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re alania ti ginetai?exw ena topiko diktyo apoteloymeno apo 5 H/Y!xrhsimopoiw to Proksi gia na exoyn oloi Internet.Pws mporw na balw kai to mIRC se oloys toys ypologistes?Eyxaristw gia th bohtheia sas.


<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by @_zerocool:

<strong>re alania ti ginetai?exw ena topiko diktyo apoteloymeno apo 5 H/Y!xrhsimopoiw to Proksi gia na exoyn oloi Internet.Pws mporw na balw kai to mIRC se oloys toys ypologistes?Eyxaristw gia th bohtheia sas.</strong><hr></blockquote><p>Vale ston socks server to mixanima pou exei panw thn syndesh (gateway). Egw 8a sou proteina na baleis nat32 (nat32.com) gia na vlepoun ola internet katey8eian.


Re man Lan chat theleis na exeis? akou, einai poly aplo exo ki ego. Sto pc pou exeis sa server, tha katevaseis to Conference Room 1.8 apo to www.webmaster.com (serial tha sou doso ego, mail me) kai tha to kaneis egatastasi. Vazeis oti plirofories sou zitaei kai sikoneis ton irc server. Lipon meta einai poly aplo. Gia paradeigma to onoma tou ypologisti einai TESTIRCSERVER. Tha anoikseis to mirc se kapoion apo tous allous ypologistes tou diktyou kai tha grapseis //server TESTIRCSERVER kai eisai mesa smile.gif" border="0


<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by top-gear:

<strong>Re man Lan chat theleis na exeis? akou, einai poly aplo exo ki ego. Sto pc pou exeis sa server, tha katevaseis to Conference Room 1.8 apo to www.webmaster.com (serial tha sou doso ego, mail me) kai tha to kaneis egatastasi. Vazeis oti plirofories sou zitaei kai sikoneis ton irc server. Lipon meta einai poly aplo. Gia paradeigma to onoma tou ypologisti einai TESTIRCSERVER. Tha anoikseis to mirc se kapoion apo tous allous ypologistes tou diktyou kai tha grapseis //server TESTIRCSERVER kai eisai mesa smile.gif" border="0 </strong><hr></blockquote><p>Exm... an katalava kala kaneis chat meso mIRC se LAN?


Give it to me baby...

AXA AXA smile.gif" border="0 <p>Exei gelio, giati kanw chat apo to dwmatio mou sto saloni kai sto domatio tis aderfis mou lol<p>Gia to serial tou Conference mi me vrisete ksexasa na to fero ap to spiti (eimai ote tora) mexri tin paraskevi tha to stilo se private message se opion to thelei mias kai den mpeno kathe mera smile.gif" border="0

tsiouuu<p>[ 24-12-2001: Message edited by: top-gear ]</p>


O ypologisths pou exei syndesh me to internet kai trexei to proxy programma, prepei apo ayto na shkwseis SOCKS.

An den exeis shkwsei, shkwse ta kai meta sta mirc twn clients phgene File->Options->Firewall tsekare to Use Firewall, dialekse SOCKS 5 h 4 analoga me ayto pou exeis shkwsei, vale thn ip tou kentrikou mhxanhmatos apo katw kathws kai thn port pou akouei o SOCK server pou shkwses kai logika tha eisai ok.<p>[ 29-12-2001: Message edited by: NeTeD ]</p>


H kaliterh lish einai IP-Masquerading.<p>Auto simenei Linux h Windows XP<p>Tha vlepoune ola ta pc web, ftp, irc, mail. Vasika opoiodipote protokolo...mexri kai cuseeme.

Den exo dokimasei sta XP alla sto Linux douleuei mia xara, exo stisei 3 diktia me auto apo 30pc to kathena.


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