες κειμενο.. οριστε και μερικες λεξουλες που βοηθανε στην κατανοηση του νοηματος: SIMD, altivec, spe και ενα αρθρακι απο το slashdot http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=138810&cid=11616545
chiderboy Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 ΦΙΛΑΡΑΚΟ ΕΚΕΙ ΠΟΥ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΑΕΙ Η ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΞΕΚΙΝΑΕΙ ΤΟ THREAD AYTO.....Αυτα που εχουμε ακουσει εδω μεσα ξεπερναναι και τα πιο τρελα σεναρια επιστημονικης φαντασιας.....Ρε παιδια καπου διαβασα οτι ο CELL ΔΕΝ ΜΠΟΡΕΙ ΝΑ ΠΕΡΑΣΕΙ ΣΕ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ την emotion engine του PS2.....Σκεφτονται στην sony να κανουν μεταμοσχευση επεξεργαστη απο το ps2 στο ps3......Kai επισης καπου διαβασα οτι το ANTIALLASING ΤΟΥ GRAPHICS SYNTHESIZER ΕΙΝΑΙ 10 ΦΟΡΕς KΑΛΥΤΕΡΟ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥ RSX.... Σαν το ANTILLASING ΤΟΥ NES πάντως δεν έχει κανένα
spown Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΕΛΙΚΑ ολα ειναι αληθεια , πριν λιγο με πηρε τηλεφωνακι ο φιλαρακος μου ο PHILL HARISON....Στην αρχη τρομαξα γιατι εκλεγε μιλαμε ηταν σε τραγικη κατασταση.....Βεβαια μετα απο αρκετη ωρα καταφερα να τον συνεφερω....Αφηστε ειδα και επαθα για να τον συνεφερω...Αφου τελικα ηρεμισε τον ρωταω τι εγινε γιατι ολα αυτα.... phill: Aσε SPOWN αποτυχαμαι παταγωδως, τι να σου πω πρωτα, για τον cell που δεν μπορει να εξομοιωσει ουτε ενα κινουμενο τουβλακι ή για τον RSX που θερμαινεται σαν τοστιερα ή οτι δεν μπορει να εξωμειωση ενα pixel.....Καλα μην σου πω για την μνημη εκει τα πραγματα ειναι νεκρα .....Καλα τελικα το hdmi 1.3 ειναι για τα μπαζα ασε την πατησαμε δεν μπορει να συγκρηθει σε ποιοτητα με το S VIDEO ......Καλα μην σου πω για το BLUE RAY ΑΣΕ ΕΚΕΙ ΤΑ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΡΑΓΙΚΑ , ΔΕΝ μπορει να περασει σε ταχυτητα μεταφορας δεδομενων το UMD του PSP....καλα οσο για τον σκληρο τιποτα τον εχουμε κλειδωμενο και δεν μπορειται να βαλετε δικο σας....ο 100 GB θα εχει μου ειπε 300 ευρω..... Τα πραγματα ειναι πολυ σκουρα τελικα.....Επισης μου ειπε οτι ο CELL δεν μπορει να συνεργαστει με το RSX ΚΑΙ ΤΕΛΙΚΑ ΘΑ χρησιμοποιησουν το πακετο EMOTION ENGINE KAI GRAPHICS SYNTHESIZER ΠΟΥ ειναι δοκιμασμενο και αρτιο, και τελικα το πακετο CELL- RSX ΘΑ αναλαβει του PS1 ΤΑ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ μονο..... Περιμενω να αναλυσουμε τα νεα δεδομενα ολοι μαζι.....
sodeli Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 έλειψη επιχειρημάτων= το γυρίζουμε στις μπούρδες Ωραία τακτική, keep it up
p3tran Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Νοεμβρίου 2006 spawn εισαι τοσο ασχετος που δεν γνωριζεις ουτε οτι το ps3 εχει μεσα ολοκληρο το "emotion engine" και το "graphics syntesiser" απο το ps2. παρακατω σου εχω ενα κουϊζ: που ειναι το emotion engine, που ειναι το graphics synthesiser, και τι ειναι αυτη η φωτογραφια που βλεπουμε....? p.s. τελικα ποτε σου ερχεται το εργαλειο xrestman?
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