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PS3 Ειδήσεις {News Topic}


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gia xara paidia an kai edw ginetai polemos apo oti vlepw :P anyway san fan tou xbox kai tou 360 xaroumeno paidi eidika me ta kainourgia firmware ktl ktl panta eixa ps ps2 kai me to kalo ps3 eixe kai 8a exei dynatous titlous... vasika phre to mati mou afto...


Despite all the name-calling and bad publicity that has put a shadow on PS3 launch, Sony left the biggest bomb to the launch date -- now it is perfectly legal to run any homemade software, alternative operating systems and such on PS3. Sony even provided tech details for people willing to tinker with the console.


8eletai na mou peite thn gnwmh sas... kai to kyriotero an mporei kai trexei linux efarmoges opws px sto xbox ton media center (o kyrioteros logos pou h konsola metraei gia mena) tote 8a tsakisei to ps3 anyway perimenw entypwseis...

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εγώ πάντως έχω xbox360 (απο την πρώτη μέρα που βγήκε)

και αυριο παραλαμβάνω ps3 απο japan μαζι με το resistance kai 3 blue-ray monies..

θα το βάλω να παίξει θα δω καμιά ταινιούλα και μετά θα σας πώ εντυπώσεις..


τις δυνατότητες του μηχανήματος θα τις δούμε γύρω στο καλοκαίρι ΛΟΓΙΚΟ..

(θυμάστε πόσο καθυστέρησε η sony να δώσει developer units στις εταιριες )?

τώρα όσοι πιστευουν οτι το ridge6 toy xbox ειναι καλύτερο απο το ringe 7 του

ps3 λόγο του οτι το xbox 360 είναι δυνατότερο είναι βαθιά νυχτωμένοι ..

είναι προφανές οτι το πασάλειψαν να προλάβουν τις ημερομηνίες..

εδώ μέσα... οι μισοί ψάχνουν το web για να το θάψουν και οι άλλοι μισοι να το κάνουν θεό..


θα περάσει και αυτό


έχω stock πλέον =-)






xbox360 (περιμένω to hd-dvd)

και φυσικά pc..


relax and enjoy hd gaming..

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eBay UK blocks PS3 auctions




First eBay US introduced restrictions on the sale of PS3s - now eBay UK has banned users from offering them altogether.


As of yesterday morning, no auctions for PS3 units or games will be allowed on the site until February 2007 - which is when pre-orders will open in Europe.


Even then, each seller will only be able to offer one PS3, and it must have been purchased within the EU. Sellers must also guarantee dispatch within 30 days, provide a photo of the purchase or pre-order receipt and can only accept payment via PayPal.



In short, if you're looking to buy a PS3 on eBay UK you're out of luck - well, er, in theory, anyway...

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PS3 Campers, Reporter Shot at in Kentucky

Thankfully, only a BB gun. No one was hurt.


Seriously, society sucks -- at least Kentucky's sub-society does. It's easy to poke fun at folks waiting days in line for a PlayStation 3, especially ones who've made commitments akin to job suicide in the name of eBay, but spending your time heckling them probably earns you a title lower than "dirty, low-life scalper."


Probably, at least. Depends on how much you man-love Ken Kutaragi.


With that said, PS3 camping stories are becoming stranger and stranger by the minute, as local Kentucky news station WKYT was recording a segment on campers outside of Best Buy when someone rode by in a truck, fired off several rounds from a BB gun and drove off before police could arrive.


Even the reporter interviewing those in line was hit with a stray shot, but WKYT says "no one was seriously hurt," and police have yet to find a suspect.

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eBay UK blocks PS3 auctions




First eBay US introduced restrictions on the sale of PS3s - now eBay UK has banned users from offering them altogether.


As of yesterday morning, no auctions for PS3 units or games will be allowed on the site until February 2007 - which is when pre-orders will open in Europe.


Even then, each seller will only be able to offer one PS3, and it must have been purchased within the EU. Sellers must also guarantee dispatch within 30 days, provide a photo of the purchase or pre-order receipt and can only accept payment via PayPal.



In short, if you're looking to buy a PS3 on eBay UK you're out of luck - well, er, in theory, anyway...


δηλαδή γίνετε ή δεν γίνετε import από Ασία ps3;;


άμα δεν γίνετε τι μας λέει ο φίλος voulgeor ότι αύριο θα έχει το ps3 από Ιαπωνία!!!

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VOODOOEXTREME: PS3 Downscales 720p on Non Uber TVs

November 15, 2006 - This doesn't sound good


As it turns out, gamers who own older HD sets that feature only 480i, 480p, and 1080i resolution input capabilities

will have to settle for the display quality being downsized as the game boots in its 480p mode

rather than upscaling the image from its more desirable 720p mode to the TV's 1080i.


We tested this development on older HDTV sets with games designed for 720p but not 1080i -- Resistance: Fall of Man, NHL 2K7, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07, and Need for Speed Carbon. Sure enough, the system downshifted all four titles to 480p rather than moving up to 1080i.


The PlayStation 3's competitor, Microsoft's Xbox 360, does upscale 720p games to 1080i if the HD set supports the latter resolution but not the in-between and commonly-employed 720p resolution.


η sony φαινεται οτι τελικα το εχει πιστεψει οτι μαζι με καθε ενα PS3 θα πουλαει και μια BRAVIA 1080p ;P


το firmware upgrade 1.10 δεν εκανε απολυτως τιποτα, και η παραπομπη στο ign μεσα απο το αρθρο στο voodoo, λεει οτι οι υπεθυνοι της Sony "δεν σηκωνουν τα τηλεφωνα" των δημοσιογραφων του IGN για να δωσουν απαντηση στο αν αυτο ειναι θεμα firmware update ή αν οντως δεν εχει εσωτερικο scaler το ps3.


εμενα προσωπικα η παντελης ανυπαρξια rescaling ακομα και στα πιο καλα και προσφατα games του ps2 μπορω να πω πως με .....υποψιαζει :D :D :D



Considering the developers of Resistance actually coded a warning message regarding the 1080i incompatibility of their game' date=' I doubt it's something that would be simply fixed by a firmware upgrade.[/quote']

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gia xara paidia an kai edw ginetai polemos apo oti vlepw :P anyway san fan tou xbox kai tou 360 xaroumeno paidi eidika me ta kainourgia firmware ktl ktl panta eixa ps ps2 kai me to kalo ps3 eixe kai 8a exei dynatous titlous... vasika phre to mati mou afto...


Despite all the name-calling and bad publicity that has put a shadow on PS3 launch, Sony left the biggest bomb to the launch date -- now it is perfectly legal to run any homemade software, alternative operating systems and such on PS3. Sony even provided tech details for people willing to tinker with the console.


8eletai na mou peite thn gnwmh sas... kai to kyriotero an mporei kai trexei linux efarmoges opws px sto xbox ton media center (o kyrioteros logos pou h konsola metraei gia mena) tote 8a tsakisei to ps3 anyway perimenw entypwseis...


Ereos file, kala nea mas ferneis. Tha psisi polous ayto to gegonos k ligo asinithisti tetoia kinhsh gia thn sony. Kati mou leei pos tha skasoun myth apeires efarmoges tora omos to pos tha trexoun ktl ayto eine allo thema. We Will see

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Formula 1 Championship Edition Update

We take Schuey's Ferrari for a drive around Monza - in the pouring rain.


When we last took Formula 1 for a test drive there was only a single circuit to race around and barely a handful of other options to get stuck into. We've now taken a newer version of the game for a spin, which includes an additional track as well as the full roster of cars and drivers likely to feature in the final game, giving us a taster of what we can expect when it launches next year.



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NBA 07 Gamespot Review


NBA 07 on the PlayStation 3 doesn't have the entertaining story mode that the PlayStation 2 version has, but it does have most of that version's flaws, and some new ones, too.


The Good: Multicolored shot meter works well; nba replay is fun for a short while.


The Bad: The Life story mode is nowhere to be found; no announcers; unimpressive graphics; poor artificial intelligence and buggy gameplay; $20 more than the superior ps2 version.


Gameplay: 5

Graphics: 6

Sound: 4

Value: 4

Tilt: 5

Overall: 4.9 Poor



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Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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