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Τι λεει ο Kojima(MGS4) στο περιοδικο GameInformer?


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o Hideo Kojima μιλαει στο περιοδικο Game Informer (ακριβες quotation, σελ. 36)

"If you talk about the war between Japanese developers and those overseas,

I acknowledge that we have already lost.

The Japanese creators have lost to the European and American creators.

Therefore, I always say to my staff, Don't look at the Japanese creators.

Look toward the Europeans and Americans when looking at development or technical things."...

τι λετε?


dikio exei.des ti games bgazei o ditikos kosmos k des tis kanoun stin jp..bgazoun idia panw katw games me diaforopoihsei sta grafika ana genia..to oblivion px pote de tha mporouse natan jp game opws k tosa alla..isws giati i sxoli tous k i koultoura tous einai diaforetiki.

An exereseis thn team ninja kai thn capcom (lost planet) oi mexri stigmhs ylopoihseis twn yapwnezwn sthn hd epoxh einai katw tou metriou.

P.S.: Kapoios prepei na ma8ei sthn namco ti esti shaders.

nomizw oti ekei pou pasxoun einai h ylopoihsh :)

επισης, τι λεει ο kojima (στην ιδια συνεντευξη) για το 360 και την ιαπωνια??

GI: As a Japanese developer, what do you think about MS's strategy for penetrating the Japanese market?


Kojima: Of course, the approach is not a mistake. But that's probably only the truth for the next two years or so.

In Japan, Hollywood movies are respected highly and have higher sales than Japanese movies.


In the near future, since there are so many great European and American developers, publishers, and creators,

we believe that those will be the ones that will be appreciated, even by the Japanese audience.

Having said that, there will be games that will be important to keep the Japanese culture in there.

However, in the future, it might just end up being a Japanese movie - a niche market. But I believe there is a need for that as well.



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