spown Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Ανακοίνωση Λοιπόν με τα από ώριμη σκέψη σας Υποβαθμίζω από ΖΟΥΛΟΥ σε σκέτο ΖΟΟ….Εδώ και μερικές μέρες έχω στα χέρια μου το VIVA PINATA το οποίο μέχρι τώρα δεν είχα ασχοληθεί μαζί του, όμως από σήμερα αποφάσισα να το ξεκινήσω . Επειδή ο κήπος που ετοιμάζομαι να φτιάξω παίρνει περιορισμένη ποσότητα από ζωάκια, παρακαλώ θα ήθελα να μου στείλετε πμ για να κρατήσω θέση. Υπόσχομαι να σας φερθώ με στοργή και αγάπη…ΑΝΤΕ ΓΙΑ….
dawnstar Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 ΑνακοίνωσηΛοιπόν με τα από ώριμη σκέψη σας Υποβαθμίζω από ΖΟΥΛΟΥ σε σκέτο ΖΟΟ….Εδώ και μερικές μέρες έχω στα χέρια μου το VIVA PINATA το οποίο μέχρι τώρα δεν είχα ασχοληθεί μαζί του, όμως από σήμερα αποφάσισα να το ξεκινήσω . Επειδή ο κήπος που ετοιμάζομαι να φτιάξω παίρνει περιορισμένη ποσότητα από ζωάκια, παρακαλώ θα ήθελα να μου στείλετε πμ για να κρατήσω θέση. Υπόσχομαι να σας φερθώ με στοργή και αγάπη…ΑΝΤΕ ΓΙΑ…. plaka plaka to viva pinata einai poly kalo paixnidaki, prwtotypo kai gia ola ta gousta..Auto einai kalo ek merous tis Microsoft na stoxeuei se oles tis ilikies kai ta gousta ektos vevaia apo to strwma twn aneggefalwn,amyalwn,15xronwn pou i asxolia tous einai to forum bashing. Please i kalyteri apadisi einai i agnoia. Kati tetoia atoma "ftiaxnontai" me ta replies min xarisete auti tin ikanopoiisi deixte AN exete kapoio epipedo. Tha symfwnisoun oloi, "An den sou aresei min to pareis apla exeis auti tin epilogi"
xrest Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 PS3 online service goes live Sony has launched the PS3 online service, with access to the PlayStation Store where consumers can download the first batch of playable demos. The service, Sony's equivalent to Microsoft's Xbox Live and Marketplace, can be accessed for free, and lets new PS3 owners set friends lists and send messages, as well as create an avatar. A number of playable demos are available, including Resistance: Fall of Man, Motorstorm, NBA 07 and Formula One Championship Edition. Two full games are also available for US$ 7.99 (EUR 6.25), Cash Guns Chaos and Blast Factor. There is also a selection of game trailers for Genji: Days of the Blade and Lair amongst others, as well as movie trailers for the much-touted Blu-ray format.
privateer Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Μέλος Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Eurogamer - Resistance FOM. Review 7/10 http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=70094&page=2
p3tran Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 πληροφοριες για πιθανους αγοραστες ps3 games: εμαθα οτι στο tony hawk (τουλαχιστον σε αυτο το game ισχυει 100%), οταν παιζεις και καποιος απο το friendslist σου, ανοιξει την κονσολα του, το ps3 "φριζαρει" (κολλαει) για περιπου 15 δευτερολεπτα την ωρα που παιζεις, ασχετως αν ο αλλος που μπηκε δεν σου εστειλε καν μηνυμα. και ασχετως φυσικα που το tony hawk στο ps3 δεν εχει online play. επισης εμαθα οτι το gundam παιζει στα 5-15 frames.
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Eurogamer - Resistance FOM. Review 7/10 http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=70094&page=2 Kala re file tosa site to exoun kanei review esy brhkes thn poio xalia bathmologia? http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/insomniacshooter/review.html?mode=web tixea na ipotheso e? πληροφοριες για πιθανους αγοραστες ps3 games: De nomizo na ftene ta paixnidia gia ayto alla to leitourgiko tou ps3 (sto tony toulaxiston)
asmilon Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 LOL p3tran αυτο μου θυμησε ενα θεμα πιο παλια, που οταν ο αλλος ανοιγε το φως του μπανιου του επεφτε η συδνεση !!! Απλα LOL!
chiderboy Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Sony to Lose Roughly $240, $300 Respectively on 60GB, 20GB PS3s iSuppli calls the PlayStation 3 an "engineering masterpiece" While Merrill Lynch may be one of the few firms projecting a win for the Xbox 360 by 2011, a new cost analysis for the PlayStation 3 puts a few more things into perspective with regards to the next generation console battle. It looks as though Ken Kutaragi was right when he stated that the PS3, which will be priced at $499 and $599 respectively in the United States, is probably "too cheap." According to a new cost analysis by iSuppli, Sony will lose $307 for every 20GB PS3 it sells and $241 for each 60GB version. "With Sony taking a smaller loss on the higher-end model, it's not a surprise the company is steering customers to the 60Gbyte version," said iSuppli. For the United States, 20GB PS3s will account for 20% of the sales mix while the 60GB versions will take the remaining 80%. Although its initial losses with the PS3 will be large, Sony co-chief operating officer Jack Tretton points out that the original PS and the PS2 became "incredibly" profitable after taking massive losses at launch. iSuppli summed up it results by stating “While many fret over the high cost and price of the PlayStation 3 compared to the competition, iSuppli believes the console provides more processing power and capability than any consumer electronics device in history. Because of this, the PlayStation 3 is a great bargain, well worth its $599 price and $840.35 cost, iSuppli believes." Microsoft, which was once seeing red to the tune of $153 per unit sold, is now making a profit of $75.70 on each console before marketing and distribution costs a year after launch. Nintendo has already stated that it will make a profit on every Wii that it sells. Given that CompUSA lists its cost for the Wii at $237.50, Nintendo's actual costs are likely closer to the $200 mark. That shouldn't be too surprising given that Microsoft's Richard Teversham likened the Wii to a Gamecube with a DVD drive (someone should tell Tevesham that the Wii doesn't actually play DVDs…for now).
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Thimame palia ego pou otan sikona to tilefono anige apo monos tou o ypologisths de thimame ton logo, kati me to modem h me thn karta diktyou pezotan
kostacurtas Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Madden NFL 07 IGN Review Is this the touchdown PS3 fans have been waiting for? Presentation 8.0 Madden for the PS3 features the same sharp, cleanly laid out menu system from the 360 version. It would've been great if the menu screens explained the SIXAXIS functionality better. Graphics 8.5 Slightly improved textures on jerseys, helmets and turf destruction join some new run and tackle animations. Sound 8.0 Field and stadium sounds are crisp, but the radio announcer is still annoying as ever. Gameplay 8.0 SIXAXIS controls and gang tackles are an improvement to the standard gameplay, but there's nothing new or exclusive to this version of Madden. Lasting Appeal 8.5 Just like the 360 version, the online play, Superstar and Franchise modes will keep you busy for quite some time. Overall: 8.3 Impressive MotorStorm Update The demo hits the PlayStation Store and we take it for a spin. To be prepared for the official launch of the PlayStation 3 tomorrow, Sony has finally unleashed its PlayStation Network on countries outside of Japan. Aside from being able to snatch up a handful of cool usernames, we've been able to hit up the PlayStation Store to see what demos, trailers and more await us. One of the demos ready to go for Day 1 is MotorStorm, Sony's much hyped and ballyhooed off-road racer. The game initially made its debut in the form of a concept trailer during the E3 2005 unveiling of the PlayStation 3. Many questioned whether or not the real game would ever look anything even close to said trailer, but amazingly enough the team is coming damn close. There aren't as many bits of mud and such flying around, and the super-sweet behind-the-windshield camera view isn't present, but the visuals look pretty close otherwise. The lighting is fantastic, as smooth and realistic as we've seen of any next-gen game to date and the physics system is chaotic goodness. Happily, the biggest improvement that we've seen in the latest demo is that the game runs at a smooth framerate now. The downloadable demo contains nearly the same content that you'll find playable at PlayStation 3 kiosks today, but it runs much better. We'd always been hopeful that Sony would be able to get the game running at a nice clip, and it's finally reached that point. The game still isn't quite as fast as we hope the final version will be, or at least we hope that some of the later vehicles are quicker than what's in the demo. It's not that they feel altogether slow, but in the days of Burnout, speed is king and we're not quite ready to pledge our allegiance yet. The first-person or close-up views certainly help, but the far-away camera is great for viewing every bit of a crash. The level in the demo, Raingod Mesa, is the same track that we'd played in Tokyo (check out our hands-on right here). It's brutal and difficult if you aren't careful, punishing you for taking turns too quickly by throwing you off the edge of a cliff. The track is good fun, but we're itching to try something new. The MotorStorm demo is currently available for download on the PlayStation Store, so if you manage to snag yourself a PS3 then be sure to check it out. Devil May Cry 4 New Video Απιστευτα combo! Για να το δειτε: Movies -> Trial Ver. Lair Extended Trailer More than two minutes of Factor 5's dragon battler. Το Lair αν το προσεξουν μπορει να βγει απιστευτο παιχνιδι! Αν και το ολο concept θυμιζει LOTR.
DrFreeman Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δεν πρόσεξα αν έχει γίνει post, anyway ομως: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/746/746492p1.html PS3 Technical Trouble Report More info on hardware problems, including issues CRT and early-adopter HDTV owners might need to know before investing.
p3tran Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Eurogamer - Resistance FOM. Review 7/10 http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=70094&page=2 Kala re file tosa site to exoun kanei review esy brhkes thn poio xalia bathmologia? http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/action/i....html?mode=web tixea na ipotheso e? "καλα ρε φιλε"' date=' επειδη εσυ εισαι κολλημενος, τι σου φταιει το eurogamer? οταν στο Gears of War εβαλε 8 (λεγοντας ομως μονο καλα λογια και χωρις να εχουνε δοκιμασει [b']καθολου[/b] multiplayer), το 7αρι στο Resistance μοιαζει απελπιστικα υψηλη βαθμολογια. αμα θες να μαθεις ποσα απιδια πιανει ο σακος του resistance, περιμενε το review του EDGE. αυτοι εκει περα δεν πολυχαϊδευουν αυτακια... και αλλη μια φορα για να το εμπεδωσεις: αν το eurogamer βαζει 8/10 στο gears επειδη δεν ειναι "πολυ πρωτοποριακο", ξαναλεω οτι το 7αρι στο resistance ειναι ΠΟΛΥ μεγαλη βαθμολογια.
Exoskeletor Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 eipa ego kati gia to eurogamer? den exo tipota me to site. Ayto katalabes esy apo to post mou? pos me enoxlei to site kai oi bathmologies tou? kala den tha sinoneithoume pote emeis oi 2?
raven360 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 λετε να το αγορασε ο blizard?? http://cgi.ebay.com/Playstation-3-PS3-60GB-Free-Overnight-Shipping-Blu-%20ray_W0QQitemZ150059269467QQihZ005QQcategoryZ62054QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting και φυσικα θα ελεγε "ειναι μια χαρα για αυτα που προσφερει.":mrgreen:
p3tran Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 17 Νοεμβρίου 2006 H πρωτη μοντιφα στο PS3 παιρνουμε ενα ολοκαινουργιο ps3 ανοιγουμε το πορτακι τσουπ το δισκακι 4 βιδιτσες + το χερουλακι και πισω στο συρταρακι φορματακι και ετοιμο το 120αρακι βαλε και καννα παιχνιδακι, πανε ηδη 23gb
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