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Two Worlds {Not an Oblivion killer}


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 119
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Με τέτοιο fanbase που έχει το Oblivion το κόβω λίγο δύσκολο να γίνει Oblivion Killer το νέο αυτό παιχνίδι. Με τόσα mods που βγαίνουν όλο και περισσότερο αναβαθμίζεται το gameplay και τα γραφικά του

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Features :

Offering a freedom of choice unseen in other Role Playing Games. The world literally comes to life as it immediately reacts to the player's actions and changes accordingly -offering new and exciting challenges.

Strong, non-linear storyline. Players can shape their own story by choosing the path of conducting the main conflict and resolving meaningful side-quests.

Spectacular and dynamically choreographed fights. The combat system combines intuitive steering, tactical challenges and movie-like visual experiences.

Free and unlimited character development. Players can experiment with different careers and even reverse their former choices with the help of "career changers".

Unique magic system. The Players are allowed to assemble their own magic spells.

Animals to be ridden on. Players can travel and fight on various animals from horses to tamed lizards and beasts.

A choice of traps and snares are at the Player's disposal making the gameplay both rich and flexible.

Huge variety of items to be found. Randomly generated pieces of equipment, thematic sets and combined items offer the space to experiment and satisfy the need to collect.

Wide range of beautifully rendered terrains: from high mountains to seashores and deep caves with all of the locations featuring ultra sharp texturing and stunning design.

Hyper-realistic tree physics and sophisticated weather system make the world come to life as has never been seen before.

Advanced Artificial Intelligence that manages group behaviour of large virtual communities.

Up to 8 players in the multiplayer mode.

Symphonic music to make the experience more emotional and memorable.

Extensive usage of Pixel Shader 2.0 and 3.0, HDR, multiple materials and unique shadow engine to ensure the best visuals possible.

Support of Multi CPUs and Multicore CPUs, SLI and CrossFire Technology










Ελπίζω να μην έχει και αυτό τις μ@λ@κίες του Oblivion. Σκότωσα έναν φρουρό στην εξοχή (χωρίς να με δει κανένας) και ξαφνικά το έμαθαν όλες οι πόλεις ότι σκότωσα φρουρό. ΕΛΕΟΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙ. Κρίμα και μου έτρεχε καλά,ελπίζω να μην τραβάω τα μάλλια μου και με το Two Worlds


auto diorthwthike me mod apo oti gnwrizw.......ena apo auta pou me xalan sto oblivion einai ta parathura........eleos na mhn mporeis na deis eksw en eth 2007.......apo oti blepw auto einai ok toulaxiston se auto to thema.......

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

Two Worlds - Alchemy System Revealed



Thrilling fight choreographies, gripping characters and realistic worlds create new dimensions in the genre.

The title also introduces new benchmarks in content.

Experienced script editors link the cinematic story with maximum gaming freedom in a medieval fantasy world....



New Features:

Recently expanded multiplayer capabilities will now allow 1000's of players.




  • 1 μήνα μετά...




Home - Sys.specs



Basic Requirements

CPU with 2 GHz

512 MB RAM

Windows Vista or XP

Graphics card with Shader 2.0 or higher

DirectX compatible sound card


Keyboard, mouse




Και έλεγα τι γίνεται... ^^


26 Ιουνίου βγαίνει, και MULTIPLAYER MODE,


Λάτρεψα το Oblivion και το παιχνιδάκι αυτό υπόσχεται να βελτιώσεις πολλά πράγματα ^^


( θα μπορείς να πάρεις πίσω τα skillpoints, δε θα χει Loads σε πόρτες κλπ λέει)


θα συνδυάζεις σκουριασμένα σπαθιά κλπ να κάνεις νέα, κλπ κλπ ωραία πραγματάκια ( ταυτόχρονα παίρνοντας όλα τα καλά του Oblivion )


ααα, και λέει 200 διαφορετικούς ηθοποιούς για τις φωνές ;)


Εικόνες απο το επίσημο σάιτ.





Κάτι μου λέει, οτι θα 'ναι πιο βαρύ απο το Crysis, βαρύ και ασήκωτο...


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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