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HD-DVD vs. Bluray: πρωτες εντυπωσεις..


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Moving on this afternoon, I wanted to follow up on my comments on Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD from Friday. One of the most unfortunate things I've seen with regard to this high-definition format war, is that it seems to have really divided the early adopter community. Some early adopters (fine folks all) are strongly in favor of one format, while still more are equally enthusiastic about the other format. Sadly, this rift is all too often passionate... and has even gotten contentious on occasion... such that, that these days, whenever I say anything even remotely negative about HD-DVD, I get scores of angry e-mails from HD-DVD supporters. And the same is true when I make less than positive comments about Blu-ray Disc, as I did on Friday: "How dare you! I am outraged, sir! Outraged, I tell you..." etc. Meanwhile, I know that MOST of you out there don't care one wit about either of these HD formats, and are happy to stick with standard DVD.


But to specifically address my comments about 50 GB Blu-ray Discs on Friday, my information comes from multiple sources - some in key positions at some of the Blu-ray Disc supporting companies, some in other industry positions involved with either the testing or production discs in both high-def formats - speaking to me off the record. The problem is not with the discs per se, it's with the hardware. Samsung didn't have final product 50 GB movie discs to test their firmware with before they launched, so they're having problems getting the players working with these discs now. Sony and Pioneer are also working hard to resolve compatibility issues on their forthcoming hardware. I'm sure that all of these issues are fixable with firmware upgrades, and I have no doubt that the issues WILL be fixed. But up until a couple weeks ago, I was told that Samsung at least was STILL having problems. As you can imagine, there are a few studios that are anxious to get these 50 GB BD-ROM discs to work properly, because there are a number of longer films waiting on them. Obviously, Sony has delayed Lawrence of Arabia and Black Hawk Down (they were originally going to be released this summer) for this very reason. I know of other titles waiting on the 50 GB disc compatibility issue being worked out as well.


The Video Business interview that Ben Feingold did last week, about how Sony will have at least two of the 50GB titles out this year... that was all about reassuring the restless folks in the media and the early adopter community that the discs are coming, and perhaps soothing some frayed nerves in their own camp as well. It's amazing how many people have e-mailed me that story as proof that I'm wrong about the 50 GB BD-ROM issue, but you'll notice that no specific dates or other information were given in the interview. It's classic studio smoke and mirrors - a bit of P.R. damage control. They know that BD has been taking some hits in the press and with early adopters, and they're anxious to show things in a more positive light. And keep in mind that I say all this as someone who has been very positive about Blu-ray Disc... or at least the format's potential. But Sony and their camp has a long way to go to really start delivering on it. It seems to me that the HD-DVD camp is delivering 1) more titles 2) somewhat better looking titles 3) titles with more features - even if most of them are just ported over from standard DVD - and 4) select titles with more advanced interactivity. The Blu-ray Disc camp is lagging behind, a lot more than I thought they'd be at this point. They can still catch up certainly, but I think they really need to start delivering some big, great titles. Fox needs to announce titles. Disney needs to announce BETTER titles. It's not exactly inspiring confidence when Disney is telling their own shareholders that they have no intention of releasing Cars and Pirates on BD this year, while the HD-DVD camp has announced several big day-and-date releases (and more are on the way). We need firm street dates for Pioneer and Sony hardware, for that matter. The Blu-ray camp, in short, needs to get busy.





That's a very cool development, I'll tell you. I'm somewhat surprised to find myself saying this, but HD-DVD is quietly making Blu-ray Disc look pretty silly. Motivated as I've been by a desire to see this format war end quickly, I was quick to sing the potential praises of Blu-ray Disc early on, simply because it seemed to have the clear advantages of better technology and much broader studio support, plus the potential market-share dominance of the forthcoming PS3 game system. And to be honest, my very early experiences with HD-DVD were disappointing. Since that time, however, an interesting this has happened... the early Blu-ray experience has turned out to be pretty lackluster too. Discs have looked bad, the Samsung player is a disaster and Sony's over-priced the PS3 right out of the market (you'll be able to buy both an Xbox 360 AND a Nintendo Wii for the price of a PS3). Sony and their BD camp allies are just not delivering on the promise of their format - period. Meanwhile, HD-DVD software and Toshiba's hardware (via these firmware updates) just keeps getting better and better. And get this: Sony STILL can't get their 50GB dual-layered Blu-ray Discs to work right on the existing and prototype players. The current Samsung player, as shipped, will not play them. How do you like them apples? Ouch.


If the BD camp doesn't do something dramatic and fast... they will have lost the hearts and minds of the early adopters to HD-DVD. To my thinking at least, HD-DVD is looking better and better all the time... and it seems to me it's now the format to beat.


Αντι να καθοντουσαν οι εταιριες να βγαλουν απο την αρχη ενα σωστο φορματ για τα δισκακια υψηλης χωρητικοτητας, χωριστηκαν στα 2 και τωρα τρεχουν και δε φτανουν για να προλαβει το ενα στρατοπεδο το αλλο...


Κριμα, πιστευω πως περα απο τους early adopters και τους fanboys οι υπολοιποι θα αργησουν πολυ να επιλεξουν το ενα ή το αλλο φορματ λογω ολων αυτων το προβληματων και με το φοβο μην μεινουν με το player στο χερι οπως εγινε την δεκαετια του '80 με το Sony Betamax... Για να μην αναφερω το κοστος ολου αυτου του εξοπλισμου...


Το καλυτερο που σκεφτομαι για τους περισσοτερους ειναι να περιμενουμε μεχρι να βγουν dual format dvd players και να εχουμε το κεγαλι μας ησυχο.

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Invention: Triple-standard DVD, Blu-Ray, HD-DVD Discs


From newscientisttech.com:

The electronics industry is in a fine mess, with two blue-laser disc standards (Blu-ray and HD-DVD) competing to succeed ordinary red-laser DVDs.

On 26 September, Warner will be the first studio to release a movie, Lake House, on all three disc standards simultaneously.


Meanwhile, however, two top Warner engineers, Alan Bell and Lewis Ostrover, have been working on a cheaper and more elegant solution.

Blu-ray uses a 405-nanometre wavelength laser to read data from tracks 0.1-millimetres-deep on the top surface of a disc. HD-DVD, on the other hand, uses the same wavelength to read recordings at a depth of 0.6 mm.

Warner's plan is to create a disc with a Blu-ray top layer that works like a two-way mirror. This should reflect just enough blue light for a Blu-ray player to read it okay. But it should also let enough light through for HD-DVD players to ignore the Blu-ray recording and find a second HD-DVD layer beneath.

An ordinary DVD recording could be put on the other side, so that conventional DVD players can read the disc as well.

Read More: newscientisttech.com


Ακουγεται πολυ ενδιαφερουσα η τεχνολογια που θελει να προωθησει η Warner, αλλα τι να το κανεις αν ειναι να πληρωσεις 70 ή 80 € ή και παραπανω για μια ταινια μονο που το δισκακι της θα ειναι σα τον χαμαιλεοντα και παιζει παντου?


Καλυτερα να βγουν players που θα ειναι ικανα να παιζουν και τα 2 format και να κανουν οτι θελουν τα στουντιο οσον αφορα πιο θα υποστηριξουν...


Universal Studios Boss Gives Thumbs Down to Blu-ray


"Look at the blogs, look at the reviews by the early adopters and even look at the mainstream media – HD DVD has maintained its first-to-market advantage and delivered on the promises of providing the best high definition image and sound quality at the best value for consumers today," said Kornblau.



  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

HD-DVD image quality better than Blu-Ray's? Apparently not.

Posted by Dan Bell on 14 October 2006 - 16:32 - Source: High Def Digest


johnzap used our news submit to tell us:

"It"s been almost accepted as truth, even mentioned by the HD-DVD camp proponents, that HD-DVD image quality is superior to Blu-Ray"s. Well, that"s plainly incorrect, according to a more recent test. This test compared "apples to apples" (same title, same master, same codec, etc). In the end, "(...) I found it almost impossible to detect any differences between the Blu-ray and HD DVD discs."."


The developing controversy over VC-1 and MPEG-2 has now turned into full-on battle of the dueling codecs, one few saw coming just a few months ago. Firmware upgrades for the first-gen HD DVD players have redefined how we think about consumer electronics hardware, and introduced a slew of new hardware features in a mere matter of weeks. And there are also a bevy of new audio options coming to Blu-ray and HD DVD, including the much-anticipated Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio lossless formats.


All these new developments have inflamed the passions of the early adopters, while intensifying the worries of the backers behind both next-gen formats -- not to mention racketing up the pressure on folks like us to deliver critical assessments of each format's plusses and minuses, without taking sides. So when I sat down to compare Warner's latest Blu-ray titles to their HD DVD counterparts, I knew I had to tweak our review methodology in light of so many recent developments.


Of course, the big news with Warner's second Blu-ray batch is that, with the exception of '
,' the studio has jumped codec camps from MPEG-2 to VC-1. Which means that, at last, we can do a true apples to apples comparison -- right down to the exact same compression codecs. We were also able to finally solve the cropping problems we suffered with Blu-ray in our last comparison (chalk it up to problems with the hardware, not the software). We even set up a "blind" face-off this time around, using the help of a video switcher and a partial observer to compare images without knowing the source until
we recorded my observations. The results challenged my expectations and perceptions once again about what each format is currently capable of delivering.




That said, with all things being equal and this second round of comparisons being apples to apples -- same title, same master, same codec, same supplemental material -- it is telling that I found it almost impossible to detect any differences between the Blu-ray and HD DVD discs.

The article from High Def Digest is called round two and it takes a second look at the movie offerings from both camps. In the first releases, most agreed that the HD-DVD offerings were of superior picture quality. Now, with different codecs, they take another look and give us their thoughts. The article goes into quite some detail in the comparison and offers us quite a bit of information to digest! For those interested in learning more about what they thought, please follow this link to the High Def Digest!

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

kala katse na piasi sto blu rai san format stis tainie pou mou lene oloi oi antiprosopoi (exw binteo club)oti einai dedomeno kai telos xbox360 ,giati apla einai tis sony kai fantastite opoios sto melon theli konsola tha perni ps3 xoris deyteri skepsi ixere ti ekane i sony poy to kathisterise


poios lei psemata ti psemata den to blepete oti sta 10 ta 7 einai blu ray kai oti h sony exei 4 apo ta megaliter kinimatografika studio 1sony picture2paramunt3clumpia pistur4walt disney tora ayta einai psemata .kai tora h sony tha bgali blurai me 400eyro kai ta blurai kanoyn apo25 eyro


nai sto ellanta ayto pou les isxi alla opos xeris to ellanta den endiaferi kai toso oyte tin sony oute tin mikro sto exoteriko osi exoun pari ps3 to exoyn pari gia to blurai oxi gia ta gamata games toy gia games meta ton septeber kai den to exoy pari kai ligi an analogistoyme to poso kani kai ti prosferi mexri tora 3.000.000

kala katse na piasi sto blu rai san format stis tainie pou mou lene oloi oi antiprosopoi (exw binteo club)oti einai dedomeno kai telos xbox360 ,giati apla einai tis sony kai fantastite opoios sto melon theli konsola tha perni ps3 xoris deyteri skepsi ixere ti ekane i sony poy to kathisterise


Όπως έπιασε και το betamax το οποίο ήταν ανώτερο από το VHS; Όπως έπιασε και το minidisc; Όπως έπιασε και το memory stick; :roll:


Aν ήταν να διαλέγουμε το "καλύτερο", γιατί δεν ακούμε sacd αλλά επιλέγουμε την πενιχρή ποιότητα που απλού cd; :roll:


Για το ποιό format θα επικρατήσει, θα το δούμε στο μέλλον. Να υπενθυμίσω και κάτι ΠΟΛΥ σημαντικό για τον πόλεμο των format. Το ότι η βιομηχανία πορνό πήγε στα HD-DVD, όσο και αν ακούγεται γελοίο, έχει ΜΕΓΑΛΗ σημασία. Κανείς δε μπορεί να είναι σίγουρος για το τι θα γίνει.


Επίσης, το topic μιλάει για Xbox.:P



Για το ποιό format θα επικρατήσει, θα το δούμε στο μέλλον. Να υπενθυμίσω και κάτι ΠΟΛΥ σημαντικό για τον πόλεμο των format. Το ότι η βιομηχανία πορνό πήγε στα HD-DVD, όσο και αν ακούγεται γελοίο, έχει ΜΕΓΑΛΗ σημασία. Κανείς δε μπορεί να είναι σίγουρος για το τι θα γίνει.






Και οποιος ξερει απο κινηματογραφικους τζιρους καταλαβαινει οτι στις τσοντες ειναι τα λεφτα.Ειδικα οποιος εχει videoclub.


ελα ντε?

αλλωστε ο πολεμος δεν τον παιρνει ο καλυτερος.

Στη περιπτωση μας θεωρητικα καλυτερος ειναι μαλλον το BR,πρακτικα καλυτερος με διαφορα το HDDVD (η συγκριση του VC1 αλγοριθμου συμπιεσης που εχουν υιοθετησει ολα τα HDDVD με το απαρχαιωμενο mpeg του ΒR ειναι αστεια...)

Αλλωστε κατα τον Αυγουστο που θα εχουν βγει σε HDDVD τα Matrix και Lord of the Rings θα εχουμε εκπληξεις.

Μιας και το thread ειναι για 360,απο τη στιγμη που στο επομενο update θα εχουμε υποστηριξη H264,mpeg υψηλου Bitrate δεκαρα δεν δινω ποιο φορματ θα κυριαρχησει...


παντως μιας και το πηγατε στις ..ταινιες (παλιοplaystationακηδες προφανως :D)

να σας πω τι μου λενε οι γνωστοι και φιλοι που ειναι CINE-AUDIO FREAKS:


μοναδικη εξαιρεση στις ταινιες του ps3, ειναι το james bond.

ολες οι υπολοιπες ειναι για τον π^$τσο high definition.

αυτοι που ειναι ειδικοι στο να τα κοιτανε αυτα (εγω δεν κοζαρω) μιλανε ολο για κοκκους και για μπιμπικια στα σκοτεινα των bluray.

στην δε συγκριση bluray - hd dvd, ΟΛΟΙ μεχρι στιγμης προτιμανε hd dvd.

εμενα προσωπικα αυτα περι ταινιων με αφηνουν ουσιαστικα αδιαφορο, αλλα μιας και το συζητατε............. αυτη ειναι η αποψη των <ειδικων>



παλιο-κρητικε με το video club, δεν ντρεπεσαι να τρολαρεις για ταινιες? ειναι και δουλεια σου παναθεμα σε!!! :D :D :D


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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