SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 mpravo pu me pianete siga siga. kai ayta den ta leo os apolo katanaloti alla os katoxos vinteo club kai kathe mera sto magazi mu einai ena gkalop.kai to na iparhi mia eteria pu xodeyi tosa ekatomira sto na oramatizete kai na psaxni to ayrio san tin sony tin samsung kai ales einai oti kalitero,kai oxi na ta perni opos i mikro pu paragkile na tis vgakun mia konsola ,pu kani ekrixis kathe mera,kai na pulai me to onoma kai mono,ante kai tria tesera games.kai na xerete oti ego kitao tin tsepi mu kai den eimai fanatic
kallair Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 pleon den nomizw na bgoun universal gia hd-dvd k blueray.. kai an bgoun, tha einai metrimena sta daxtila. den iparxei noima agoras tous afou stin ousia to pio format tha epikratisei, exei hd-dvd exei sxedon pethanei. episis an k akraios(poli) o filos pou ton yooharate, o antagonismos einai igeihs otan exei na kanei me polla proionta tou idiou tipou kai mi igeihs otan prokeitai na kikloforoun antagonistika proionta pou tinei to ena na eksaleipsei to allo. k otan leo proionta den ennow diaforetiko hardware (vlepe diaforetikes paixnidomixanes) alla diaforetikes texnologies k efarmoges gia to idio pragma(vlepe blueray vs hd-dvd ή dvd-r vs dvd+r). se tetoies periptoseis den simferei ton katanaloti na iparxoun "intrigkes".
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Low Cost Funai Blu-ray Player This Fall The first low cost Blu-ray player will hit US shelves this fall from Funai, according to reports from Japan. As we reported earlier, Funai makes low costs electronics which are then sold under brand names such as Sylvania, Emerson, and Magnavox. While no pricing or specs have yet been released, expect pricing to be lower than players from top manufacturers, which are expected to drop to around $400 for the holiday season. At this year's CES, HD DVD announced that they would leverage cheap players from China to reach a wider marketplace. Since then, the camp has been very quite as to when these players would actually show up. It appears that Blu-ray may match their claim, or even beat it, effectively nullifying any pricing advantage this important holiday season.
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Blu-ray takes five-to-one lead Added on 22/06/2007. Recently we've all been hearing about Sony's resolution to ship more Blu-ray players in the US, and Blockbuster's decision to give it their full support, but we havenʼt really seen the consequences of these actions...until now. According to the research firm Digital Entertainment Group, HD-DVD is unable to keep up with the Blu-ray sales figures, which currently hold a five to one lead. Warner Bros. senior vice president Steve Nickerson stated that this year "will mirror the year 1999 or 2000 for DVD", believing that consumers are only just scratching the surface of the new high-def DVD category that is becoming more and more readily available. While it is, as Nickerson suggests, too early to predict outcome of the competition between Blu-ray and HD-DVD, Blu-ray is certainly enjoying a massive head start that may very well be infallible. The report from DEG shows that 300,000 HD-DVD players have been sold through both stand alone drivers and Xbox 360 attachment drives, a figure which pales in comparison to the circulation of an astounding 1.5 million Blu-rays. Out of 55 million US dollars consumers spent on high-def DVD titles this year, 35 million were on Blu-ray titles, a success which appears to be primarily due to the PS3, as only 100,000 standalone Blu-ray players have been sold. In light of this aggressive competition and regardless of its outcome, the home video industry is sure to do very well and hopes for growth in sales: "It's in the very, very early days of our forecasts, but we believe that High-Definition discs will help return consumer video spending to growth" said Helen Davis Jayalath from Screen Digest
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 22 Ιουνίου 2007 Microsoft Says No PS3 Blu-ray In Xbox 360 by Victor Dangelo on 22/06/2007 Views: 321 Microsoftʼs Xavier Bringue has put rumors to rest stating that Microsoft has no plans to put a Blu-ray drive in the Xbox 360 similar to how it is in the Sony PlayStation 3. The co-president of the HD-DVD promotional group stated that the medium is still in the mix and far from down and out like many believe. He continued by stating that the Blockbuster move to make Blu-ray exclusive may be a a factor but the most important thing to the next-gen media format war is the price and with HD-DVD being cheaper, it still stands a chance.
telegamesvg Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Εγω ενα εχω να πω για αυτη την διαμαχη ....κ μη με παρεξηγησετε .... Καρφι δε μου καιγεται (για να μη το πω αλλιως ) για το ποιος θα επικρατησει ... Οποιος ομως ειναι να επικρατησει ας γινει γρηγορα , να τελειωνουμε μπας και πεσουν οι τιμες και δουμε και τις πρωτες ταινειες στα video club....
gherudos Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 παιδιά δεν χρειάζεται να αγχώνεστε,το DVD θα νικήσει σιγά μην το αποσύρουν τόσο νωρίς,δεν τους συμφέρει.... Εδώ κάποιοι συνεχίζουν να ενοικιάζουν VHS,η αλλαγή δεν θα είναι άμεση αλλά μέχρι να γίνει ολική αλλαγή θα έχουν βγεί νεώτερα format δίσκων...
modecris Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 (Υποτιθέμενος διάλογος μεταξύ Modecris και SOP1HOLI): Για λέγε ρε SOP1HOLI,πως πάνε οι δουλειές σου με το video club που έχεις; to erotima einai an epikrstisi to blu rai,pou to exei i sony tha dosi sti mikro,kai an nai tha plironete adra me ta dikeomata tis patentas,kati san tin eteria me tis donisis, kai makari na dosi giati an den to xrisimopiisi i mikra ,ti tha exei dvd h kati dikotis asxeto me to format tis epoxisΓια να μιλάς έτσι σίγουρα έχεις μετοχές,ε; den exw metoxies alla na xeris oti kitao tin tsepi mu,kai tha protimusa na ipirxe mia eteria na exume ola ta games kai na min xriazete na agorazw kai xbox(pu to pulisa kai isixasa)kia wii kai hddvd kai blu rai kai alla periferiaka xexorista gia tin kathe mia.kai giayto tazome me ton pio isxiro.Δεν έχεις ακούσει όμως πως ο ανταγωνισμός κάνει καλό σε εμάς,τους καταναλωτές; pios antagonismo kai arloumpes,oso tha iparxune xexoristes eteries video games ,opos px ubusoft,aftes tha antagonizonte pia tha vgali to pio prototipo games gia na to konomisi ,pros ofelos tu x monopoliaku ps3 i xbox.diladi ton katanaloton.px to gear of war an ipirxe mono to ps3 tha evgene sautoΜα και μία κονσόλα να υπήρχε,χωρίς ανταγωνισμό,πάλι θα υπήρχαν οι εν λόγο εταιρίες...και ο ανταγωνισμός τους μας δίνει καλύτερα παιχνίδια.Άρα μας κάνει καλό... o antagonismos kani kalo kapies fores kai kako kapies ales .esas se ti sas ofelise aytos o antagonismos,sto na parete xbox400 ps3 660 wii250 + hiristira kai diaforetika games.hd dirve merikoi kai blurai kapii aloi.pantos emena ena halo px den me kaii kai toso poli oste na ta skaso toso eukola.telika einai oreos o antagonismosΤην κάθε κονσόλα την αγοράζεις για τα 5-10 αποκλειστικά games που βγάζει,όλα τα άλλα βγαίνουν και στις τρεις.Και μην ξεχνάς πως αν το 360 είχε ενσωματωμένο Bluray θα κόστιζε το ίδιο με το ps3. tin idame kai tin mikro ,ama tin eperne tha pigene me to blu rai xalara,ala alos itan to afentiko eki pera,den tin xalase i xasura kai den tha tin xalasi sto melon na ta skasi gia na to ipostirixi,ektos an tis aresi to dvd kai ta vgazi se kamia 10 dvd ta games.(kati akusa oti to halo tha vgi se 2 dvd)arxisame leo vale vgale.kai min gelas petra giati esena o antagonismos su stixise akriva me to banΤελικά,σιγά-σιγά σε πιάνουμε... mpravo pu me pianete siga siga. kai ayta den ta leo os apolo katanaloti alla os katoxos vinteo club kai kathe mera sto magazi mu einai ena gkalop.kai to na iparhi mia eteria pu xodeyi tosa ekatomira sto na oramatizete kai na psaxni to ayrio san tin sony tin samsung kai ales einai oti kalitero,kai oxi na ta perni opos i mikro pu paragkile na tis vgakun mia konsola ,pu kani ekrixis kathe mera,kai na pulai me to onoma kai mono,ante kai tria tesera games.kai na xerete oti ego kitao tin tsepi mu kai den eimai fanaticΔλδ τώρα,η sony ''xodeyi tosa ekatomira sto na oramatizete kai na psaxni to ayrio'' ; Γιατί εγώ νόμιζα πως ήθελε απλώς να κονομήσει... εισαι ενα σπανιο ειδος που τινει να εκλειψει. απο μενα εχεις το ελευθερο να λες οτι γουσταρεις αγορινα μου!! και τα κακά του ποιός θα τα μαζεύει; paredwse : Το δικαίωμά σας να ομιλείτε δεν περιλαμβάνει και υποχρέωσή μας να σας πάρουμε στα σοβαρά+1 Τελικά η ζέστη δεν πειράζει μόνο τα xbox ... @Moderators:Αν νομίζετε πως το παρόν post πρέπει να μεταφερθεί στα ανέκδοτα,no prob.Αρκεί να μπει στα ποντιακά...
stkamos Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 tin skeutosuna poli wra gia na tin kanis autin tin ilithiotita karagiftula,alla ama exw na kano me merikus pu den katalavenun(mpaz)tlp tha ta dite kei moni sas siga siga edw tha maste,pros to paron esu py ta exeis, skageta kai stus tris exipankia.patos kai mena karfi den mu kaigete giati ta exw alla den ta skaw Ρε φιλε ελεος πια...πριν κανα μηνα ειχες πεταξει την κοτσανα οτι η Sony ειναι μεγαλυτερη εταιρια απο την MS βγηκαμε σου δειξαμε οτι η Sony μπροστα στην MS ειναι περιπτερο και εξαφανιστηκες για λιγο.Τωρα μας εβγαλες την Sony εταιρια ερευνας και αναπτυξης που οραματιζετε το μελλον.Δηλαδη αν η Sony ειναι κορυφαια εταιρια research με μολις ενα φορματ να δειχνει οτι θα επικρατησει στα 30 χρονια,η JVC τι ειναι;H NASA των consumer electronics;
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 1 den exafanistika2den kathome na asxolitho alo me atoma pu den katalavenune.den tha katso na asxolitho opios katalaveni kalos opios oxi megiatu.oli exwn tin apopsi tus sosta ,telos giati varethika
modecris Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Αρχικό μήνυμα απο SOP1HOLI:tin skeutosuna poli wra gia na tin kanis autin tin ilithiotita karagiftula,alla ama exw na kano me merikus pu den katalavenun(mpaz)tlp tha ta dite kei moni sas siga siga edw tha maste,pros to paron esu py ta exeis, skageta kai stus tris exipankia.patos kai mena karfi den mu kaigete giati ta exw alla den ta skaw 1ον:'Εχεις κάτι με τους γύφτους;2ον:Σοβαρά τώρα:Επιμένεις πως ΔΕΝ σου κάνει καλό ο ανταγωνισμός; 3ον:Δεν έχεις χιούμορ; Αν δώσεις έστω και μια απάντηση ''ναι'',δεν φταίω εγώ. 1 den exafanistika2den kathome na asxolitho alo me atoma pu den katalavenune.den tha katso na asxolitho opios katalaveni kalos opios oxi megiatu.oli exwn tin apopsi tus sosta ,telos giati varethikaΣεβάσου το.Και μην χαρακτηρίζεις ανθρώπους αβίαστα αλλά να κριτικάρεις τα γραφόμενά τους.Τέλος και από εμένα.Δεν θα λογομαχήσω μαζί σου...
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 ego apla leo tin apopsi mu ,pu gia merikus einai sosti kai gia akus lathos ,alla tus latho den tus sxoliazo kapos ok mans.
SOP1HOLI Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 23 Ιουνίου 2007 Blu-ray and HD DVD in Europe Print E-mail Written by ENN0 Monday, 18 June 2007 First off I donʼt want people to get the wrong impression that this is another article in favour of one of the new High definition disks, believe it or not but this is a totally un-biased article on my view of how things are doing in Europe with Blu-ray and HD DVD.So lets get the ball rollin with my tour around Europe.... HD DVD logo Blu-ray logo I stopped off in Italy, France and Spain and I especially wanted to pick up The Matrix on HD DVD while I was there. On my first stop was Italy. An amazing country with lots of culture. When I first stepped into a game shop they had a nice Blu-ray stand saying "Blu-ray expedition" stocked full of movies so I instantly thought, “ Aha! This will definitely have HD DVDʼs.” In Ireland wherever you can find blu-ray, HD DVD is sitting right beside it. I had a quick look and then asked a sales assistant if they had HD DVDʼs and I instantly got a NO…Now I was pretty shocked to see that there was blu-ray and no HD DVD, but then I thought nothing of it. Itʼs probably just that one shop. I then went to another game store. The same Blu-ray stand was there staring me in the face. This time it was right beside the PS3ʼs. The last shop I went to I thought they will defiantly have HD DVDʼs….WRONG! I got the same answer except it took 10 minutes to explain to this shop assistant what I was asking for since he had very poor English. Now, I was sort of annoyed that I had been to two shops that sell Blu-ray and not HD DVD. Next we went off to Toulon, France. They unfortunately, had no High definition support for anything. The following day I arrived at Palma, Spain. I found a nice strictly DVD shop with yes, wait for it….1 HD DVD. Apollo 13 and the same Blu-ray stand that I saw in Italy stocked to the brim with Blu-ray movies. It was a short day Spain and we soon went on to Barcelona. Where I entered a huge shopping centre and could smell the HD DVDʼs. I went to the games floor and to my annoyance I saw the same Blu-ray stand once again. I instantly thought no HD DVDʼs, but still I looked around and I saw a PS3 showing black hawk down and running at 1080P.In all honesty, it was fantastic. I stood there for 10 minutes and enjoyed every second of it. But to my surprise after I had finished watching Black Hawk down, I found a little section of HD DVDʼs with no Matrix in site. I decided to settle for The Goodfellas. Once I got home that week, I went to my local Xtravision (Irish version of blockbuster) to pick up forza2. When I walked in, right beside the games section was that same Blu-ray stall again. I asked if they sold or rented HD DVDʼs but got the same answer everywhere else I asked. Now, after reading this youʼre thinking well itʼs obvious, Blu-ray is winning. No not exactly. Every shop I had entered, they had the Blu-ray display beside the PS3ʼs and I had seen no HD DVD or Blu-ray players anywhere. So my guess is that all the retailers are associating Blu-ray with PS3 (game wise). which they should as the player is built in, but thatʼs it. They are not associating HD DVD with the 360, so right now itʼs looking very dim for the HD DVDs in Europe. Millions of PS3ʼs are being sold and all have the Blu-ray player built in. This doesnʼt mean Iʼm not going to stop buying HD DVDʼs, I love the quality and always watch them but because there can only be one format it looks like Blu-ray will be it.\ pigi: xbox live nation
FILIM0N Δημοσ. 24 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 24 Ιουνίου 2007 <<Και ποσο μαλιστα οταν στηριζεις μια εταιρεια σαν τη Sony που "εκβιαζει" τους καταναλωτες να περιοριζονται σε δικα της φορμα και τους αναγκαζει να χρησιμοποιουν μονο δικες τις συσκευες και περιφερειακα.>> εεερ κατι τετοιο δεν εκανε ανεκαθεν η μαικροσοφτ; Γιατι ποιος σου ειπε οτι ειναι καλυτερο να υποστηριζει καποιος μονο τη microsoft? Γιατι το γυρνατε συνεχως στην κοντρα μεταξυ των 2 εταιρειων? Eιναι το λιγοτερο αφελες να νομιζει καποιος οτι στηριζοντας παθιασμενα μια εταιρεια και με το να ελπιζει στην επικρατηση της θα βγει κερδισμενος σαν καταναλωτης.
gherudos Δημοσ. 24 Ιουνίου 2007 Δημοσ. 24 Ιουνίου 2007 Είδατε που σας τα έλεγα;VMD->Versatile Multilayer Disk τα συγκεκριμένα δισκάκια είναι παρόμοια κατασκευή με τα απλά DVD κόκκινου laser και έχουν κόστος μόνο 1 ευρώ!!!
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